
数字相关词的英语读写表达(个人笔记) | Jeffrey's Blog

 san60 2010-04-13

++3.24 Three point twenty-four. Three twenty-four.
#通常小数点可以说point,也可以直接省略.比较正式的说法为three dollar and twenty-four cents

++168  one hundred and sixty-eight

++1,245  Twelve forty-five. One thousand two hundred and fourty-five. Twelve hundred and forty-five.
#一般来说,四位数的念法是二个数字二个数字一起念,但有时为了让对方听的更清楚(特别是跟钱有关的时候),他们会把thounsand 和 hundred 念出来,就如同第二句的念法.

++1200  Twelve hundred.
#这种末尾有二个零的就用多少 hundred 来表示, 当然也可以说 one thousand and two hundred .

++35,891  Thirty-five thousand eight hundred and ninty-one.

++100,000   One hundred thousand.
由於在英语中没有十万这个字,所以十万要用 one hundred thousand,一亿要用 one hundred million.

++电话号码习惯上会一个字一个字说, 以求清楚, 但有时为了方便起见, 他们也会以十位数为单位, 二个二个一起说.

++1/3  One third.
#1/4就是 one fourth(当然 one quarter 更常见) ,1/5 是one-fifth
#如果是 2/3, 则要说 two thirds, 也说是说分母那个 third 要加 s.

++1/2 One half. One over two.

++1.23*10  One point two three times ten

++”-4″  minus four,negative four

++4:28  Four twenty-eight.twenty-eight past four(英式说法);twenty-eight after four(美式说法)
#这个4点28分,一般的时间就是先讲时, 再讲分就可以。

++4:05 Five past four. Four o five.
#要注意从 4:01-4::09 的说法和其它的时间不同

++3:50 Ten to four, Three fifty

++123D One two three D as in a dog.
#在报地址的时候, 常有这种数字和英文字母混合的情况, 但是由於 B, D 和 T 很容易混淆, 所以习惯上会加上一小句话来说明, 如B as a in boy, T as in a teacher, D as in a dog.这样别人就可以很清楚了解你在说哪个字母。

++which floor? 5th floor fifth floor,five,fifth

++April 20, 2007

#nine hundred billion seven hundred thirty two million two hundred sixty six thousand and forty three

++11:00  at 11 o’clock sharp

英式 — 20th April, 1987,the twentieth of April, nineteen eighty-seven
美式 — April 20, 1987,April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven

++2006年  two thousand and six(口语中可省and)

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