

 zzarthur 2006-10-25
2006-10-19 22:13:51




Brazilian granny who shot thief to get Rio medal

Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:15am ET


RIO DE JANEIRO(里约热内卢), Brazil, Oct 18 (Brazil) - A 67-year-old Brazilian grandmother who shot and wounded (击伤)a bag-snatcher (偷包贼)in Rio de Janeiro will get a medal (勋章) from the crime-ridden (充满犯罪行为的) city‘s legislators even though she faces trial (面临受审判) for illegal gun possession (违法持枪).


A spokeswoman(发言人) for the municipal legislative chamber said on Wednesday deputies had voted unanimously (全体选举一致通过)to award pensioner Maria Dora dos Santos Arbex with the Pedro Ernesto Merit medal, for exceptional service (特殊贡献) to the city of Rio de Janeiro.


On October 8, the retired nurse was walking her poodle (遛她的狮子狗) in the middle-class neighborhood of Flamengo when a thief tried to take her cell phone and purse.


Dos Santos Arbex, who said it was the fourth such assault (第四次类似袭击)she had faced, took out a .38 caliber revolver 38毫米口径的连发左轮手枪)and shot the thief in the hand. The man tried to flee (试图逃跑) but was caught by police, who also charged her with illegal gun possession (告她非法持枪).


She has been released on parole(被假释)but is awaiting trial (候审). Her case has caused a barrage of criticism against the authorities for doing nothing to contain street crime.


Police argue the award sets a bad example(树立了一个坏典型), especially since the gun had not been legally registered (合法登记).


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