
思科首席技术官助你步步高升(Cisco CTO’s tips for a top career)

 StevenLim 2010-03-18

    1. 创新是一段不断突破的旅程。规划职业路线,莫给自己设限。我做到今天的职位,一路上充满了惊喜和出人意外的波折,有些事是锦上添花,有些则充满挑战。但一路走来,我遇到了许多优秀的人,并获益匪浅。记住,对有创造力的领导者而言,不存在界限问题。

    2. 从经验中获取专业知识。光有想法是不够的,重要的是执行出成果。在这一过程中免不了失败,但这都是最可贵的经验。要成为专家,知道什么不该做比知道什么该做更重要。要敞开自己,才能获取新知。

    3. 把握分寸。富有感染力与盛气凌人是两回事儿。与人交往要自信,但不要自大;热情但别固执;果断,但不要对人说三道四。要成为领袖,而非旁观者。

    4. 只有你自己才能放慢脚下的步伐。在职业生涯中,我们是不是必须应对办公室政治、小算计和猜忌?当然!你若听之任之,它们就会成为障碍。通过与他人建立相互支持的关系,可以帮你跨过这些障碍。自信是给自己最好的礼物。


    6. 影响力比权威更长久。在公司内部和全球范围内实现横向领导日益重要,同时也越来越具有挑战性。以我个人的经验而言,在传统的指挥与控制环境中,更容易通过命令来设定方向。但是这种领导方式带来的只是暂时的权威。影响力领导却会带给你一批忠实的追随者。

    7. 学会讲故事的艺术。能够将复杂的问题变成有趣的故事,并给人留下深刻印象,这是一种特殊的技能。在以细节为中心的科技与工程领域更是如此。如何才能在几秒中内抓住耗费数年才诞生的新发明的精髓呢?答案是深入浅出。



    10. 努力工作,拼命玩。认真对待你的工作和交际圈,但别太把自己当回事儿。笑容常在!
     Today is International Women’s Day. While we’re celebrating the achievements of women, we also need to recognize that in many fields, there are way too few women. This is the case in my domain: engineering and technology. And so, I’m spending today thinking about the future–and asking, How can we use this day to help the next generations of women charge ahead? I can help by sharing 10 career tips that I’ve learned along the way…and by the way, guys on the way up can relate to these too.

    1. Creativity is a journey beyond boundaries. Chart the course of your work past the limits that you see. The road I’ve traveled to get to where I am today has been full of surprises, unsuspecting twists and turns. Some good, some challenging. But along the way, I met a lot of amazing people and learned a great deal. Creative leaders blur boundaries.

    2. Build expertise from experience. Ideas alone are not enough. It’s important to execute and demonstrate results. You’ll fail along the way. That may be the most valuable experience you can gain. To become an expert, it’s more important to know what not to do than it is to know what to do. Knowledge comes from openness.

    3. Understand the paradox. There’s a fine line that separates behaviors that are appealing vs. overbearing. Engage others by being confident, not arrogant. Passionate, not dogmatic. Decisive, not judgmental. Be a leader, not a spectator.

    4. The only person that can slow you down is you. Must you, in your career, deal with politically motivated maneuvers, petty rivalry and jealousy? Sure! They become barriers only if you let them. Build supportive relationships that can compensate for the roadblocks you’ll face. Self-confidence is the best gift to give yourself.

    5. Be authentic and approachable. I find it pretentious when people say they don’t have time for email or phone calls. Given so all the modes of communication at our fingertips, it’s easier today than ever to respond promptly and have a dialogue with a broad community. People today seek authenticity in leadership. For women, this means no longer needing to act a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way. To be a great leader, you need to be yourself.

    6. Influence outlasts authority. Leading laterally across company and global boundaries is increasingly important–and challenging. From my own experience, I can tell you that it’s much easier to dictate a direction in a traditional command-and-control environment. But that kind of leadership gives you short-lived authority. Influential leadership gives you a sustained following.

    7. Learn the art of storytelling. It’s a special skill to take complex topics and turn them into interesting anecdotes that leave an impression. This is especially true in the detail-centric world of technology and engineering. How do you capture in a few seconds the essence of an innovation that took years to create? Simplify.

    8. The best way to earn recognition is to give it away. Give credit to others freely, openly and frequently. This is easier said than done. How often do you see projects stall because people are hiding critical information lest credit be taken from them? Make it their idea and watch them run with it! Ideas get stronger when shared.

    9. A successful career is about integration, not balance. After graduate school, I started my career in the semiconductor industry. During this time, my son was born, and I came face-to-face with the joy and reality of being a working mom! Success is not about seeking perfection, as suggested by “work-life balance.” To me, the word “balance” implies that work and life are somehow at odds and out of balance. Aim to improve the integration of your work, family, community and yourself.

    10. Work hard but play harder. Take your work and community seriously. But don’t take yourself too seriously. Smile!

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