

 苹果 2007-01-07
一、Nature    自然
1.Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.         ------    Francis Bacon
     要想驾驭自然,必须服从自然。                                            培根
2.Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.         ------    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    大自然永远带着精神的色彩。                                                  爱默生 
3.True wit is nature to advantage drest.                  ------       Alexander Pope
    真正的才华是将自然的品质加以增色的装点。                           蒲柏
4. Genius learns from nature,talent from books.         ------   Josh Billings
    天资从自然中来,才华从书籍中来。                                         比林斯
5. There is no time like spring, when life‘s alive in every thing.    ------Christina Georgiina Rossetti
    没有一个时节像春天那样万物贲华,生机盎然。                                克里斯蒂那.罗塞蒂
6. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still trully adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.  
                                                                                       ------Ralph Waldo Emerson
    热爱大自然的人是那种内外感觉依然一致,在进入成年后依然保持童心的人。    爱默生           

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