
HOWTO: Installing and compiling the latest latex and kile packages in Ubuntu

 billdoors 2007-02-20

HOWTO: Installing and compiling the latest latex and kile packages in Ubuntu

Tetex is no longer mantained (see http://www./tetex/), so if we want the latest and greatest, we must install the latex system from the latest TeX live cd install.

First of all remove tetex-base, tetex-common, tetex-bin and kile from the repos.

The tetex package is no longer mantained so get the TeX Live Cd and kile source code from :



Get the packages texlive2005-inst-20051102.iso.zip and kile-1.9.1.tar.bz2

Once downloaded the tex live cd iso image unzip it by:

unzip texlive2005-inst-20051102.iso.zip and you’ll get the iso image. Burn it using your preferred burning app.

Installing the Tex system:

Go to the directory where the TeX Live cd is mounted /media/cdrom and execute:

sudo bash ./install-tl.sh

You’ll get a menu with several options:

Type S (Scheme) and C (install everything).

Type D (Directory) and you’ll get the predefined installation directories. You don’t have to change them if you don’t want to. The 2 option I changed it to /usr/local/texmf-local but the default is Ok.

Press R to return to the main menu and type I (install). It will take a while to install the tex system in your computer. Once finished you’ll get the following:


Add the following line to your .bashrc:

close the Console, open a new one and you’ll get all the latex tools in the command line :-)

When running latex if you get the error:

/home/yourusername/.texlive2005/texmf-var/ls-R: Permission denied

then go into the /home/yourusername/.texlive2005/texmf-var/ and type

sudo chown username:username ls-R

Installing Kile from source

Install the following packages from the repos:



Take into account that kde-devel has more than one hundred dependencies, but it takes less than 15 minutes to download them and install them if you are in a broadband connection.


tar -xjvf kile-1.9.1.tar.bz2

cd kile-1.9.1

type kde-config - -prefix and you’ll get /usr


./configure - -prefix=/usr

if you don’t get any errors, then


and sudo make install. That’s all

If you need the latex2html package download it from http://www./ and get the package





sudo make install

Happy TeXing!!

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