

 白石秋水 2009-10-11

Rob Gonsalves充满奇思异想的“不可能图形”我早已熟悉,但当我看到他和Sarah L. Thomson合作的《Imagine a Day》时,惊叹自己对Rob Gonsalves作品的理解竟如此肤浅。Sarah L. Thomson的文字和他的画是绝配,为读者开启更广阔的思维空间。Sarah L. Thomson用文字建筑起人们心底通往Rob Gonsalves作品的幻想通道。Rob Gonsalves因此书获得2005加拿大总督文学奖的儿童文学奖。

Imagine a day when your swing swings you higher than the highest treetops. Imagine a day when you can ride your bike up a path of falling leaves into the very tree they are falling from. Imagine a day when you release a handful of blue balloons into a cloudy, gray sky to create a postcard-perfect day. Imagine a day when the ordinary becomes the extraordinary...a day when anything is possible.

《Imagine a Day(幻想有一天)》在一连串的想象中拉开帷幕,告诉你每天什么事都可能发生。

imagine a day... when you can dive down through branches or swim up to the sun.

Imagine a day... a book swings open on silent hingers, and a place you've never seen before welcomes you home.

Imagine a day... when you don't need wings to soar.

Imagine a day... when your house enfolds you like a nest, rocking gently in the autumn wind.
幻想有一天…… 你的房子象鸟窝那样包裹着你,在秋风中轻摇。

imagine a day... when the peace of a forest and the strength of a mountain become a cathedral for your heart.

幻想永远说不完,白日梦让人忙碌,夜晚自然不会闲着。在《幻想有一天》完成后,Rob Gonsalves和Sarah L. Thomson的梦想精灵在夜色中无声地滑行……

Imagine a night when you can ride your bike right up the stairs to your bed.

Imagine a night... when a farmer plays a lullaby on his fiddle, and his field of sunflowers begins to dip and sway to the rhythm.

imagine a night... when you can't sleep, and so you jump high enough to soar over a quilt of fields and forests

 imagine a night... when snow white sheets grow crisp and cold, and someone whispers, "Follow me."

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