
WebLogic Administration Portal Online Help

 jianjun0921 2006-05-04


How Do I? Topics

Administering Portals

Overview of Security

Users and Groups

Delegated Administration

Visitor Entitlements

Interaction Management

Content Management

Portal Management

Service Administration

Search Management


Task 1: Setting Up Users and Groups

Task 2: Building a Portal

Task 3: Setting Entitlements for Portal Resources

Task 4: Setting Up and Managing Content

Task 5: Setting Up Personalization

Task 6: Setting Up Delegated Administration Roles


How do I? Topics

Portal Tasks

How Do I Change the Appearance of a Portal?

How Do I Localize a Portal?

How Do I Create Multi-Channel Portals?

How Do I Create (Duplicate) a New Portlet?

How Do I Create Configurable Portlets?

How Do I Create Different Views of My Portal for Different Users?

Content Tasks

How Do I Add Content to My Portal?

How Do I Organize Content?

How Do I Personalize and Update Content?

Users and Groups Tasks

How Do I Set Up a New Administrator?

How Do I Entitle Users to See Specific Parts of My Portal?

How Do I Change an Administrator Password?

How Do I Update User Information?


WebLogic Administration Portal Online Help

Administering Portals with WebLogic Administration Portal

Overview of Portal Security

Users and Groups

Overview of Users and Groups

Overview of Group Hierarchy

Overview of User Profiles and Property Sets

Create a New User
Find Users
Edit a User Profile Values
Add a User to a Group
Remove Users from Groups
Change a User‘s Password
List a User‘s Group Membership
Delete a User from the System
Create a Group
Move a Group - Change a Group‘s Position in the Group Hierarchy
Delete a Group
Assign Delegated Administration to Groups
Remove Delegated Administration from Groups

Delegated Administration

Overview of Delegated Administration

Overview of Delegated Administration Hierarchy

Create a New Delegated Administration Role
Add a User to a Role
Add a Group to a Role
Add Users to Administrative Roles with Expressions
Remove a User from a Role
Remove a Group from a Role
Grant Delegation Authority to an Existing Role
Move a Role - Change a Role‘s Position in the Hierarchy
Delete a Delegated Administration Role
Rename a Role
Delegated Administration Role Policy Reference Summary

Visitor Entitlements

Overview of Visitor Entitlements

Create a Visitor Role
Add Users to a Visitor Role
Add Groups to a Visitor Role
Add Users to Visitor Roles with Expressions
Modify Visitor Role Properties
Rename a Visitor Role
Delete a Visitor Role
Assign Delegated Administration of Visitor Entitlement Roles
Remove Delegated Administration of Visitor Entitlement Roles
Visitor Entitlement Role Policy Reference Summary

Security Providers

Using Multiple Authentication Providers with WebLogic Portal

View Security Provider Properties
Assign Delegated Administration to Security Providers

Interaction Management

Overview of Interaction Management

Overview of Campaigns

Duplicate or Modify a Campaign
Modify a Content Action
Modify an Email Action
Modify a Discount Action
Preview a Modified Campaign Action

Overview of Placeholders

Modify a Placeholder

Overview of Content Selectors

Modify a Content Selector

Overview of User Segments

Modify a User Segment
Duplicate a User Segment

Assign Delegated Administration of Interaction Management Resources
Remove Delegated Administration of Interaction Management Resources

Content Management

Overview of Content Management

View Content, Type, or Repository

Overview of Managing Content

Overview of Repositories

Add a Content Item
Add a Content Node
Copy a Content Item
Delete a Content Item
Edit a Content Item
Move a Content Item
Rename a Content Item
Update a Content File associated with a Content Item

Using Library Services with a BEA Repository

Create a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Rename a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Add a Content Node within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Copy a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Delete a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Edit a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Move a Content Item within a Library Services-Enabled Repository
Check In a Content Item
Check Out a Content Item
Check Out a Previous Version of a Content Item
Change Status of Content Item
Update a Content File in a Library Services-Enabled Repository

Managing Types

Add a Content Type
Copy a Content Type
Delete a Content Type
Edit a Content Type
Rename a Content Type
Add Content Type Properties

Overview of Repositories

Add a New Repositoy Connection
Modify an Existing Repository Connection
Configure a Filesystem Repository Connection
Edit Properites of a Repository Connection
Enabling Library Services for a BEA Repository
Disconnect a Repository

Assign Delegated Administration of Content Management Resources
Remove Delegated Administration of Content Management Resources

Portal Management

Overview of Portal Management

Overview of Library Administration

Overview of Portal Administration

Overview of Desktops

Create a Desktop
Modify Desktop Properties

Overview of Books

Create a Book
Set the Primary Book on a Desktop
Add a Book to a Book
Modify Book Properties
Rearrange the Pages in Your Book
Add Pages to a Book

Overview of Look and Feels

Assign Look and Feel to a Desktop

Manage Look and Feels

Overview of Pages

Create a Page
Rearrange the Portlets on a Page
Manage Page Content

Overview of Portlets

Add a Portlet to a Page
Add a Remote Portlet
Add a Producer
Filtering the Available Portlets List
Deleting Remote Portlets
Manage Portlet Properties
Lock a Portlet‘s Position on a Page
Create a Portlet Preference
Edit a Portlet Preference

Overview of Portlet Categories

Manage Portlet Category Properties
Create a Portlet Category
Manage a Portlet Category

Overview of Shells

Assign a New Shell to a Desktop
Modify Shell Properties

Overview of Themes

Assign a Theme to a Portal Element
Modify Themes

Overview of Portals

Create a New Portal

Overview of Portal Resources

Updating Portal Resources
Set Entitlements on Portal Resources

Remove Entitlements from Portal Resources
Make Portal Resources Available in the Weblogic Administration Portal
Delete a Portal Resource from the Portal Library

Overview of Layouts

Modify Layout Properties

Assign Delegated Administration of Portal Resources
Remove Delegated Administration of Portal Resources

Service Administration

Overview of Service Administration

Overview of Configurable Services

Add and Remove Configurable Items


Using Multiple Authentication Providers with WebLogic Portal
Authentication Hierarchy Service
Authentication Service Provider Service

Ad Service

Configure the Ad Service
Ad Service Configuration Parameters

Behavior Tracking

Configure Behavior Tracking
Behavior Tracking Configuration Parameters


Create a New Cache
Configure a Cache
New Cache Configuration Parameters
Configure Cache Configuration Parameters

Campaign Service

Configure a Campaign Service
Campaign Service Configuration Parameters

Content Provider

Configure a New Content Provider
Content Provider Configuration Parameters

Event Service

Configure an Event Service
Event Service Configuration Parameters

Mail Service

Configure a Mail Service
Mail Service Configuration Parameters

Payment Client Service

Configure a Payment Client Service
Payment Client Service Configuration Parameters

Scenario Service

Configure a Scenario Service
Scenario Service Configuration Parameters

Tax Service

Configure a Tax Service
Tax Service Configuration Parameters


Overview of Search Services

Start a Search Service
Stop a Search Service
Pause a Search Service
Restart a Search Service
Restart the DRE
Create a New Auto Indexer Job
Create a New Database within the DRE
Create a New HTTP Fetch Job
Delete an Auto Indexer Job
Delete a Database within the DRE
Delete an HTTP Fetch Job


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