

 mtjs 2010-01-29

Two tips of using Chrome

Posted in Internet, Tips  by Sunny

Sometimes we may want to plan surprise to other family members, of course we can delete all the surfing history and cookies of browser to keep this surprise as a secret, but that will delete other historyes we want to remain. Now Google Chrome has incognito browsing mode to solve this problem for you.

Open your Google Chrome, click setting button and select "New Incognito Window".

A new window will be opened. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on your computer after you close the incognito window. Now you can surf the Internet in this incognito window like normal windows.

How to fix "Error 0×0000005"?

When Google Chrome is installed on Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 unmanaged clients, it shows error "Application failed to initialize properly (0×0000005). The error is caused by a conflict with Application and Device Control.

Click “Start” button and select “Run” from the menu. Then enter “regedit” in the box and click OK.Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysPlant" directory.

Right click "Start" item and select "Modify…".Change the value data to 4 and click "OK".

Restart your computer to apply the change, now you can browse without Error 0×0000005.



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