

 张幽兰 2010-09-05












































































-The most distant way in the world

-is not the way from birth to the end.

-it is when i sit near you

-that you don't understand i love u.

-The most distant way in the world

-is not that you're not sure i love u.

-It is when my love is bewildering the soul

-but i can't speak it out.

-The most distant way in the world

-is not that i can't say i love u.

-it is after looking into my heart

-i can't change my love.

-The most distant way in the world

-is not that i'm loving u.

-it is in our love

-we are keeping between the distance.

-The most distant way in the world

-is not the distance across us.

-it is when we're breaking through the way

-we deny the existance of love.

-So the most distant way in the world

-is not in two distant trees.

-it is the same rooted branches

-can't enjoy the co-existance.

-So the most distant way in the world

-is not in the being sepearated branches.

-it is in the blinking stars

-they can't burn the light.

-So the most distant way in the world

-is not the burning stars.

-it is after the light

-they can't be seen from afar.

-So the most distant way in the world

-is not the light that is fading away.

-it is the coincidence of us

-is not supposed for the love.

-So the most distant way in the world

-is the love between the fish and bird.

-one is flying at the sky,

-the other is looking upon into the sea.







   东篱不知道这是哪位翻译的,总之,感觉翻译的太妙了!这已经不是翻译可以说是一种再创作。 -

    《世界上最遥远的距离》令许多人潸然泪下。是的,人世间有一种比生与死更遥远的距离,不是时间上的跨古今,也非空间上的囊括宇宙,而是一种最难逾越的距离,心与心的距离。 -

    生与死本是一种永远无法融合的距离,而近在咫尺却形同陌路是单相思者的心与所爱的人更遥远的距离。相爱却不能相处,有情人不能成眷属,是千古遗憾。情人间的距离,明明爱着却装着不放在心上,是矛盾而痛苦,逆离真心的距离。可,比这更遥远的距离,你可知?是心的冷漠,是对爱的藐视,是面对爱自己的人断然掘上一条无法跨越的沟渠,把爱远远拒绝在世界上最遥远的距离外。 -

    距离原本可以产生美,但这样一种世界上最遥远的距离却是痛苦的。全诗以爱为主线,诗人敏感的字里行间,流露着痛苦而无奈的情感,不能不令人从容。诗歌简短而整齐,全诗由四组“不是……而是……”构成,采取对比的手法,层层深入,把读者带到了那种痛苦的最遥远的距离,并把诗人情怀感染给每位读者。读至最后令人恍然大悟时——世界上最遥远的距离实际上是心与心的距离,早已泪眼模糊。 -

    人,为何不放下心的冷漠,把心与心的距离拉近,好好去感受别人赋予你的爱呢? -



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