
如何用C开发DataStage Parallel Routine

 dazheng 2008-05-20

    很多人都在问DataStage Parallel Routine如何写,可是几乎没有人回答,网上也没有找到。倒是从网上找到一个用C++开发Parallel Routine的 ,只是试了试没有成功。URL如下:http://blogs./dw/soa/archives/datastage-parallel-routines-made-really-easy-20926


1、用C开发Parallel Routine,需要用到 Makefile去编译C文件





// Example functions to be used as parallel external user functions in the transformer stage


// These are examples for Solaris, and are intended for demonstration purposes only.



#include "string.h"


// Case 1: Returning an int value


int TrxFuncInt()


    return -1034;



// Case 2: Returning an unsigned char


unsigned char TrxFuncUChar()


    return (unsigned char)‘&‘;



// Case 3: Returning a long


long long TrxFuncLong()


    return 119921;



// Case 4: Returning a char string


char* TrxFuncCharStr()


    return (char*)"TestString";



// Case 5: A function taking one of each type of argument


int TrxFuncAllArgs(signed char arg1, unsigned char arg2,

                    short arg3,       unsigned short arg4,

                    int arg5,         unsigned int arg6,

                    long long arg7,   unsigned long long arg8,

                    float arg9,

                    double arg10,

                    char* arg11)


    int retval;


    // this just checks the value of each input argument. If all the values are

    // as expected then it returns 0, otherwise -1


    if (arg1 != ‘&‘) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg2 != (unsigned char)‘&‘) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg3 != -3) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg4 != 4) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg5 != 5555) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg6 != 6665) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg7 != -77777) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg8 != 87654) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if ((arg9 <= 2.2) || (arg9 >= 2.4)) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (arg10 != 4.3) {

        retval = -1;

    } else if (strcmp(arg11, (char*)"TestString") != 0) {

        retval = -1;

    } else {

        retval = 0;


    return retval;




# =====================================================================

# Example Makefile to build the example transformer external functions


# SOLARIS version, intended for demonstration purposes only.


# =====================================================================

TARGETLIB   = libTrxFuncs.so

CODESRC         = TrxFuncs.c

TARGETOBJ  = TrxFuncs.o

CC          = g++


LIBCC       = $(CC)

LDOPTIONS   = -nostartfiles -Wl,-Bshareable,-Bsymbolic,--allow-shlib-undefined

.SUFFIXES: .c .o

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Rules

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------





       $(CC) $(CCOPTIONS) -c $(CODESRC) -o $(TARGETOBJ)


       @rm -f $(TARGETOBJ) $(TARGETLIB)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# End of makefile

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

2、  将这两个文件放在DataStage 服务器下,然后执行:make;这样会生成TrxFuncs.olibTrxFuncs.so文件,

3、  DataStage Manager下创建一个Parallel Routine
        Routine name
Routine的名字,External subroutine name则写.c文件中的function名称。如果在Object type中选择Library,    则在Library path中写libTrxFuncs.so文件;如果是选择Object,则在Library path中写TrxFuncs.o文件。然后保存退出

4、然后在DataStage DesignerTransformer中调用其即可

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