

 cheer4u 2008-08-04
 一些在uw常用的英文词汇和简写(想知道FT ISO BRG什么意思吗?)
FT = for trade = 卖出
ISO = in search of = 寻找
OT = off topic = 离题
PC = Price check = 估价
TL = trade list = 交易物品单
T/O = Top Offer = 最高价格提议
BIN = buy it now = 一口价
C/O = current offer = 目前价格提议
WUW = what you want = 你要啥?
WUG = what or "wut" you got = 你有啥?
NVM = nevermind = 没关系
NR = no reply = 没有答复
NT = no thanks/no trade/no text = 不要了(通常表示交易不成)
IC = I see = 原来如此
BRB = be right back = 等等就回来
RE = regarding or in reference to = 关于
WTB = Want to buy = 要买吗?
WTS = Want to sell = 要卖吗?
GJ = good job = 干得好!
ilvl = item level = 物品等级
DISO = desperately in search of = 急着寻找
TTYL = talk to you later = 等会儿/改天再聊
BTW = by the way = 顺便说一句
IMHO = in my honest/humble opinion = 于我个人看法

IIRC = if I remember correctly = 如果我没记错的话
IMO = in my opinion = 与我只见
AFK = away from keyboard = 离开电脑
IDK = I don‘t know LMK = let me know = 偶不知道
LLD = lower level dueling/dueler = 低等级格斗

L = sometimes used as an abbreviation = 天梯
for ladder
L2 = ladder season 2 = 天梯2
L3 = ladder season 3 = 天梯3
NL = non ladder = 非天梯

DR = damage reduced = 物免
HR = high rune = 26# 以上
UI = unid or unidentified = 未认出
AA = auto aim = 自动瞄准
TW = Tele/Walk in reference to = 远距传物/步行/台湾
baal games OR
TW = Taiwan or tele walk game
PK = player kill = 杀对手
PB = poison/bone = 骨毒系
IAS = increased attack speed = 增加攻击速度

Attn = attention = 注意
FHR = Faster Hit Recovery = 回复率
MG = More Gold = 多点金钱
FRW = Faster Run/Walk = 加速行动
FOH = Fist of Heaven pally skill = 圣骑士的一招
FCR = Faster cast rate = 加速施法

COH = or CoH, Chains of honor = 荣耀
HOZ = Herald of Zakarum = 世锦盾
COA = Crown of ages = 年纪
CB = Crushing Blow = 压倒性攻击
MF = Magic Find = 寻找宝物的机率
LR = Lightning Resist = 雷抗
CR = Cold Resist = 冰抗
FR = Fire Resist = 火抗
PR = Poison Resist = 毒抗
RA = Resist All = 全抗
res = Resists = 抗性
AR = Attack Rating = 攻击机率
Eth = Ethereal = 无形
WF = Windforce = 风之力
GF = The Grandfather = 祖父

GC = Grand Charm SC = Small Charm = 大型/小型 光板
LC = Large Charm = 中型光板
PDSC = Small Charm with poison damage. 大家都知道这是SM吧!

anni = Annihilus, sc dropped by DClone = 毁灭/USC
HF = hell fire torch dropped by ubers = ULC
SOH = Standard of heros charm that = 拿ULC时掉的无聊之物
drops when hell fire torch drops.
Has no known use at this time.
KOH = key of hate (Summoner‘s drop) = 打ULC的锁匙, Act 2
KOT = key of terror (Countess‘s drop) = 打ULC的锁匙, Act 1
KOD = key of destruction (Nithahalk‘s drop) = 打ULC的锁匙, Act 5
DClone = Diablo Clone, spawned from SOJ sales on any given server. = 掉毁灭/USC的diablo

SOJ = Stone of Jordan = 乔丹
DEF = Defense = 防御
WC = Warcries = 战争啼声 (技能)
KB = Knockback = 迫使敌人后退的技能
B&xB = Bow and Crossbow = 弓箭
Jav = Javelin = 标枪
P&M = Passive and Magic = 亚马孙的技能系
CTA = Call to Arms (runeword) = BO的神秘之语
BOTD = Breath of the Dying (runeword) = 死亡呼吸
SS = Storm Shield = 暴风盾
HOJ = Hand of Justice (runeword) = 神秘之语
HOTO = Heart of the Oak (runeword) = 橡树 (神秘之语)
ll = life leech = 吸命
ml = mana leech = 吸元素
MFsc = Magic find small charm = 提高寻宝机率的小符
KOK = King of Kings - refering to barb tourney = 野蛮人格斗大赛

NPC = Non playing characters i.e. townspeople = 游戏里的人物
nub,noob,newb,noobie,newbie = so many things = 通常指人嫩,没礼貌言语

GG = "Good game", often meant amicably after good duels, or maliciously in heated arguments after scoring a convincing blow against the opponent. Often accompanied by "kthx bye". It is also often accompanied by ‘no re,‘ as in ‘gg no re kk thx bye‘ (re = no rematch) = 通常用在格斗后的客套话。但有时也带有讽刺性。

pwned = owned = "beaten severely and in some cases repeatedly", the p-version probably originated in a typo (p being next to o on your keyboard). = 指被打得稀烂

bump = just means ur moving ur thread back up so it‘s closer to the top and more likely seen = 顶


###8) Marge Simpson smiley
Kekeke = form of laughter
lol= laughing out loud
lmao = laughing my azz off
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
roflmao = rolling on floor laughing my azz off
T.T = face of somebody crying (doesn‘t look like
it to me lol)
GMTA = great minds think alike
3p1ph4ny = nub at WC3
xixi = in chinese
<3 = that means heart as in love
(_8^(l) <---HOMER!!!
omgwtfbbq, omgwtfhax, omgwtfgoogle=all translate to "that‘s neat!"

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