

 bermuda 2006-04-18
作 者foxhidden


一个导演要是说出这么一句话,不外乎两种情况:一、在片中客串。比如希区科克、彼得·杰克逊,要是彼得·杰克逊看到自己扮演的海盗被箭射死时,他就可以说这句话,“看我造型多酷,死的多潇洒”;二、跟詹姆士·卡梅隆一样,大叫“我是世界之王”,潜台词就是“我掌控一切”,全片都是我的表演时刻,我爱怎么拍就怎么拍,你们谁也管不着。按道理科波拉这次肯定不是第一种情况,那应该是第二种。他倒是有资格说这个话,不过按照他的脾气不会说这样的话,而且要说影片开头就可以说,为啥现在才说?换成英文一看,是这样的:Obviously I had obligation to introduce these characters to the audiences for the first time, so this was the opportunity to do that.原来科波拉是说“他有义务在人物初次登场的时候向大家介绍,现在就是机会。”这也算是个技巧,人物繁多的电影用大场面来介绍人物最好,因为各路人马到齐,摄像机随便一扫就能介绍好多人而且不做作。还有我举这个例子是想说一下对FH这条讲评字幕的整体看法:首先由于是从官方的德文讲评字幕译出的,所以准确度较HL有了很大的提高;但由于是德文字幕,从英文到德文已经进行了一次转换,信息有缺失,又译成中文。这就好比把别人嚼过的甘蔗拿来又嚼一遍,原味尽失;FH这条字幕可以看出是以HL那条字幕为基础的,估计是减少打字时间,虽说大体上准确度提高,但在一些小细节上屡屡出现无厘头错误,有些地方甚至还不如HL听译的。原因也很简单,笔译最重要是看懂原文,这样译出的译文才准确,雅不雅那要看你的国学功底,所以说有时候从文字译真还不如听译准确。下面我会给出具体例子。好,言归正传,继续往下说。

8.At the wedding there were lots of music, Tarantellas and other Italian music, my father was very hanker to begin the career, composing. It had been concert fluent this, so I asked him to write all of the Tarantellas and organized the band, because I’m the person who believe that the band in the movie should really be able to be played, very often movies cheap to hire actors who just stayed with their instruments, don’t really play, but I found that technic having a real band in neighbors you can control the crowd and get them in the mood, and in fact the band actually plays, this is another expense, so it is another one of my requests that to the producers. I was just kind of spending money for nothing.


9.Casting of Mom, she, of course, is a well-known Sicilian singer of Morgana King, well-known as a jazz singer, but when I met her, some addition situation, she just made me think of, you know kind of handsome, authentic Sicilian woman that would be his wife.



10.There are lot of tension on the set during the sequence, this is wedding had to be done according the schedule, I think was two and half days, and the sequence was not shot early in the movie but shot in the midway through and I was in great danger in being fired, we had studio kind of henchmen there who was constantly pushing, was like very uncomfortable situation to try to do all these stuffs very often.

11.Although Gordon Willis did not like when I asked to have two cameras you see that two camera work if you know how spat that using long lens and I was desperately try to get all these by Tarantellas, by all these characters, introduce them and yet had to do it under duress, and the fact we won’t finish, they ordered me either finish the wedding by end of third day or just not finish yet, use what I had. And so those shots with Michael and Kay not the one looking tours Johnny, but those shots were shot at night, it doesn’t look like it but this shot of course Al and Kay, it fact shot at night with lights just splash in the small area, Gordon Willis was furies that having to do it and I had to get it, so I had no choice and I always remark how when you look at it you really don’t know the differences.

12.Obviously Johnny Fontane was inspired by a kind of Frank Sinatra characters and my impression of young Frank Sinatra was, you know, girls screaming when he crewed, so I had teenage jumping up and down, screaming while the scene was going on but again I remind you that shot of Al, shot of Kay, was shot at night, and was just link to the party, Gordon did very good job although he was as mad as hell and having to do it.


13.Obviously the actresses were professional actresses but many of my family, in there too. You will see my mother, back around dancing and singing and being one of the crowds. Some other relatives as well. But there were many, many characters try to establish the sequence set we said we did in two and half days, it was tough, tough enterprise and you know, I always felt I shot very sloppily. I felt I shot much of the picture in a rush basically, we made Godfather in 62 days, cost about 6.5 million dollars.
This lady singing the aria here is my cousin, she indeed sing aria from operas, because my father was behind all of the musical accounts, I was trying to vary the show with different attractions.

14.In the scene was Johnny Fontane sort of crack up, cry for the Don Corleone, you notice the camera was on his back and this is because Al Martino was, you know, not terribly experience actor, he was charming singer but he with having trouble to get the emotion that he needed, so we decided to kind of put on the desk and put the back to the camera and he can do anything he want. We could help prepared with that sound. Marlon was really shaken up, slap his face, and really work on something awful to get that rise of it.


15.You notice this scene when he take Johnny out the door, that is a open the door, lady who was an actress, who was supposed walking by, suddenly with shock by the fact now the scene was showing her, her stand door away, backs up, get out the way, I always see that one, I see the film because she was basically making a mistake but I guess no one else notice it.


16.The interesting story I chose Nino Rota to write the music, the studio was not very comfortable with this choice, and when I finally brought the music that Rota’s wrote had done, putting in the picture, studio hated it, even the Bob Evans hated the music, said:” he was never stay.” He just done the movie called “Love story” which the music was very popular, so he considered himself quite an expert on that.


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