

 祈晴娃娃 2010-09-09


Physical fitness is today's hot topic. And everywhere you turn you hear something new. But is it all true?

  The more you sweat, the more fat you burn

  This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off. Unfortunately, it's water they're losing, not fat.

  Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise, which doesn't happen initially. When you first begin to exercise, you burn carbohydrates or sugars. It takes about 20 minutes of easy to moderate aerobic activity before the transition from burning sugars to fat begins. (Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous activity that uses oxygen and large muscle masses of the body, such as the arms and legs. Examples are bicycle riding, jumping rope, walking, jogging, aerobic dance, and swimming.) So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40 minutes.

  If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat

  If you decrease your activity and continue to eat the same or more, you may gain back that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose. It's not, however, because your muscles turned to fat. Muscles may atrophy or lose their tone, but they won't turn to fat. Muscle is muscle and fat is fat.
  Exercise increases appetite

  This is true for hard or intense exercise that lasts for 60 minutes or longer. Moderate exercise that is less than 60 minutes, however, will probably reduce your appetite for one to two hours.

  Exercise always lowers blood sugar Generally, exercise will lower blood sugar and it's best to prepare for exercise by eating before you start out. If your blood-sugar level is above 250 mg/dl, however, exercise could make it rise even higher.
  This and similar claims are common, but untrue. There are no shortcuts to getting fit. Becoming fit takes work and the general rule is 20 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week. Consistency is the key. If you miss a day or two, don't try to compensate by doing double duty--you open yourself up to injury.

  Electric stimulation
  Electric stimulation may help make a muscle contract and tone it slightly, but this technique can't take the place of exercise, and it certainly won't help you lose weight. If you want to decrease body fat, you must do aerobic exercises.


        1.You need to workout.

  2.I really need to lose some weight.

  3. I've got to start working out.

  4.I really think a little exercise would do you good.

  5. Why don't you attend an aerobic class?

  6. It might be a good idea to join a fitness center.

  7.Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine.

  8. I love this game.

  9.Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

  10. She runs everyday in order to lose weight.


  1. cobra pose (眼镜蛇式)

  2. locust pose (蝗虫式)

  3. full locust pose (全蝗虫式)

  4. bow pose (弓式)

  5. fixed firm pose (定型式)

  6. half tortoise pose (半龟式)

  7. camel pose (骆驼式)

  8. rabbit pose (兔式)

  9. head to knee pose with stretching pose (头至膝盖伸展式)

  10. spine twisting pose (扭拧式)

  11. blowing in firm pose (正坐)

  12. pranayama breathing (pranayama 呼吸法)

  13. half moon pose with hands to feet pose (半月式)

  14. awkward pose (怪异式)

  15. eagle pose (鹰式)

  16. standing head to knee pose (头至膝盖站立式)

  17. standing bow pulling pose (拉弓站立式)

  18. balancing stick pose (平衡木式)

  19. standing separate leg stretching pose (分腿站立伸展式)

  20. triangle pose (三角式)

  21. standing separate leg forehead to knee pose (双脚分开额头至膝盖)

  22. tree pose (树式)

  23. toe stand pose (脚尖站立式)

  24. dead body pose (尸体放松式)

  25. wind removing pose (风吹式)

  26. sit up (仰卧式)


       Resist-a-ball 健身球

  Aerobics 健美操

  Yoga 瑜伽

  Kick Boxing 搏击操

  Hip Hop 街舞

  Step 踏板操

  Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操

  Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏击操

  Pilates 普拉提课程

  Powerflex 有氧杠铃操

  Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操

  Spinning 动感单车

  Ballet 芭蕾形体

  Martial Arts 太极养生

  Abs/Back 腰腹


  Swimming Pool 游泳池

  Abdominal Crunches 局部塑形

  Cardiovascular Machines 心肺功能训练区

  Free-weight Advanced Training Center Machines Area 自由重量训练区

  Selectorized Equipment 等重量区

  Personal Training Services 私人教练服务

  Massage & Spa 运动恢复按摩服务 桑拿和蒸汽浴
  Juice Bar 销售运动饮料、果汁


Forget the gym! An open-air workout can work wonders for the mind
  忘记健身房吧,露天的锻炼可以创造心灵的奇迹 。
  Exercising in the open air for just five minutes leads to an immediate improvement in mood and self-esteem, research shows.
  Scientists are now calling for doctors to prescribe 'green exercise' - working out in a park or the back garden - for patients who suffer from mental illness.
  Dr Jo Barton, a sports scientist who conducted the study for the University of Essex, said that as well as protecting against future health threats, outdoor exercise could even increase life expectancy.
  主持了这项研究的埃塞克斯大学的运动医学专家乔 巴顿博士说:像我们为了减少将来健康威胁所作的保护工作一样,户外运动甚至能够增加人的寿命。
  Dr Barton and her research colleague Jules Pretty, whose findings are published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, studied more 1,200 people's reactions to 'green' exercise in locations across Britain.
  巴顿博士的同事Jules Pretty研究了1200名英国各地的人们在“绿色运动”后的反映,他的研究成果已经在《美国化学学会》杂志上刊登了。
  We believe that there would be a large potential benefit to individuals, society and to the costs of the health service if all groups of people were to self-medicate more with green exercise.'

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