
70 Million:非常油菜花的世界名画MV

 黑@咖啡 2010-03-08

70 Million:非常油菜花的世界名画MV(转载) - 青青子衿 - 青青子衿
70 Million:非常油菜花的世界名画MV(转载) - 青青子衿 - 青青子衿

70 Million:非常油菜花的世界名画MV(转载) - 青青子衿 - 青青子衿

  一支名为 Hold Your Horses 的乐队把歌曲《70 million》的MV非常油菜花地拍成了世界名画大集合。能看出有哪些画作被恶搞了吗?其中大部分都是美术教材常见的名家名作哦!

Hold Your Horses 是一个由法美两国青年组成的乐队,虽然我对他们一点也不熟悉,但是乐队的名字却很有意思,是一句英语俚语:hold your horses,勒住你的马(慢慢来)。

70 million
And it hardly looked like a novel at all
I hardly look like a hero at all
and I'm sorry you couldn't publish this
and you were white as snow I was white as a sheet
When you came down in this black dress
In your mum's black maternity dress
And so
Though it hardly looked like a novel at all
if this city treats me it treats me to you
and a cup of coffee for you
I should learn its language and speak it to you
70 million should be in the know
70 million don't go out at all
70 million wouldn't walk these streets
70 million would grind to a halt
70 million would be wrong wrong wrong
70 million never see at all
70 million haven't tasted snow
And dance dance dance like the children dance
imply a thought are we taking a chance ?
with the light still on
and will we ever reach the tower?
And after you came down in this black dress
I don't know what took so very long
And this
And this isn't war we don't have to ration
I waved the white flag and you kept it at home
and thus I wrote from a foreign land
you're holding my no longer foreign hand


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