

 子子 2009-09-19

The fine china crystal clear muscle is every woman's dream, every woman wants to get white light feeling great success, it is regrettable that no matter how the natural beauty of the skin, will get bits and pieces of the stain, wipe it away to become a woman in mind regret. The more clean and attractive face, in the event that the stains are particularly dazzling, so that a woman bravely went up gradually lost confidence in each other's eyes. Stain the formation of reasons:
In addition to innate genetic factors, is usually made of stain is due to the outside world and their own metabolic problems as well as skin cells, causing stimulation. Polluted air, computer radiation, the strong ultraviolet radiation and other adverse environmental impact; sleep well, the skin a long time do not pay attention to maintenance or maintenance, improper use of cosmetics, the skin will be stimulated to enhance the activity of free radicals. Attack and destroy cells in the process, cell death and metabolic disorders, cellular metabolism of impurities can not, resulting in pigment deposition.

Factor in the female's own body is one possible cause. Women after ovulation and menstrual cramps for about two weeks before, the body secretes a large number of corpus luteum Tong. Corpus luteum Tong ordered the manufacture of melanin secretion and the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland the same, and therefore an increase in corpus luteum Tong, the melanin will increase, grow more easily than usual spots.

When we suffer stress, autonomic nervous system will be offset, blood circulation will also deteriorate, the skin's metabolism has also been hampered, melanin can not be effectively drain away, settling into the line of stain. The long-term pressure and lack of sleep will make sebum secretion out of control, acne is more rampant after the pigmentation of skin inflammation can lead to the formation of stains. Combined with pressure can affect hormone secretion, which is fueling one of the reasons for the formation of plaques. hangzhou escort







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