
Space 简易教程(三十一)—— 多个 PowerToy 模块的添加

 小明 2006-09-25
Space 简易教程(三十一)—— 多个 PowerToy 模块的添加

MSN Space Easy Tutorial (31) —— Adding Multiple PowerToy Modules in Your Space

当我写完《MSN Space 简易教程(二十六)—— PowerToy 模块》,就曾有朋友问我,能否在 MSN Space 中添加两个以上的 Custom HTML 或者 Windows Media Player 模块。现在有了肯定的答案,此研究成果要归功于 Mr. Yang。我仔细学习了一下,再根据自己的心得体会,写了这篇教程,并配上插图,以便大家掌握。
注意:请先按照教程(二十六)中的方法,添加了一个 Custom HTML 和 Windows Media Player 模块后,再使用本教程添加更多的 PowerToy 模块!另外,请大家一定要看补充说明教程(四十三),以免出现问题而不知所措。
下面我就以添加多个 Custom HTML 模块为例,建议先尝试添加两个。
1、MSN Space 的主页登录进入你的共享空间。
2、在 IE 地址栏内写入:http://YourID.spaces./Customize/,并按 Enter回车)键。记得要用你的空间注册名称来替换上述地址中的“YourID”,比如:你的空间首页地址是 http://abcd.spaces./,那么要输入的地址就是 http://abcd.spaces./Customize/
3、现在应该进入了“自定义版式”的界面,用鼠标点击 IE 工具栏上的 View(查看),选择下拉菜单中的 Source(源文件),则会在 Notepad(记事本)打开此页面的 HTML 源代码。在源代码中查找(快捷键:Ctrl+F<br></div></FORM>,找到后在<br></div></FORM>之间添加如下代码:
English Version
After finishing my "MSN Space Easy Tutorial 26 —— PowerToy Modules", some friends asked me whether it could be possible to add 2 or more Custom HTML PowerToys in one space. Now the answer is positive according to Mr. Yang‘s study. Based on my own experience, I write this illustrated guide to make it clear to understand and easy to follow.
Notice: Please make sure that you already have one PowerToy module in your space! Although I once had 4 Custom HTML or Windows Media Player PowerToys in my space and everthing was all right, I strongly recommend not to add too many PowerToys in your space.
Follow these steps to have 2 or more Custom HTML modules in your MSN spaces. 
1. Log in your MSN Space.
2. In the IE address bar, type in: http://YourID.spaces./Customize/, and press the Enter key or click Go button. For example, your ID in MSN Space is abcd, then type in http://abcd.spaces./Customize/.
3. Now you see the "Customize Layout" page. Click "View" button in IE menu bar, then select "Source". The source code file will be opened in a Notepad window. Try to find <br></div></FORM> in the code file (hotkey: Ctrl+F), then add the following HTML codes between <br></div> and </FORM> tags: 
<div class="Part"><input onclick="selectPartType(this);" type="checkbox"‘ title="This is an unsupported module supplied for the purpose of evaluation." id="CustomHTML" name="PowerToy: Custom HTML" value="CustomHTML"><label for="pCustomHTML">PowerToy: Custom HTML</label> <br></div>
如果你的空间一个 Custom HTML 模块都没有,请先按照教程(二十六)中的方法,添加了一个;如果已经有一个 Custom HTML 模块,则只需添加上述代码一次(原 Custom HTML 模块中的代码请事先保存)。
4、代码添加完成后,在 Notepad(记事本)菜单中选择 “另存为...”,将文件保存为 .HTM 格式的文件(如下图所示)。
If you installed Custom HTML PowerToy before, then add the above code once, or add them at least twice to get 2 or more Custom HTML PowerToys in your space.
4. After adding the codes, use "Save As..." function to save the modified code file in a .HTM file, as shown in the following animated picture.

5、在 IE 窗口中打开(快捷键:Ctrl+O,再“浏览”...)这个新保存的 .HTM 文件,就可以看到在 Modules(模块)栏内已经出现了两个 Custom HTML 模块。请将两个模块都选中?
5. Open the saved .HTM file in the IE window (hotkey: Ctrl+O, then browse...). You may see the 2 or more Custom HTML PowerToys in the Modules frame. Check all the boxes in front of them ?.

6、这时检查一下,在下面的 Module Arrangement(模块排列)中能否看到两个 Custom HTML 模块。如果能看到两个 Custom HTML 模块,则点击页面最下方的 “保存” 按钮即可(点击“保存”后,会自动返回你的编辑共享空间首页)。如果没有看到,请看教程(四十三)中的说明。
6. Now you should find 2 or more Custom HTML PowerToys in the Module Arrangement frame. Remember to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. If not, please disable your firewall and antivirus software, and change your IE setting to allow Active-X controls.

7、在你的 Space 编辑状态首页里,应该能看到两个 Custom HTML 模块了吧!如果两个模块不在同一列内,则左边的一个是主模块(例如:上图中鼠标点中的那个模块),另一个是副模块。若两个模块在同一列中,则上面的一个是主模块。假若添加了多个 Custom HTML 模块,也只有一个是主模块,其他都是副模块。需要注意的是:在副模块中做任何更改都是无效的,多个副模块的内容总是相同的。所以添加两个以上的 Custom HTML 模块并无太大意义。
8、如果希望主、副模块中的内容相同,则先在主模块中写好代码并保存,再将主、副模块移动到所需位置,保存 Layout(版式)即可。如果需要主、副模块中内容不同,则需要先把副模块的内容写入主模块内并保存,再将主、副模块移动到所需位置,保存 Layout(版式),然后在主模块内写入新的代码并保存。此时,主、副模块中的内容已经不相同了。不过你不能再改变版式,因为每一次改变版式后(例如:移动模块位置、改变页面排布),主、副模块中的内容会自动变为一致!对此有疑问的朋友,可以看看教程(四十三)中的详细说明。
对于 Windows Media Player 模块,也可以采取类似的办法来添加多个模块,需要添加的代码是:
7. After returning to the webpage of "Edit Your Space", you should see 2 or more Custom HTML modules there. They looks the same, but they are differnt. The leftmost one is the chief module, all others are associate molules. If there are 2 or more molules in the same column, the topmost one is the chief module. In general, the codes in associate modules are decided by the chief module. In other words, you cannot change the content of associate modules directly. All associate modules have the same content.
8. It is easy to get all Custom HTML Modules with the same content. Write the codes into the chief module and save it, then move the module to your desire position and save the layout. To make difference between the chief and associate modules, you need one more step. After making both chief and associate modules with the same content, input new codes into the chief module then save it. Please remember if you change the layout of your space, the content in all associate modules will automatically become the same as the chief module.
Using the similar method, we can add 2 or more Windows Media Player (WMP) PowerToys in our spaces. The HTML codes to add into the source code file is as the following:    
<div class="Part"><input onclick="selectPartType(this);" type="checkbox" title="This is an unsupported module supplied for the purpose of evaluation." id="MediaPlayer" name="PowerToy: Windows Media Player" value="MediaPlayer"><label for="pMediaPlayer">PowerToy: Windows Media Player</label> <br></div>
所有 WMP 模块会播放同样的内容(尚未发现让其播放不同内容的办法)。如果添加多于两个 WMP 模块,则可能在播放时会出现明显不同步的情况。我这里只给出了添加多个 PowerToy 模块的办法,具体怎么使用,还要看大家的聪明才智了。
补充:添加了多个 PowerToy 模块后,当你再点击“自定义”中的“模块”按钮,则会回到 MSN Space 的登录界面。如果需要新增添列表/模块,请先参照上述办法将重复的 PowerToy 模块去除,就是在第5步中将多余的 PowerToy 模块不选,然后再添加新的模块。


All WMP PowerToys will play the same content. And till now no effective way is found to make them to play different files. If you add more than 2 WMP Modules in your space, you may see the delay between them, although they play the same file.
Supplement: After adding multiple PowerToys in your space, if you want to add or delete the custom list or other modules, you have to use the similar method to delete the mutiple PowerToy modules first. Then add other modules as usual.
( This is my first tutorial written in English, so I am really glad to have your comments on it. Thank you, my friends. Have fun! )

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