
DeliciousMind = del.icio.us + FreeMind mindmap

 kukoo 2005-09-05

DeliciousMind = del. + MindMap

I‘m a big fan of del. for organizing everything I read on the internet. I also use FreeMind for structured brainstorming and graphical organization as a mindmap. Displaying tags as a mindmap tree was an obvious fit. I figured it wouldn‘t be too hard to transform an xml format from del. to the Freemind file format. A great benefit I found when I was researching, I discovered the mindmap format could also include weblinks on each of the nodes. This means you can click through the created mindmap tree and launch websites from your del. bookmarks directly within Freemind. On Windows, the links are even opened directly in your default browser.

To use DeliciousMind...

  • You must have Java installed and Java must be in your path.
  • Download deliciousmind.zip.
  • Unzip deliciousmind.zip to a directory.
  • Load the URL http://del./api/posts/recent?count=10000 in your browser (I hope you‘re using Firefox). You will be prompted to enter your del. username & password.
  • XML file structure will be displayed in your browser. File|Save Page As...
  • Save the file to the same directory as you‘ve unzipped deliciousmind.zip. Give it a name such as delicious.xml. This will be your input file to Deliciousmind.
  • To convert the xml file to a mindmap file, use the following command
    deliciousmind.cmd delicious.xml mindmap.mm
  • The mindmap.mm file does not exist yet, but will be the file to be created. The mindmap file should end in .mm for file recognition.
  • For example:
    > deliciousmind.cmd delicious-example.xml mindmap-example.mm
    00:26:13,627 INFO DeliciousMind - Converting Del. file delicious-example.xml
    00:26:13,938 INFO DeliciousMind - MindMap has been written to mindmap-example.mm
  • A command script (deliciousmind.cmd) exists for Windows, but Deliciousmind should work on any other platform since this is written in Java. You should be able to figure out how to run it by viewing the cmd file. If you want to contribute a script for unix, please email me.

Download deliciousmind.zip

Please contact me with any suggestions or comments (deliciousmind AT blainekendall DOT com)

Transform this xml from del. to ...

...this easily viewable and graphical mindmap.

Please contact me with any suggestions or comments (deliciousmind AT blainekendall DOT com).

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