
Function Objects (STL)

 9loong 2009-10-14
Function Objects (STL)

Gabriel Fleseriu and Andreas Masur (view profile)
February 22, 2006

Environment:  Any C++ compiler supporting the standard template library (STL)

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Everybody programming in C++ using the standard template library (STL) has come across some kind of strange-looking thing named function object or functor. Although they are regular C++ objects just like any other, they are mostly related to the standard template library (STL) and indeed these objects are heavily used in conjunction with it. To be more precise, they are mostly being used together with the algorithms of the STL.


As with many other parts of the STL, this concept is pretty complex and thus—although we are trying to explain things in a simple way—we have to expect a little bit of knowledge about the basic principles of programming as well as some knowledge of the STL, escpecially about its algorithms, from you. Furthermore, by no means is this supposed to be a complete tutorial to function objects.

Basics of Function Objects

If you separate the two words function and object, you already know each one on its own. If you are already a programmer—which we assume at this point—you know the meaning of each one in regard to software engineering:

  • A function is the typical way of getting a particular job done in C++ programs; in other words, it defines the execution flow of a specific operation. It usually has one defined entry and one defined exit point. There have been many debates on whether there should only be one or several exit point(s); however, this does not matter in regard to this article.

  • An object refers to the concrete creation of a datatype that takes up a certain amount of space at a specific memory location. The term object is interchangeable with the term instance which, in this regard, means the same.

A function object extends the characteristics of regular functions by using object-oriented C++ features such as generic prgoramming and abstraction. Thus, they can be referred to as smart functions that provide several advantages over regular functions:

  • Function objects can have member functions as well as member attributes. Thus, they can carry a state that even can be different at the same time.

  • Due to their nature, function objects can be initialized before their usage.

  • Opposed to regular functions that can only have different types if their signatures differs, function objects can have different types even with the same signature; this ensures the type safety of the C++ language. If you provide a function object as the sorting criteria for a collection, it is guaranteed that you cannot assign, combine, or compare collections with a different sorting criteria.

  • Function objects are usually faster than regular functions.

Creation of Function Objects

Function objects are often referred to as smart functions due to their advantages pointed out in the previous paragraph. That also means that functions and function objects are closely related and indeed...any object that behaves like a function can be both seen and used as one.

So, what is the magical part? Think about what a function call comes down to...

void func(int);
int main()
return 0;

By looking at this (very simple) example, you actually can divide a function call into three pieces:

  • You call a function by name. (To simplify matters, we don't deal with function pointers, RPC calls, and the like here.)

  • You use parentheses.

  • You can (optionally) pass arguments.

To create an object that behaves just like a function, you only need to provide a way to call this object by name using parentheses and (optionally) passing arguments. The solution to the problem is the so-called function call operator that is just another ordinary operator that can be defined. The operator name is simply a pair of parentheses: '()'.

As all of the other available operators, it follows the general layout scheme:

class foo
// ...
return_type operator operator_name (argument_list);
// ...

Thus, to create a function object, you simply need to provide a function call operator...

class function_object
// ...
int operator()(int i) { return i; }
// ...

That is basically all...this class now can be called just like any regular function:

#include <iostream>
int main()
function_object fo;
// calls operator '()' of class 'function_object'
std::cout << fo(5) << std::endl;
// calls operator '()' of class 'function_object'
std::cout << fo.operator()(2) << std::endl;
return 0;

Classification of Function Objects

Function objects can be classified by more than one criterion, but the most important one is whether or not they carry a state. Three types of function objects can be differentiated:


Stateless function objects are the closest correspondent to a regular function. The function object doesn't have data members, or, if it does, they have no impact whatsoever on the function call operator (that is, are not used at all by this operator, either directly nor indirectly):

#include <iostream>
class stateless_function_object
int operator()(int i) const { return i * i; }
int main()
stateless_function_object fo;
std::cout << fo(2) << std::endl;    // will output 4
return 0;
Note: If 'stateless_function_object' had any data members, this had been almost a certain sign of poor design: one class, one responsibility is what one should aim for.

Stateful (Invariable)

Invariable stateful function objects do have a state, but the function call operator is declared constant. Semantically, this means that the operation will use the state, but won't change it:

#include <iostream>
class invariant_function_object
invariant_function_object(int state): state_(state) {}
int operator()(int i) const { return i * state_; }
int state_;
int main()
invariant_function_object fo(3);
std::cout << fo(2) << std::endl;    // will output 6
return 0;

Make no mistake here: The first line in 'main()' creates the function object, calling its constructor, and setting the internal state to 3. The second line calls the function call operator.

As you see, the function call operator uses the internal state, but doesn't change it. Any result in changing the invariant will result in a compiler error because the function call operator is not allowed to modify any member attributes (this isn't true for 'mutable' member attributes, though).

Stateful (Variable)

Variable stateful functions objects not only have a state, but also can change this state with each operation.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class stateful_function_object
stateful_function_object(): state_(0) {}
int operator()(int i) { return state_ += i; }
int get() const { return state_; }
int state_;
int main()
std::vector<int> vec;
stateful_function_object fo;
fo = std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), fo);
// will output 15 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
std::cout << fo.get() << std::endl;
return 0;

There is quite a lot going on here...so, take a closer look:

  • The general idea of this function object is to sum all the elements in the collection which in this example consists of the numbers 1 to 5. Summation is being done by passing the collection to the STL algorithm 'for_each'. This algorithm takes the beginning and the end of a collection and either a function object or a regular function that is being called for every element in the specified range of the collection.

    The standard does not guarantee in which order the algorithm passes the elements to the function object. The only guarantee it gives is that the algorithm will pass each element once (and only once) to the specified function object (or regular function). When summing up elements, it does not matter. Thus, a stateful function object should never rely on any order in such a case.

  • To be able to get the result (in the example, the sum of all elements), the algorithm 'for_each' returns a copy of the internally modified function object. This is important because the algorithm internally uses a temporary copy of the function object being passed (because it is passed by value). When working with stateful function objects, always keep the copy semantics of them in mind.

Requirements for Function Objects

Because function objects are almost being passed by value, you should adhere to the following concepts:

Function Objects and the STL

As indicated at the beginning of this article, function objects are a pretty important concept of the STL, especially its algorithms.

The STL provides many standard algorithms for processing elements of a collection that cover most common general operations such as traversal, sorting, searching, inserting, and removing. These algorithms can be customized by providing function objects that provide information on how the particular algorithm should operate on the elements of the collection.

Because the STL itself relies so heavily on function objects, it does not come as a suprise that it provides predefined function objects and predicates as well as composite function objects through binders, member function adapters, pointer to function adapters, negaters, and function objects base structures. The following paragraphs will take a closer look at all of these.


Predicates are function objects that return a boolean value (or anything that can be implicitly converted to one):

#include <iostream>
class predicate
bool operator()(int val) const { return val == 10; }
int main()
predicate p;
// will output "false"
std::cout << (p(2) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
return 0;

Predicates should always be implemented as stateless function objects to avoid unexpected results. There is no guarantee how often an algorithm might internally copy the predicate. Thus, having predicates that are implemented as stateful function objects might have unexecpted results. Consider the following example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
class predicate
predicate(int condition) :
condition_(condition), state_(0) {}
bool operator()(int) { return ++state_ == condition_; }
int condition_;
int state_;
int main()
std::vector<int> vec;
predicate p(2);
std::vector<int>::iterator pos =
std::remove_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), p);
vec.erase(pos, v.end());
std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
return 0;

The example defines a predicate that will return 'true' every time the internal state equals the condition. The purpose is to remove the second element ('condition' equals two) from the collection. However, the output of the example is different from what you would expect:

1 3 5

Clearly, not only the second element has been removed but also the fourth one. The answer to this curiosity is simply that the used algorithm 'remove_if' internally copies the predicate during its execution. And this internal copy creates a new predicate object containing its original state.

This is not a bug of the STL itself because—as was said earlier—there is no guarantee how many times a predicate might get copied internally. Thus, when using predicates you should always make sure that they are implemented as stateless function objects.

Function Adapters

Function adapters are function objects that allow you to combine, transform, or manipulate function objects with each other, certain values, or with special functions and are divided into the following categories:


A binder can be used to transform a binary function object into an unary one by acting as a converter between the function object and, for example, an algorithm. Binders always store both the binary function object as well as the argument internally. This argument then will being passed as one of the arguments of the function object every time it is being called.

The STL provides two different binders:

// bind1st
template<class Op>
class binder1st : public unary_function
<typename Op::second_argument_type,
typename Op::result_type>
Op op_;
typename Op::first_argument_type first_arg_;
binder1st(const Op& op,
const typename Op::first_argument_type&
first_arg) : op_(op),
first_arg_(first_arg) {}
typename Op::result_type operator()
(const typename Op::second_argument_type& arg) const
return op_(first_arg_, arg);
template<class Op, class Arg>
inline binder1st<Op> bind1st(const Op& op,
const Arg& arg)
return binder1st<Op>(op, arg);
// bind2nd
template<class Op>
class binder2nd : public unary_function
<typename Op::first_argument_type,
typename Op::result_type>
Op op_;
typename Op::second_argument_type second_arg_;
binder2nd(const Op& op,
const typename Op::second_argument_type&
second_arg) : op_(op),
second_arg_(second_arg) {}
typename Op::result_type operator()(const typename
Op::argument_type& arg) const
return op_(arg, second_arg_);
template<class Op, class Arg>
inline binder2nd<Op> bind2nd(const Op& op,
const Arg& arg)
return binder2nd<Op>(op, arg);

The first version ('bind1st') calls 'Op' with 'Arg' as its first parameter; the second version ('bind2nd') calls 'Op' with 'Arg' as its second parameter.

For example, if you want to multiply each element of a collection with itself, you would use something like the following:

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec;
(std::cout, " "),
return 0;

The output will be:

1 4 9 16 25

However, what if you want to multiply each value of the collection with a certain value? The algorithm 'transform' expects an operation that takes one argument (the actual element of the collection) as its fourth argument. In this case, the binder 'bind2nd' can help:

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec;
(std::cout, " "),
std::bind2nd(std::multiplies<int>(), 5));
return 0;

Now, the output will be

5 10 15 20 25

'bind2nd' combines an operation that take two arguments to get an operation for one argument. Thus, it satisfies the requirements for the algorithm 'transform' and at the same time allows to provide a specific operation with two arguments. The way it works is pretty simple. The binder 'bind2nd' internally stores both the operation and the argument. If the binder is being called by the algorithm, it simply calls the operation with the element passed by the algorithm as the first argument and the internally stored argument as the second argument and returns the result.


A negater can be used to express the opposite of a function object, in other words, it simply negates its result. The STL provides two different binders:

// not1
template<class Op>
class unary_negate : public unary_function
<typename Op::argument_type, bool>
Op op_;
explicit unary_negate(const Op&aml; op) : op_(op) {}
bool operator()(const typename
Op::argument_type& arg) const
return !op_(arg);
template<class Op>
inline unary_negate<Op> not1(const Op& op)
return unary_negate<Op>(op);
// not2
template<class Op>
class binary_negate : public binary_function
<typename Op::first_argument_type,
typename    Op::second_argument_type,
Op op_;
explicit binary_negate(const Op& op) : op_(op) {}
bool operator()(const typename
Op::first_argument_type& arg1,
const typename
Op::second_argument_type& arg2) const
return !op_(arg1, arg2);
template<class Op>
inline binary_negate<Op> not2(const Op& op)
return binary_negate<Op>(op);



The first version ('not1') negates the result of the unary 'Op'; the second version ('not2') negates the result of the binary 'Op'. The following example searches for the first even element of the collection:

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec;
std::vector<int>::iterator pos =
if(pos != vec.end())
std::cout << *pos << std::endl;
return 0;

The output will be:


Member function adapters

A member function adapter can be used to allow class member functions being used as an argument to the algorithms of the STL. In C++, there are basically three ways for making a function call:

  • Using a ordinary function:

    void func(int) { //... }
        int main()
        return 0;
  • Using a member function of an object or a reference to an object:

    class foo
        void func(int) { //... }
        int main()
        foo f;
        return 0;
  • Using a member function using a pointer to an object:

    class foo
        void func(int) { //... }
        int main()
        foo* f = new foo;
        delete foo;
        return 0;

Many of the algorithms of the STL allow you to provide a user-defined operation that is called internally by the algorithm. This, however, would mean that for these algorithms, the STL would actually need to provide three different implementations: one for ordinary functions, one for member functions that are called through an object or a reference to one, and one for member functions that are called through a pointer to an object. Obviously, this would increase the complexity of these algorithms unnecessarely; thus, they simply expect an ordinary function or function object.

However, because C++ is all about object-orientation and classes, you basically rather want to pass a member function instead of an ordinary function. Fortunately, the STL provides adapters for these scenarios as well:

// mem_fun
template<class Res, class Op>
class mem_fun_t : public unary_function<Op*, R>
Res (Op::*op_)();
explicit mem_fun_t(Res (Op::*op)()) : op_(op) {}
Res operator()(Op* op) const { return (op->*op_)(); }
template<class Res, class Op>
inline mem_fun_t<Res, Op> mem_fun(R (Op::*op)())
return mem_fun_t<Res, Op>(op);
// mem_fun_ref
template<class Res, class Op>
class mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<Op, Res>
Res (Op::*op_)();
explicit mem_fun_ref_t(Res (Op::*op)()) : op_(op) {}
Res operator()(Op& op) const { return (op.*op_)(); }
template<class Res, class Op>
inline mem_fun_ref_t<Res, Op> mem_fun_ref(Res (Op::*op)())
return mem_fun_ref_t<Res, Op>(op);

These are just two examples. The STL also provides versions for constant member functions, member functions having an argument, constant member functions having an argument, and so forth. The following example prints all the personal information using a member function adapter:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class Record
std::string first_name_;
std::string last_name_;
std::string street_;
std::string city_;
Record(std::string first_name,
std::string last_name,
std::string street,
std::string city) : first_name_(first_name),
city_(city) {}
void print() const
std::cout << first_name_ << " "
<< last_name_ << ", "
<< street_ << ", "
<< city_ << std::endl;
int main()
std::vector<Record> vec;
vec.push_back(Record("Thomas", "Mitchell",
"First Street", "New York"));
vec.push_back(Record("Jennifer", "Green",
"Bellevue Boulevard",
"San Francisco"));
vec.push_back(Record("Mike", "Hunter",
"Melrose Pl", "Louisville"));
std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
return 0;

Pointer to function adapters

You can use a pointer to function adapter to allow ordinary functions being used as an argument to the binders of the STL. Opposed to an algorithm that doesn't care whether a function, a pointer to a function, or a function object is being passed, binders need to know that information because they need to store a copy for later use. Again, the STL provides adapters for these scenarios as well:

// ptr_fun
template<class Arg, class Res>
class pointer_to_unary_function : public
unary_function<Arg, Res>
Res (*op_)(Arg);
pointer_to_unary_function() {}
explicit pointer_to_unary_function(Res (*op)(Arg))
: op_(op) {}
Res operator()(Arg arg) const { return op_(arg); }
template<class Arg, class Res>
inline pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Res>
ptr_fun(Res (*op)(Arg))
return pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Res>(op);
// ptr_fun
template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class Res>
class pointer_to_binary_function :
public binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Res>
Res (*op_)(Arg1, Arg2);
pointer_to_binary_function() {}
explicit pointer_to_binary_function(Res (*op)
(Arg1, Arg2)) : op_(op) {}
Res operator()(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) const
{ return op_(arg1, arg2); }
template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class Res>
inline pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Res>
ptr_fun(Res (*op)(Arg1, Arg2))
return pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1, Arg2,

The first version calls the unary 'Op'; the second version calls the binary 'Op'. Based on the last example, you now want to add some lookup features:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
class Record
std::string first_name_;
std::string last_name_;
std::string street_;
std::string city_;
Record(std::string first_name,
std::string last_name,
std::string street,
std::string city) : first_name_(first_name),
city_(city) {}
const std::string& first_name()
const { return first_name_; }
const std::string& last_name()
const { return last_name_; }
const std::string& street()
const { return street_; }
const std::string& city()
const { return city_; }
void print() const
std::cout << first_name_ << " "
<< last_name_ << ", "
<< street_ << ", "
<< city_ << std::endl;
bool compare_last_name(Record rec, std::string name)
return rec.last_name() == name;
bool compare_city(Record rec, std::string city)
return rec.city() == city;
int main()
std::vector<Record> vec;
vec.push_back(Record("Thomas", "Mitchell",
"First Street", "New York"));
vec.push_back(Record("Jennifer", "Green",
"Bellevue Boulevard",
"San Francisco"));
vec.push_back(Record("Mike", "Hunter",
"Melrose Pl", "Louisville"));
// Search by last name
std::vector<Record>::iterator iter =
if(iter != vec.end())
// Search by city
iter = std::find_if(vec.begin(),
if(iter != vec.end())
return 0;

Function Object Base

To have function objects work with the provided function adapters, they need to meet certain requirements:

To simplify the creation of function objects that meet these requirements, the STL provides two structures that should serve as the base for any function object. They are declared under the namespace 'std' in the header '<functional>':

template<class Arg, class Res>
struct unary_function
typedef Arg argument_type;
typedef Res result_type;
template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class Res>
struct binary_function
typedef Arg1 first_argument_type;
typedef Arg2 second_argument_type;
typedef Res  result_type;

These two structures provide standard names for the argument(s) and the result type(s) and are used consistently throughout the predefined function objects of the STL. Using them as the base for customized function objects ensures that the requirements are met and that they can be used with the provided function adapters.

The following example is a revised version of the 'stateless_function_object' from earlier:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
class stateless_function_object :
public std::unary_function<int, int>
int operator()(int i) const { return i * i; }
int main()
stateless_function_object fo;
// will output 4
std::cout << fo(2) << std::endl;
return 0;

Predefined Function Objects

The STL provides several predefined function objects that are declared are declared under the namespace 'std' in the header '<functional>' and are divided into the following:

Table 1: Arithmetic Function Objects

Function objectTypeResult
negate<type>() Unary Negates supplied parameter (-param)
plus<type>() Binary Adds supplied parameters (param1 + param2)
minus<type>() Binary Subtracts supplied parameters (param1 - param2)
multiplies<type>() Binary Multiplies supplied parameters (param1 * param2)
divides<type>() Binary Divides supplied parameters (param1 / param2)
modulus<type>() Binary Remainder of parameters (param1 % param2)

Table 2: Predicates

equal_to<type>() Binary Equality of parameters (param1 == param2)
not_equal_to<type>() Binary Inequality of parameters (param1 != param2)
less<type>() Binary Parameter 1 less than parameter 2 (param1 < param2)
greater<type>() Binary Parameter 1 greater than parameter 2 (param1 > param2)
less_equal<type>() Binary Parameter 1 less than or equal to parameter 2 (param1 <= param2)
greater_equal<type>() Binary Parameter 1 greater than or equal to parameter 2 (param1 >= param2)
logical_not<type>() Unary Negates parameter (!param1)
logical_and<type>() Binary Logical AND operation with parameters (param1 && param2)
logical_or<type>() Binary Logical OR operation with parameters (param1 || param2)

Table 3: Binders

bind1st(Op, Arg) Calls 'Op' with 'Arg' as its first parameter
bind2nd(Op, Arg) Calls 'Op' with 'Arg' as its second parameter

Table 4: Negaters

not1(Op) Negates the result of unary 'Op'
not2(Op) Negates result of binary 'Op'

Table 5: Member Function Adapters

mem_fun(Op) Calls 'Op' as member function of object
mem_fun_ref(Op) Calls 'Op' as member function of pointer to object

Table 6: Pointer to Function Adapters

ptr_fun(Op) Calls unary 'Op'
ptr_fun(Op) Calls binary 'Op'


Function objects are a fundamental powerful feature that is consistently being used throughout the STL. Containers order their elements through function objects, algorithms control their behaviour through function objects, and so forth.

Function objects make the use of the components of the STL much easier and also much more powerful. Without them, the STL cannot be used effectively, and knowing how to write correct function objects is one key element when working with the STL. A correctly implemented function object can increase the performance of a component drastically; for example, through inlining.

As a final note: If you are wondering why we do not provide complete out-of-the-box demo applications...we have decided to simply provide the necessary source code files only rather than specific Visual Studio or KDevelop projects for various reasons. Nevertheless, creating a project should be obvious...


  1. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 2000
  2. Nicolai M. Josuttis, The C++ Standard Library, Addison-Wesley, 1999
  3. Scott Meyers, Effective STL, Addison-Wesley, 2001


Date Posted: February 11th, 2006



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