
加速xp 碎片整理(defrag)速度

 scavenger001 2006-08-06

加速xp 碎片整理(defrag)速度

原文如下,大意为一启动xp就立刻整理碎片,这样pagefile.sys 页面文件是干净的,不用花时间去整理这个文件了。可以在注册表中,服务 RunOnce 中添加 Defrag.exe c: /f,这样启动后自动开始整理碎片。

A simple way to speed up a defrag operation in Windows XP is to restart the system before you launch Defrag. This allows the operating system to clear out the swap/paging file and reset it to the default size. This lets Defrag focus strictly on the necessary data on the hard disk, without having to stop and manage a huge swap file loaded with unneeded data.

Another approach to speeding up a defrag operation in Windows XP is to configure them to occur immediately upon startup. Fortunately, you can do so easily with a simple registry edit. Follow these steps:

1. Launch the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce.
3. Right-click the RunOncesubkey and select New | String Value.
4. Name the value Defrag and press [Enter] twice.
5. Type Defrag.exe c: /f in the Value Data text box, and click OK.
6. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows.

The defrag operation will begin when you type in your password and press [Enter]. (Keep in mind that values added to the RunOnce key are removed immediately after the command has been run.)

Note: This tip applies to both Windows XP Home and Professional editions.

via Speed up Windows XP‘s defrag operations


defrag <volume> [-a] [-f] [-v] [-?]
volume 驱动器号或装载点(d: 或 d:\vol\mountpoint)
-a 只分析
-f 即使可用空间不足,也强制碎片整理
-v 详述结果
-? 显示这段帮助文字

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