
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams(童年的梦想,一生的追求)

 北阴King 2010-05-02


Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

   Make me earn it. [laughter] 讲得好再鼓掌 [笑声]

It’s wonderful to be here. What Indira didn’t tell you is that this lecture series used to be called the Last Lecture. If you had one last lecture to give before you died, what would it be? I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue and they renamed it. [laughter] 来这里到,深感荣幸。但是,英迪拉没有告诉各位的是,该讲座曾经名为“最后的演讲”,如果在一个人死前,还能做一次最后的演讲,那将会是什么样子?我想,恩,我算是名副其实,找对地方了。可是,讲座改名了。[笑声]So, you know, in case there’s anybody who wandered in and doesn’t know the back story, my dad always taught me that when there’s an elephant in the room, introduce them. If you look at my CAT scans, there are approximately 10 tumors in my liver, and the doctors told me 3-6 months of good health left. That was a month ago, so you can do the math. I have some of the best doctors in the world.因此,各位,如果有人是碰巧进来而不知内情的话,我爸总是告诫我,如果有丑遮不住,不如不遮。大家可以看看这些电脑断层扫描图片,在我的肝脏部位有大约十个肿瘤,医生说我还能活三到六个月。那是一个月前的事情了,大家都可以算算。而给我诊断和治疗的都是世界上最好的医生。

So that is what it is. We can’t change it, and we just have to decide how we’re going to respond to that. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you. [laughter] And I assure you I am not in denial. It’s not like I’m not aware of what’s going on. My family, my three kids, my wife, we just decamped. We bought a lovely house in Chesapeake, Virginia, near Norfolk, and we’re doing that because that’s a better place for the family to be, down the road. And the other thing is I am in phenomenally good health right now. I mean it’s the greatest thing of cognitive dissonance you will ever see is the fact that I am in really good shape. In fact, I am in better shape than most of you. [Randy gets on the ground and starts doing pushups] [Applause] So anybody who wants to cry or pity me can down and do a few of those, and then you may pity me. [laughter] 既然事已至此,我们无法改变,那么我们就必须决定如何去应对。正如牌局已定,只是我们如何出牌的问题而已。如果我看起来似乎不那么沮丧或者悲戚,抱歉,让大家失望了。[笑声]可以让大家安心的是,我不是在否认事实,我不是不知道发生了什么事情。我的家人,包括三个孩子和我爱人,我们刚刚匆忙地搬了家。我们在弗吉尼亚州的切萨皮克,离诺福克不远的地方买了房,房子很好。我之所以这样做,一方面是因为那个地方更适合我家今后的生活,就在路边;另一方面是因为我目前看起来身体还不错。我是说,你们理解上出现了一个最大的偏差,其实,我的身体相当棒。事实上,我比你们大多数人的体力都强。[兰迪趴在地方,开始做俯卧撑] [掌声] 如果有人想要流泪或可怜我的话,先来做几个俯卧撑,然后你就可以同情我了。[笑声]

All right, so what we’re not talking about today, we are not talking about cancer, because I spent a lot of time talking about that and I’m really not interested. If you have any herbal supplements or remedies, please stay away from me. [laughter] And we’re not going to talk about things that are even more important than achieving your childhood dreams. We’re not going to talk about my wife, we’re not talking about my kids. Because I’m good, but I’m not good enough to talk about that without tearing up. So, we’re just going to take that off the table. That’s much more important. And we’re not going to talk about spirituality and religion, although I will tell you that I have achieved a deathbed conversion. I just bought a Macintosh. [laughter and clapping] Now I knew I’d get 9% of the audience with that, but. All right, so what is today’s talk about then? It’s about my childhood dreams and how I have achieved them. I’ve been very fortunate that way. How I believe I’ve been able to enable the dreams of others, and to some degree, lessons learned. I’m a professor, there should be some lessons learned and how you can use the stuff you hear today to achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others. And as you get older, you may find that enabling the dreams of others thing is even more fun.

好,那我们今天不会谈论什么呢?我们不会谈论癌症,因为我谈得太多,真的没有兴趣了。如果你有什么草药偏方的话,请离我远点啊。[笑声]即使有什么事情比实现童年梦想更重要的话,我们也不会去谈论。我们不会谈论我的妻子,我们不会谈论我的孩子;因为虽然我心情很好,但是谈起他们,心情再好,我也会泪眼迷茫。他们对于我来说更重要,所以我们不谈论这个话题。我们不会谈论精神与宗教;但是,我得告诉你们,我已经做了临终时的忏悔。我刚买了一台苹果电脑。[笑声及掌声] 现在有了它,我就赢得百分之九的观众了。那么,我们今天会谈论什么呢?会谈论我童年的梦想,会谈论我如何实现了梦想。因为在这方面,我一直很幸运。我还会谈论为什么我相信自己能帮助别人实现梦想,我也会谈论一些经验和教训。我是一位教授,我应该有一些经验教训与你们分享。我还会谈论如何善加利用今之所闻,使自己梦想成真,进而帮助别人实现梦想;因为随着你年龄的增加,你会发现,帮助别人实现梦想,会更加有趣。


All right, so now the third part of the talk. Lessons learned. We’ve talked about my dreams. We’ve talked about helping other people enable their dreams. Somewhere along the way there’s got to be some aspect of what lets you get to achieve your dreams. First one is the roles of parents, mentors and students. I was blessed to have been born to two incredible people. This is my mother on her 70th birthday. [Shows slide of Randy’s mom driving a bumper car on an amusement park race course] [laughter] I am back here. I have just been lapped. [laughter] This is my dad riding a roller coaster on his 80th birthday. [Shows slide of dad] And he points out that he’s not only brave, he’s talented because he did win that big bear the same day. My dad was so full of life, anything with him was an adventure. I don’t know what’s in that bag, but I know it’s cool. My dad dressed up as Santa Claus, but he also did very very significant things to help lots of people. This is a dormitory in Thailand that my mom and dad underwrote. And every year about 30 students get to go to school who wouldn’t have otherwise. This is something my wife and I have also been involved in heavily. And these are the kind of things that I think everybody ought to be doing. Helping others. 那么,我们谈谈第三部分——所获得的教训。我们已经谈论过我自己的梦想,我们已经谈论过如何帮助别人实现梦想。这一路走来,总会有一些因素促使我们能够梦想成真。起首要作用的是父母、导师和学生。感谢上苍,是伟大的父母把我带到了这个世界。这是我妈妈,是她过七十大寿时候的情景。[投影显示:兰迪的妈妈开着碰碰车在游乐园赛车场] [笑声] 我在后面这里,刚被她超了一圈。[笑声] 这是我爸爸,坐着过山车,这是他过八十大寿时候的情景。[投影显示:兰迪爸爸的照片] 他说他不但勇敢,还很聪明,因为他那天还赢回了一只大熊娃娃。我爸爸总是活力十足,他做的任何事情都那么令人神往。我不知道他的口袋里面装着什么,但是我知道,口袋很酷。这是我爸打扮成圣诞老人的样子,他的的确确做了很多很多的事情去帮助别人。这是泰国的一个学生宿舍,是由我爸爸和妈妈资助的。每年有大约三十名学生因此能走进学校,否则,他们就会失学。这也是我爱人和我大力参与的一件事情。我认为,这也是我们每个人都应该参与进来的事情:帮助别人。But the best story I have about my dad – unfortunately my dad passed away a little over a year ago – and when we were going through his things, he had fought in World War II in the Battle of the Bulge, and when we were going through his things, we found out he had been awarded the Bronze Star for Valor. My mom didn’t know it. In 50 years of marriage it had just never come up.而我所知道的关于我爸最辉煌的经历是——可惜他已经去世一年多了——在我们清理他遗物的时候,我们发现他曾经经历过第二次世界大战的阿登战役。我们是在清理遗物时,发现他曾被授予“铜质勋章”。而妈妈竟然都不知道这件事情,结婚五十年来,我爸爸从来没有提起过。

My mom. Mothers are people who love even when you pull their hair. And I have two great mom stories. When I was here studying to get my Ph.D. and I was taking something called the theory qualifier, which I can definitively say is the second worst thing in my life after chemotherapy. [laughter] And I was complaining to my mother about how hard this test was and how awful it was, and she just leaned over and she patted me on the arm and she said, we know how you feel honey, and remember when your father was your age he was fighting the Germans. [laugher] After I got my Ph.D., my mother took great relish in introducing me as, this is my son, he’s a doctor but not the kind that helps people. [laughter] These slides are a little bit dark, but when I was in high school I decided to paint my bedroom. [shows slides of bedroom] I always wanted a submarine and an elevator. And the great thing about this [shows slide of quadratic formula painted on wall] [interrupted by laughter] – what can I say? And the great thing about this is they let me do it. And they didn’t get upset about it. And it’s still there. If you go to my parent’s house it’s still there. And anybody who is out there who is a parent, if your kids want to paint their bedroom, as a favor to me let them do it. It’ll be OK. Don’t worry about resale value on the house. 我妈妈。母亲会一直爱我们,即使拽着她的头发,她也爱我们。[投影显示:兰迪小时候拽着他妈妈的照片] 关于我的母亲,我想到两个有趣的故事。当时,我在本校攻读博士学位,并且要通过一门所谓的理论资格考试。我敢确信,这门考试是我一生中经历的,仅次于化疗的“第二件”最糟糕的事情。[笑声] 然后,我就跟我妈抱怨,这门考试有多艰难,有多恐怖。而她呢,靠了过来,拍拍我的胳膊说:“宝贝,我知道你的感觉,不过我记得你爸在你这个年龄的时候,正和德国人打仗呢。” [笑声] 等我获得了博士学位以后,我妈总是向别人津津乐道,说:“这是我儿子,他是个博士,但不能帮人治病。” [笑声] 下面这些幻灯片有点暗。这是我读高中的时候,我就决定自己动手粉刷我的卧室。[投影显示:卧室的照片] 我一直想要一艘潜艇和一架电梯,并且最了不起的是……[投影显示:涂在墙上的二次方程式] [被笑声打断]——我该说什么好呢? 最了不起的是,父母都允许我这样在墙上涂鸦,并且对此毫不介意。这些涂鸦现在都还在。如果你去我父母的房子那里看看的话,这些依然都在。各位家长,如果谁要去看看,以后你的孩子想要在他们自己卧室涂鸦的话,拜托各位,让他们去画吧。没有关系的,根本不必担心房子转手时候会降价。

Other people who help us besides our parents: our teachers, our mentors, our friends, our colleagues. God, what is there to say about Andy Van Dam? When I was a freshman at Brown, he was on leave. And all I heard about was this Andy Van Dam. He was like a mythical creature. Like a centaur, but like a really pissed off centaur. And everybody was like really sad that he was gone, but kind of more relaxed? And I found out why. Because I started working for Andy. I was a teaching assistant for him as a sophomore. And I was quite an arrogant young man. And I came in to some office hours and of course it was nine o’clock at night and Andy was there at office hours, which is your first clue as to what kind of professor he was. And I come bounding in and you know, I’m just I’m going to save the world. There’re all these kids waiting for help, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da. And afterwards, Andy literally Dutch-uncled – he’s Dutch, right? He Dutch-uncled me. And he put his arm around my shoulders and we went for a little walk and he said, Randy, it’s such a shame that people perceive you as so arrogant. Because it’s going to limit what you’re going to be able to accomplish in life. What a hell of a way to word your being a jerk. [laughter] Right? He doesn’t say you’re a jerk. He says people are perceiving you this way and he says the downside is it’s going to limit what you’re going to be able to accomplish.除了父母,帮助我们的人还有:我们的老师,我们的导师,我们的朋友和同事。天哪,这是安迪?凡?丹,怎么说他呢?我在布朗大学上大一的时候,他正在休假。但他的名字如雷贯耳。他就是一个神话人物。象希腊神话中的人头马,不过是一头愤怒的人头马。他离开了,每个人都似乎觉得真的很难过,或许是更放松了?后来,我才弄明白为什么。因为我开始给安迪干活了。大二时,我做他的教学助理。过去我很自大,就抽了一个他的办公时间去他那里,就是晚上九点的时候。安迪正在办公,这个时候,你就第一次尝试到了他是哪种人了。大家知道,我当时蹦蹦哒哒地走进去,俨然觉得自己是救世主一样。有好多孩子等着我去帮助呢,哒哒,哒哒,哒哒,哒哒,哒哒……后来呢,安迪怒发冲冠,他是荷兰人嘛,对吧?他痛批了我一顿。他把手搭在我的双肩上,我们出去溜了一圈,他说:“兰迪,真丢脸,别人都觉得你很傲慢,因为这将影响你一生的发展。”这的确是一种方法,其实说你是猪头,[笑声] 对吧?他并没有说你是傻子,但是,他说别人就是这么看你的;并且他还说,后果就是会限制你一生的发展。

When I got to know Andy better, the beatings became more direct, but. [laughter] I could tell you Andy stories for a month, but the one I will tell you is that when it came time to start thinking about what to do about graduating from Brown, it had never occurred to me in a million years to go to graduate school. Just out of my imagination. It wasn’t the kind of thing people from my family did. We got, say, what do you call them? Jobs. And Andy said, no, don’t go do that. Go get a Ph.D. Become a professor. And I said, why? And he said, because you’re such a good salesman that any company that gets you is going to use you as a salesman. And you might as well be selling something worthwhile like education. [long pause] Thanks. 当我们熟识以后,安迪的批评直接点了。但,[笑声] 安迪的故事,我能讲一个月。其中有一个故事,我想告诉你们。在我思考从布朗毕业以后何去何从的时候,我从来没有想过要上研究生。从未想过。这根本就不是我们家的人能够去做的事情。我有,怎么说来着?我有工作。安迪却说:“别,别去工作。去读了博士,当个教授。”我问:“为什么?”他说:“因为你是一个好推销员,所有的公司也都会把你当成一个好推销员来用。但是,你不妨推销点更有价值的东西,比如说教书育人。” [长时间的停顿] 谢谢。

Andy was my first boss, so to speak. I was lucky enough to have a lot of bosses. [shows slide of various bosses] That red circle is way off. Al is over here. [laughter] I don’t know what the hell happened there. He’s probably watching this on the webcast going, my god he’s targeting and he still can’t aim! [laughter] I don’t want to say much about the great bosses I’ve had except that they were great. And I know a lot of people in the world that have had bad bosses, and I haven’t had to endure that experience and I’m very grateful to all the people that I ever had to have worked for. They have just been incredible. 可以说,安迪我的第一个老板。幸运的是,我有很多老板。 [投影显示:兰迪的所有老板的照片] 照片上的这个红圈太偏了,艾尔应该是在这里。 [笑声] 我不知道这究竟是怎么搞的。他或许正在看此次演讲的网络直播,说:“天哪,他有目标,但他还不会瞄准目标!” [笑声] 我不想谈论那些优秀的老板,只是想说,他们都很卓越。我知道,这世上有很多人碰到了差劲的上司,我还没有过那种经验。再此,我也想感谢我的所有领导,他们一直都很伟大。

But it’s not just our bosses, we learn from our students. I think the best head fake of all time comes from Caitlin Kelleher. Excuse me, Doctor Caitlin Kelleher, who just finished up here and is starting at Washington University, and she looked at Alice when it was an easier way to learn to program, and she said, yeah, but why is that fun? I was like, ‘cause uh, I’m a compulsive male… like to make the little toy soldiers move around by my command, and that’s fun. She’s like, hmm. And she was the one who said, no, we’ll just approach it all as a storytelling activity. And she’s done wonderful work showing that, particularly with middle school girls, if you present it as a storytelling activity, they’re perfectly willing to learn how to write computer software. So all-time best head fake award goes to Caitlin Kelleher’s dissertation. 不但是领导可以给我知识,学生一样给我知识。我认为有史以来最善于使用障眼法的是凯特琳?凯莱赫。对不起,凯特琳?凯莱赫博士。她刚从本校毕业,开始在华盛顿大学工作。当时,爱丽丝软件只是一个提供学习编程的简易软件,她看着这个软件问:“啊,这有什么好玩的?”我觉得挺有意思,便说:“因为,啊,我是个容易着迷的男生… …喜欢指挥玩具士兵走来走去,这就很有意思了。”她也觉得挺有意思。“嗯,”他接着说,“不,我们应该研发这个产品,让这个产品象是在给人讲故事一样。”后来,他出色的完成了这个工作。同时表明,尤其是对女中学生来说,如果你把编程作为一个讲故事的活动,他们非常愿意学习如何写计算机软件。因此,毕业论文中,“有史以来最佳障眼法奖”将颁发给凯特琳?凯莱赫。

President Cohen, when I told him I was going to do this talk, he said, please tell them about having fun, because that’s what I remember you for. And I said, I can do that, but it’s kind of like a fish talking about the importance of water. I mean I don’t know how to not have fun. I’m dying and I’m having fun. And I’m going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there’s no other way to play it. 这是科恩校长。当我告诉他我要做这个讲座时,他说:“请告诉他们尽享快乐,因为我记得你就是这样的。”我说:“我能做到,不过这有点像一条鱼讲述水的重要性一样。”我的意思是我不知道怎么让自己不快乐。我会死去,但是我依然快乐地生活。我还会继续快乐地度过余生中的每一天,因为快乐是唯一的生活方式。

So my next piece of advice is, you just have to decide if you’re a Tigger or and Eeyore. [shows slide with an image of Tigger and Eeyore with the phrase “Decide if you’re Tigger or Eeyore”] I think I’m clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate. [laughter] Never lose the childlike wonder. It’s just too important. It’s what drives us. 因此,我的下一条建议就是, 你得决定你做个快乐的跳跳虎呢,还是做一个悲哀的依哟驴。 [投影显示:跳跳虎和依哟驴的图片, 旁白是“决定要做跳跳虎还是做依哟驴”] 我认为,我已经明确地表明了我对这场“跳跳虎和依哟驴之大辩论”的立场。[笑声] 绝对不要失去了自己的童心,它太重要了,它可以促使我们前进。

Help others. Denny Proffitt knows more about helping other people. He’s forgotten more than I’ll ever know. He’s taught me by example how to run a group, how to care about people. 帮助别人。丹尼?普罗菲特更善于助人为乐。或许他已经忘记了,但是我记得非常清楚。他曾身体力行地教我如何带领团队,如何关心他人。

M.K. Haley – I have a theory that people who come from large families are better people because they’ve just had to learn to get along. M.K. Haley comes from a family with 20 kids. [audience collectively “aaahs”] Yeah. Unbelievable. 这是M?K?哈莉——我有一个理论,即:来自大家庭的人更好,因为他们必需学会与别人和睦相处。M?K?哈莉一家有二十个兄弟姐妹。 [听众发出"啧啧"声] 恩,难以置信。

And she always says it’s kind of fun to do the impossible. When I first got to Imagineering, she was one of the people who dressed me down, and she said, I understand you’ve joined the Aladdin Project. What can you do? And I said, well I’m a tenured professor of computer science. And she said, well that’s very nice Professor Boy, but that’s not what I asked. I said what can you do? [laughter] 她总是说,挑战极限,其乐无穷。当我首次到迪士尼幻想工程的时候,她就曾经教育过我。她说:“我知道你已经加入阿拉丁项目,你能做什么呢?”我回答道:“可我是个计算机科学终身教授啊。”她则说:“恩,不错嘛,教授先生,可我问的不是这个。我是问,你能做什么?” [笑]

And you know I mentioned sort of my working class roots. We keep what is valuable to us, what we cherish. And I’ve kept my letterman’s jacket all these years. I used to like wearing it in grad school, and one of my friends, Jessica Hodgins would say, why do you wear this letterman’s jacket? And I looked around at all the non­athletic guys around me who were much smarter than me. And I said, because I can. [laughter] And so she thought that was a real hoot so one year she made for me this little Raggedy Randy doll. [takes out Raggedy Randy] [laughter] He’s got a little letterman’s jacket too. That’s my all-time favorite. It’s the perfect gift for the egomaniac in your life. So, I’ve met so many wonderful people along the way. 各位,刚才我提到的是自己作为工薪阶层的某些本性。我们保存着对自己来说弥足珍贵的东西。这么多年来,我还一直保存着自己的优秀运动员外套。上研究生的时候,我最喜欢穿它。可我的一个朋友杰西卡?霍金斯就问我:“你为什么要穿这件优秀运动员外套?”我看了看周围那些不爱运动,但比我要聪明得多的人说:“因为我能。”[笑声] 她认为这太搞笑了,于是有一年,她就给我做了这个“小破兰迪”玩具娃娃。 [拿出小破兰迪玩具娃娃来] [笑声] 你看,他也有一个小优秀运动员外套。这是我的最爱。对一个自大狂来说,这是一生中最好的礼物。所以,我在人生道路上遇到了很多的良师益友。

Loyalty is a two way street. There was a young man named Dennis Cosgrove at the University of Virginia, and when he was a young man, let’s just say things happened. And I found myself talking to a dean. No, not that dean. And anyway, this dean really had it in for Dennis, and I could never figure out why because Dennis was a fine fellow. But for some reason this Dean really had it in for him. And I ended up basically saying, no, I vouch for Dennis. And the guy says, you’re not even tenured yet and you’re telling me you’re going to vouch for this sophomore or junior or whatever? I think he was a junior at the time. I said, yeah, I’m going to vouch for him because I believe in him. And the dean said, and I’m going to remember this when your tenure case comes up. And I said, deal. I went back to talk to Dennis and I said, I would really appreciate you… that would be good. But loyalty is a two-way street. That was god knows how many years ago, but that’s the same Dennis Cosgrove who’s carrying Alice forward. He’s been with me all these years. And if we only had one person to send in a space probe to meet an alien species, I’m picking Dennis. [laughter] You can’t give a talk at Carnegie Mellon without acknowledging one very special person. And that would be Sharon Burks. I joked with her, I said, well look, if you’re retiring, it’s just not worth living anymore. Sharon is so wonderful it’s beyond description, and for all of us who have been helped by her, it’s just indescribable. I love this picture because it puts here together with Syl, and Syl is great because Syl gave the best piece of advice pound-for-pound that I have ever heard. And I think all young ladies should hear this. Sil said, it took me a long time but I’ve finally figured it out. When it comes to men that are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do. It’s that simple. It’s that easy. And I thought back to my bachelor days and I said, damn. [laughter] 忠诚是相互的。在弗吉尼亚大学,有个年轻人叫丹尼斯?科斯格罗夫,那时候他还年轻,我只说事情吧。当时,我在跟院长谈话。不,不是现在那个院长啊。不管怎样,这院长真的跟丹尼斯有点纠葛。我一直都弄不懂为何,因为丹尼斯是个不错的人。但出于某种原因,这院长就想整他。谈到最后,我就直截了当地说:“不能,我给丹尼斯担保。”这个家伙就说:“你连终身教职都不是,你竟然要告诉我,要给这个大二的学生担保?”是大二还是大三来着?那时可能是大三吧。我说:“是,我给他担保,我信任他。”这院长就说:“好,我记住了,等你评终身教职时我都记得。”我说:“成。”我回去告诉丹尼斯说:“我很真的很欣赏你……那件事情搞定了。”但忠诚是相互的。这在多年前,天条一般的道理;而现在,带着同样的信念,丹尼斯?科斯格罗夫在推动着爱丽丝软件的发展。这么多年,他一直在我左右。如果我们用宇宙飞船只送一个人去与外星人会面的话,我选丹尼斯。 [笑声] 在此演讲,我必须对一个人表达我特殊的谢意,那就是莎伦?伯克丝。我曾跟她开玩笑说:“唉,如果你退休的话,活着就没有意义了。”莎伦非常优秀,简直难以言表;对我们这些受其恩泽的人来说,她的伟大,无法形容。我喜欢这张照片,因为西尔也在照片上。西尔的出色在于,她给了我货真价实的最好的建议。我想所有的女士都应该听听,西尔说:“花了很长时间,我终于搞明白了:如果要跟男人谈恋爱,很简单;不管他说什么,只管他做什么。就那么简单。”回想起我的单身生活,我说:“得”。 [笑声]

Never give up. I didn’t get into Brown University. I was on the wait list. I called them up and they eventually decided that it was getting really annoying to have me call everyday so they let me in. At Carnegie Mellon I didn’t get into graduate school. Andy had mentored me. He said, go to graduate school, you’re going to Carnegie Mellon. All my good students go to Carnegie Mellon. Yeah, you know what’s coming. And so he said, you’re going to go to Carnegie Mellon no problem. What he had kind of forgotten was that the difficulty of getting to the top Ph.D. program in the country had really gone up. And he also didn’t know I was going to tank my GRE’s because he believed in me. Which, based on my board scores was a really stupid idea. And so I didn’t get into Carnegie Mellon. No one knows this. ‘Til today I’m telling the story. I was declined admission to Carnegie Mellon. And I was a bit of an obnoxious little kid. I went into Andy’s office and I dropped the rejection letter on his desk. And I said, I just want you to know what your letter of recommendation goes for at Carnegie Mellon. [laughter] And before the letter had hit his desk, his hand was on the phone and he said, I will fix this. [laughter] And I said, no no no, I don’t want to do it that way. That’s not the way I was raised. [In a sad voice] Maybe some other graduate schools will see fit to admit me. [laughter] And he said, look, Carnegie Mellon’s where you’re going to be. He said, I’ll tell you what, I’ll make you a deal. Go visit the other schools. Because I did get into all the other schools. He said, go visit the other schools and if you really don’t feel comfortable at any of them, then will you let me call Nico? Nico being Nico Habermann and I said, OK deal. I went to the other schools. Without naming them by name -- [in a coughing voice] Berkeley, Cornell. They managed to be so unwelcoming that I found myself saying to Andy, you know, I’m going to get a job. And he said, no, you’re not. And he picked up the phone and he talked in Dutch. [laughter] And he hung up the phone and he said, Nico says if you’re serious, be in his office tomorrow morning at eight a.m. And for those of you who know Nico, this is really scary. So I’m in Nico Habermann’s office the next morning at eight a.m. and he’s talking with me, and frankly I don’t think he’s that keen on this meeting. I don’t think he’s that keen at all. And he says, Randy, why are we here? And I said, because Andy phoned you? Heh. [laughter] And I said, well, since you admitted me, I have won a fellowship. The Office of Naval Research is a very prestigious fellowship. I’ve won this fellowship and that wasn’t in my file when I applied. And Nico said, a fellowship, money, we have plenty of money. That was back then. He said, we have plenty of money. Why do you think having a fellowship makes any difference to us? And he looked at me. There are moments that change your life. And ten years later if you know in retrospect it was one of those moments, you’re blessed. But to know it at the moment…. With Nico staring through your soul. [laughter] And I said, I didn’t mean to imply anything about the money. It’s just that it was an or.   There were only 15 given nationwide. And I did think it was an honor that would be something that would be meritorious. And I apologize if that was presumptuous. And he smiled. And that was good.
永不言弃。我当时没有被布朗大学录取。我在候选名单上。我就每天给他们打电话,结果他们烦了,就把我录了。在卡内基?梅隆大学,我也没有被研究生院录取。安迪是我的导师,他说:“去读到研究生,你要去卡内基?梅隆大学,我所有的好学生都去卡内基?梅隆大学。”嗯,各位都知道下文如何。他说:“你去卡内基?梅隆大学没问题。”他或许不知道,获得国内顶尖博士学位难于登天。他也不知道,我的研究生入学考试考得一塌糊涂,因为他相信我。就我的考试分数而言,读博士的这个想法相当愚蠢。所以卡内基?梅隆大学没有录取我。没有人知道这一点。直的今天,我讲这个故事之前,没有人知道我曾被卡内基?梅隆大学拒绝过。我那时是个烦人的小孩,我走进安迪的办公室,把拒绝录取的信件扔在他桌子上,说:“我只想让你知道你的推荐信在卡内基梅隆大学的份量。” [笑声] 信还没落到桌上,他就拿起电话说:“我来修理他们。” [笑声] 我说:“别,别,别,我可不想这样做,这样有失我的身份。[做悲哀状] 或许有其他研究生院觉得合适,并会录取我。” [笑声] 他说:“不,卡内基?梅隆就是你该去的地方。”他说:“我告诉你怎么回事,跟你订个协议,去其他学校看看。”因为我的确被其他的所有学校录取了。他接着说:“去其他学校看看,如果你觉得在那些学校呆着不舒服,你再让我给尼科打个电话?”尼科就是尼科?哈伯曼。我说:“行,就怎么定了。” 我去了其他学校。就没有必要不说学校的名字了吧—— [做咳嗽声] 伯克利,康奈尔。这些学校让我觉得我不受欢迎,结果我跟安迪说:“恩,我想找份工作。”他说:“不,你不用。”他拿起话筒,用荷兰语打电话。 [笑] 他一挂电话就说:“尼科说,认真点,明天上午八点去办公室找他。”对你们这些人了解尼科的人,这实在恐怖。于是,第二天上午八点,我去了尼科?哈伯曼的办公室,他跟我谈话。坦白的讲,我觉得他并不想跟我会面,他一点也不热心。他问我:“兰迪,来干嘛?”我说:“因为安迪给你打了电话?嘿嘿。” [笑] 我说:“自从你接受我的申请后,我有赢得一份奖学金,海军研究办公室提供的一份不错的奖学金。我获得了这份奖学金,而我的申请材料上没有写。”尼科说:“奖学金,钱,我们有的是钱。”这样就把我话挡了回去。他说:“我们有足够的钱。为什么你觉得拿奖学金有那么重要?”他盯着我。有些时刻,会改变你的一生。十年后,回想往事,你才明白,正是这其中的某一刻,你就注定了天命。但是,我们必须要知道,在那一刻要知道才行….当时,尼科看透了你的灵魂。[笑] 我说:我并不是指什么钱。只因这是一项荣誉。全国只有十五个人。我的确认为荣誉才值得称道。若有冒犯,敬请原谅。”他笑了笑。这样才好。

So. How do you get people to help you? You can’t get there alone. People have to help you and I do believe in karma. I believe in paybacks. You get people to help you by telling the truth. Being earnest. I’ll take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short term. Earnest is long term. 所以,怎么才能让别人向你伸出援手?你不能孤军奋战。有人会来帮你,我相信因果报应。我相信回报。你讲真话,别人就会帮你。为人真诚。我会帮助一个真诚的人,而不会帮助一个时髦的人,因为时髦是短暂的。唯真诚永恒。

Apologize when you screw up and focus on other people, not on yourself. And I thought how do I possibly make a concrete example of that? Do we have a concrete example of focusing on somebody else over there? Could we bring it out? See, yesterday was my wife’s birthday. If there was ever a time I might be entitled to have the focus on me, it might be the last lecture. But no, I feel very badly that my wife didn’t really get a proper birthday, and I thought it would be very nice if 500 people— [a birthday cake is wheeled onto the stage] [applause] Happy— 做错了事情,请道歉。要关注别人,而不是自己。我想,怎么能举一个具体例子来说明呢?大家有没有这种关注别人的具体事例?能不能把它拿出来?你看,昨天是我爱人的生日,如果假以时日,我还配值得关注的话,那可能就是,这最后一次演讲。但不行,我感到难过的是,我爱人还没有真正过上一个体面的生日。所以我想,最好能有五百人—— [一个生日蛋糕被推上讲台] [掌声] 快乐——

Everyone:…birthday to you [Randy: her name is Jai], happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jai, happy birthday to you! [applause] [所有的人一起说]…生日快乐 [兰迪说:她的名字叫洁] ,祝你生日快乐。祝亲爱的洁生日快乐,祝你生日快乐! [掌声]

[Jai walks on stage, teary-eyed. She walks with Randy to the cake. Randy: You gotta blow it out. The audience goes quiet. Jai blows out the candle on thecake. Randy: All right. Massive applause.] [洁走上讲台,眼中含泪。她和兰迪一起走到蛋糕前。兰迪说:吹蜡烛。观众安静下来。洁吹灭蛋糕上的蜡烛。兰迪说:好了。掌声雷动]

Randy Pausch: And now you all have an extra reason to come to the reception. [laughter] Remember brick walls let us show our dedication. They are there to separate us from the people who don’t really want to achieve their childhood dreams. Don’t bail. The best of the gold’s at the bottom of barrels of crap. [Shows slide of Steve Seabolt next to a picture of The Sims] [laughter] What Steve didn’t tell you was the big sabbatical at EA, I had been there for 48 hours and they loved the ETC, we were the best, we were the favorites, and then somebody pulled me aside and said, oh, by the way, we’re about to give eight million dollars to USC to build a program just like yours. We’re hoping you can help them get it off the ground. [laughter] And then Steve came along and said, they said what? Oh god. And to quote a famous man, I will fix this. And he did. Steve has been an incredible partner. And we have a great relationship, personal and professional. And he has certainly been point man on getting a gaming asset to help teach millions of kids and that’s just incredible. But, you know, it certainly would have been reasonable for me to leave 48 hours after that sabbatical, but it wouldn’t have been the right thing to do, and when you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening.

[兰迪继续演讲] 现在大家更有理由来参加招待会了。 [笑声] 记住砖墙,它能提醒我们要敢于奉献。砖墙的存在,把我们和那些真的不愿意实现童年梦想的人隔离了开来。不要逃避。真金就在粪桶底下。 [投影显示:史蒂夫?西博特的照片,临近的是模拟电脑游戏的图片] [笑声] 史蒂夫没有告诉大家,在艺电公司休长假的时候,我已经在那里玩了两天了,大家都喜欢那里的娱乐技术中心,我们是最好的,我们是香饽饽。突然,有人把我拉到一边说:“哦,对了,我们即将给南加州大学八百万美元,用于建一个跟你们一样的项目。我们希望你可以帮他们打个基础。” [笑声] 这时,史蒂夫来了,问:“他们说什么了?天哪。”引用一位著名人士的话,“我来修理他们”。他把问题解决了。史蒂夫是位挚友。无论于私于公,我们的交情都很深。他的确是一名先锋,可以用游戏去帮助教育数百万孩子,这真是令人称奇。但是,各位,如果我当初就在休假后的两天离开,也完全是合理的,但不一定合情。当你做了合情合理的事情,上天自有眷顾。

Get a feedback loop and listen to it. Your feedback loop can be this dorky spreadsheet thing I did, or it can just be one great man who tells you what youneed to hear. The hard part is the listening to it. Anybody can get chewed out. It’s the rare person who says, oh my god, you were right. As opposed to, no wait, the real reason is… We’ve all heard that. When people give you feedback, cherish it and use it.


Show gratitude. When I got tenure I took all of my research team down to Disneyworld for a week. And one of the other professors at Virginia said, how can and got me the best job in the world for life. How could I not do that?善于感恩。当我获得终身教职的时候,我带我们研究团队到迪士尼乐园玩了一个星期。而我一位在弗吉尼亚的同事问:“你为什么要这样做?”我说:“这些人拼死拼活,让我得到世上最好的工作。我怎能不这么做?”

Don’t complain. Just work harder. [shows slide of Jackie Robinson] That’s a picture of Jackie Robinson. It was in his contract not to complain, even when the fans spit on him. 不要抱怨。只需加倍努力。 [投影显示:杰基的照片] 这是杰基?罗宾森的照片,他的合同规定,绝不抱怨,即使是球迷向他吐唾沫,也绝不抱怨,。

Be good at something, it makes you valuable.要有一技之长,它会凸显你的价值。

Work hard. I got tenure a year early as Steve mentioned. Junior faculty members used to say to me, wow, you got tenure early. What’s your secret? I said, it’s pretty simple. Call my any Friday night in my office at ten o’clock and I’ll tell you. 努力工作。正如史蒂夫所说,我提前一年获得了终身教职。一位年轻教师曾经问我:“哇,你提前获得终身教职。秘诀何在?”我说:“非常简单,给我办公室打电话,任何周五晚上十点钟都可以,我会告诉你。”

Find the best in everybody. One of the things that Jon Snoddy as I said told me is that you might have to wait a long time, sometimes years, but people will show you their good side. Just keep waiting no matter how long it takes. No one is all evil. Everybody has a good side, just keep waiting, it will come out. 博采众长。刚提到的乔恩?斯诺迪曾告诉过我,或许需要时间,或许是几年,日久便会见人心,而人心是向善的。因此,请耐心等待,无论有多久。没有人是十足的恶棍。人心向善,只需耐心等待,自有善报。

And be prepared. Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity.运筹帷幄。运筹帷幄,等待时机,幸运就会降临。

So today’s talk was about my childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of others, and some lessons learned. But did you figure out the head fake? It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreamswill come to you. Have you figured out the second head fake? The talk’s not for you, it’s for my kids. Thank you all, good night.


[applause; standing ovation for 90 seconds; Randy brings Jai onto the stage and they take a bow; they sit down in their seats; standing ovation continues foranother minute] [掌声;全体起立鼓掌九十秒钟;兰迪带着洁走上讲台;鞠躬致意;他们坐到自己的座位上后;全体继续鼓掌,又持续达一分钟之久]  

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