
Health Website Rankings: Mercola.com is Now World‘s

 横子 2007-12-24

Health Website Rankings: Mercola.com is Now World‘s #1!

Below is a routinely updated ranking of the Web‘s most visited health websites provided by Alexa.com and grouped into both 1) natural health sites, and 2) all health sites in all categories.

Keep in mind that the lower the Alexa.com ranking number, the more popular the website. For example, a website with an Alexa.com rank of 10,000 means of all the over 300 million of websites that exist, that website is the 10,000th most visited on the entire Internet.

There are many tens of thousands of health websites, so why is Mercola.com the #1 most visited natural health website of them all - and one of the world‘s most visited of all health websites in any health category? Take a look at the latest rankings below, and then scroll down for the answer!


Most Visited Natural Health Content Sites
Name URL Rank
1.  Dr. Mercola www. 7991
2.  NewsTarget www. 16161
3.  Mothering www. 28576
4.  Health A to Z www. 30413
5.  Prevention www. 32526
6.  Gary Craig‘s EFT www. 32855
7.  LEF www. 45860
8.  Dr. Weil www. 50158
9.  Health World Online www. 93110
10.  Chet Day www. 102016
11.  Weston A. Price Foundation www. 108614
12.  Shirley‘s Wellness Cafe www. 118390
13.  Seek Wellness www. 127523
14.  Dr. D‘Adamo www. 136616
15.  Dr. Chopra www. 137145
16.  True Star Health www. 169172
17.  Consumer Lab www. 191480
18.  ChiroWeb www. 194254
19.  Dr. Mirkin www. 200437
20.  HSI Baltimore www. 204786
21.  Holistic Healing www. 234206
22.  Dr. Stoll www. 237729
23.  Alt Med www. 272433

24.  Gary Null www. 343042

Most Visited Health Content Sites
Name URL Rank
1.  NIH www. 447
2.  WebMd www. 1798
3.  MedicineNet www. 3388
4.  CDC www. 3930
5.  Mayo Clinic www. 3981
6.  World Health Organization www./en 4108
7.  Kid‘s Health www. 4695
8.  Men‘s Health Magazine www. 5320
9.  MedScape www. 5875
10.  eMedicine www. 5883
11.  Drugs.com www. 6500
12.  Wrong Diagnosis www. 7620
13.  Dr. Mercola www. 7991
14.  BMJ www. 8073
15.  MedHelp www. 8499
16.  Food and Drug Adminstration www. 8890
17.  Revolution Health www. 9724
18.  NEJM www. 10677
19.  RxList www. 10788
20.  Real Age www. 11139
21.  HealthLine www. 11351
22.  AMA www. 12670
23.  Everyday Health www. 13235
24.  NewsTarget www. 16161
25.  U.S. Department of Health & Human Services www. 22263


Websites such as CNN and MSNBC that offer health information among many other subject areas are not included in the rankings here, as traffic to these specific areas of their sites cannot be separated from traffic to their entire site. If you believe any medical or health Website has been overlooked, please check their name at www.Alexa.com or contact us.

Related Information:

See Mercola.com‘s Position in Previous Rankings

The 2 Main Reasons Mercola.com is #1

  1. 1,224,255 subscribers -- including tens of thousands of health professionals -- read and trust the Mercola.com "eHealthy News You Can Use" e-newsletter -- and that number is growing by an average of 1000 subscribers per day! Why? Because:

    • You don‘t have time to sift through the 200 medical studies that come out each week, but if you want to live longer & healthier you deserve to know which studies matter to your personal health, and why and how. The Mercola.com e-newsletter does the work for you, providing the key insights you need to know!

    • You want all the insights on how medical and dietary research pertains to you personally -- in a straightforward manner that makes sense, without scientific jargon or fluff -- and with the Mercola.com "eHealthy News You Can Use" e-newsletter that‘s exactly what you get

    • You‘ll get important dietary advice in my newsletter long before you can find it anywhere else. I have been a physician for over two decades, with extensive education and experience in natural, conventional and alternative health, and in that time I‘ve built a reputation as one of the leading diet and nutrition experts in the nation. You‘ll get this insight free!

    • You also get original health & wellness articles from a wide variety of other leading health professionals in all fields, such as women‘s health, chiropractic, exercise and beyond; these are the top experts in their fields providing highly useful information you won‘t see anywhere else

    • Even with all of the above, your Mercola.com "eHealthy News You Can Use" e-newsletter subscription is FREE

  2. Millions of people daily visit Mercola.com to search from over 50,000 pages of information for proven and practical solutions to their health and wellness concerns. Why? Because:

    • Mercola.com contains over 50,000 pages of health & wellness information on every medical topic -- and using our powerful search engine the answers to your health questions are simple to find!

    • Mercola.com does NOT accept any third-party advertising or sponsorship, and I am in no way tied into any pharmaceutical company or any other corporate "interest" whatsoever. So you get the real inside scoop on health issues, with practical advice that matters to you untainted by outside influence!

    • The health and medical information is provided first-hand by experienced, credentialed professional experts. The articles are either created by me, Dr. Mercola, or by other physicians or health professionals and reviewed by me. I have been a physician for over twenty years with a long list of accomplishments that I invite you to read about in My Qualifications.

    • In a world overflowing with tens of thousands of "health" foods, supplements, gadgets, books and more, people are understandably confused as to which (very few) such products are truly worthwhile and deliver true health value. Only after careful review and with your health in mind (and again without any outside influence), you‘ll find reviews and insights for only the top-recommended health products that can truly help you. Those that may be difficult for some to find are offered in the "Most Popular Products" area. 

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