
Front & Center ? Fresno City College set to c...

 zhanglu310 2010-06-29

Fresno City College set to celebrate 100 years

Submitted by F&C Publisher on September 21, 2009 – 12:02 pmOne Comment

Reflect on the past and look to the future: FCC Centennial Celebration

Fresno City College students, 1943

Fresno City College students, circa 1943.

Next year, SCCCD will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the opening of Fresno City College. The Centennial Celebration will begin New Year’s Eve with the Centennial Ball and continue with a series of events culminating in the Centennial Convocation on September 10, 2010.

One hundred years ago, for Fresno residents wishing to pursue education beyond high school, the choices were limited. The nearest options, Stanford University and the University of California, were both in the Bay Area. The financial burden, as well as the distance—especially in an era before modern transportation—was too great for many of these young adults and their families.

“This is an exciting and historic celebration. We want everyone to get involved and join in.” –Marilyn Behringer

Charles L. McLane, superintendent of Fresno schools, recognized the need for an affordable way for students to begin their higher education while remaining at home. With community support, he established the first community college in California (and only the second in the nation) on the campus of Fresno High School.

On September 10, 1910, courses began for the first class of Fresno Junior College. The curriculum for those 20 students was designed in partnership with Stanford and the University of California. All credits earned at Fresno Junior College by this first generation of transfer students were accepted towards degree completion at the universities.

Old Administration Building at Fresno City College.

Old Administration Building at Fresno City College.

In 1921, Fresno Junior College moved to its current location on University Avenue. The iconic Old Administration Building and Library Building still stand as reminders of this historic period. The University Avenue location was shared with Fresno Normal School (later California State University, Fresno) until 1959 when, after a few more relocation shuffles, the campus became the sole, permanent home of what was by then known as Fresno City College.

Aerial view of the historic Fresno City College campus.

Aerial view of the historic Fresno City College campus.

From the very beginning, Fresno City College has been driven by the community. Whether it was providing credits for transfer to a four-year university, associate degrees, or vocational training, FCC has been educating Central Valley residents for a century. From police officers and nurses to artists and mechanics, many members of the community have come directly from the college’s award-winning programs; many others have taken their FCC experiences with them, across the country or around the world.

The events of the Centennial will celebrate all that Fresno City College has offered over the past hundred years. “This is an exciting and historic celebration,” said Marilyn Behringer, who co-chairs the project with Sean Henderson. “We want everyone to get involved and join in.” There will be plenty of ways to get involved in the months ahead, with multiple events and a commemorative book in the works. Donations and event admission fees will fund the activities.

For additional information on the Centennial Celebration, attending events, and how you can help, visit the Fresno City College website.

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