
[希腊神话]The Trojan War 特洛伊战争

 素行 2007-07-18



The Trojan War  

At a wedding party Eris the goddess of discord threw a golden apple bearing the wordsFor the fairest!” HeraAthena and Aphroditeeach wanting to get it for herselfwere sent to Paris for judgement A shepherd on Mt IdaParis gave the apple to Aphrodite because she had promised to obtain for him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world
Paris was the son of Priamthe king of TroyAt his birth his mother Queen Hecuba dreamed of holding a piece of burning woodSo he was regarded as likely to bring destruction on the cityand was by chance exposed to the sunwind and rain on MtIda He was finally saved and brought up by the herdsmen thereNow acting on the instruction of Aphroditehe went down the mountain to take part in the game held in Troyand there so famous did he become that King Priam and Queen Hecuba received him joyfully back into the royal palace
Soon he was sent to Greece at the head of a great team of boatshe went to Spartawhereas Aphrodite had told himthe most beautiful woman of the timeHelenlivedKing MenelausHelen‘s husbandgenerously received him but Paris returned his host‘s kindness with no thanksIn the king‘s absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to TroyTo paybackGreek took up armsThe Trojan war broke out

As the Greek ships gathered at the port of Aulisno favouring wind blew up A prophet told the comander of the expedition Agamemnonthat he had to offer his daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice to ArtemisIphigenia was placed before the goddess‘ altar but Artemis took her away at the last minuteputting a red deer(赤鹿) in her placeAgamemnon‘ s wife Clytemnestra was greatly enraged at her husband‘ s cruelty
The war lasted ten yearsduring which both sides suffered the misfortunes of war Agamemnon fought with Achilles over a captive princess and in angerAchilles refused to fightHis friend Patroclusborrowed his armour and went out to change the situation of warbut was killed by Hectorthe eldest son of PriamBent on revenge Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnonand putting on his new armour made by Hephaestuswent out to avenge his friendHe killed Hector and dragged his dead body three times around the walls of Troy But soon afterAchilles was wounded in the heel by Paris and died in battle Paris had not long to live eitherfor he was killed by a friend of Achilles‘ As Achilles left his armour to the bravest of the Greeksa bitter struggle happened between its two worthy contestantsand when the weapons were given to Odysseus by judge Ajax took his own life for grief and shame
At the end of nine years a prophet predicted that Troy would not fall as long as the Palladium stayed within its wallsOdysseus and Diomedes went into the city in disguise and stole it out of the temple of the city Then the Greeks designed a great wooden horsein which some Greek soldiers hid themselvesand made believe to withdraw Taken in by rumour that the horse had been sent by Athena the overjoyed Trojans hauled it into their capital At night the hidden Greeks crawled out and threwthe whole city into confusion Tory was robbed King Priam was killedQueen Hecubaher daughter Cassandra and her daughter in law Andromache were all carried into slavery Helen and Menelaus were on good terms again and disappeared in the west Agamemnon went back to Mycenae only to be murdered by his own wife His son Orestes killed his mother and was pursued by the Furies Odysseus went through untold hardshipsstruggling with wind and wavebefore he reached his home island Ithaca to reunite with  his faithful wife PenelopeAeneasone of the Trojan princesafter narrowly escaping death at Troywandered from land to land for a long time and becamein the endthe founder of the Roman race

   所以当赫克托尔的堂妹布里塞伊丝 指责阿喀琉斯杀戮太多无辜时,后者轻蔑地说:“你不懂男人。”

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