
Dirk Knemeyer:人类需求的五个层次

 夏天 2006-10-11
最近Dirk Knemeyer在UXmatters发表了一篇文章:Applied Empathy: A Design Framework for Meeting Human Needs and Desires。 本文提出一种设计观点和方法去匹配现实世界中潜在用户的需要和渴望。马斯洛的金字塔需求理论(从低到高:physiological, safety, love/belonging, status, and actualization.),他认为人们不能获得较高层次的需求满足,如果不能满足较低层次需求。所以马斯洛需求理论是分层渐进式的。

Maslow’s concept is that people aren’t motivated by higher-level needs until their lower-level needs have been met. So, he has conceptually defined all human needs and placed them along a hierarchical and progressive continuum that requires someone’s needs to be fulfilled at one level before the next level of needs becomes important.

Dirk Knemeyer提出一种相对宽松的需求模型,更多的是反应每个层次需求强度和带来的产品/用户体验的推动关系。

My five States of Being reflect the increasing relationship between the power and importance of needs at each level and the degree of personal commitment and desire each level engenders toward a product or user experience.


  • 参与Participation
  • 工作?Engagement
  • 提升Productivity
  • 快乐Happiness
  • 幸福Well-Being

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