
Day in pictures

 赛波 2008-07-29
Day in pictures
Olympic volunteers in the Water Cube, Beijing, July 29, 2008.
A group of Olympic volunteers sit inside the Chinese National Aquatics Centre, also known as the Water Cube, in Beijing. The venue


Baby giraffe with mother, July 29, 2008.

A two-week-old baby Rothschild Giraffe with its mother, Sally, at the West Midlands Safari Park, Worcestershire, UK.

Fantasy garden, July 29, 2008.

In Singapore, school children admire a "fantasy garden" at the Singapore Garden Festival. The festival showcases 32 gardens and floral designs from 17 countries.

Newborn panda cub, July 19, 2008.

A newborn giant panda cub rests in a breeding case as visitors look on at a breeding centre in the Chinese city of Chengdu.

Coal ship with Greenpeace slogan

Greenpeace activists used an inflatable boat to reach this coal ship off the east coast of Australia, before painting their environmental slogan on the hull.

The cruiser Queen Mary II enters Hamburg harbour, Germany, early on Wednesday

The cruiser Queen Mary II enters Hamburg harbour, Germany, in the early hours of the morning.

Olympics fan Sun Dingguo displays his haircut done for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing

An Olympics fan displays his haircut done for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games which kick off in nine days‘ time.

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