
Theories Used in IS Research Reference Library

 昵称52215 2007-12-09
Absorptive capacity
Actor-network theory
Adaptive structuration theory
Administrative behavior theory
Agency theory
Argumentation theory
Chaos theory
Cognitive dissonance theory
Cognitive fit theory
Competitive strategy (Porter)
Complexity theory
Contingency theory
Critical social theory
Diffusion of innovations theory
Dynamic capabilities
Evolutionary theory
Expectation confirmation theory
Feminism theory
Game theory
General systems theory
Illusion of control
Information processing theory
Institutional theory
Knowledge-based theory of the firm
Media richness theory
Organizational information processing theory
Organizational knowledge creation
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
Real options theory
Resource-based view of the firm
Resource dependency theory
Self-efficacy theory
Social exchange theory
Social cognitive theory
Social network theory
Social capital theory
Socio-technical theory
Soft systems theory
Structuration theory
Task-technology fit
Technology acceptance model
Theory of planned behavior
Theory of reasoned action
Transaction cost economics
Transactive memory theory
Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

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