
Problem when the content have more length whe...

 sirianyan 2010-09-22

I face small problem when i read data from excel file. Actully i am using COM for read and write into excel file data.

My excel file have a data like date "12-16-2010" or some nos like "1234567890", then After reading i am getting the data like "#####" and "12E10" somethink like that.

I know the problem, Actully my excel file do not have autofit. When i open my excel file manually, we can see "####" instead of date. If i increate the cell size then my code works fine.

My question is how to resolve this from code.

I try to use AutoFit(), But it is not working and it takes more time also.

Guys tell your ideas :)
After reading your question, I've opened the Excel to do a test. And I think the problem is caused by
the cell format. First, I want to describe my opinion about the problem so that you can check to see
whether I have misunderstood you.
1. When I open the Excel. I set the cell A1's format into Date.
Then Enter the information "1234567890", I will get the result like "#########"
2. When the cell format is set to Scientific and we will get the data like "12E10" etc.
So I've written a Workbook project. My develop environment targeting VS2010 and Office2010.
The code is like that:
private void Sheet1_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Excel.Application thisExcelApp = this.Application;
Excel.Range rng = thisExcelApp.get_Range("A1",missing);
rng.NumberFormat = "@";
double st = rng.Value;
Excel.Range rng2 = thisExcelApp.get_Range("B1",missing);
rng2.NumberFormat = "@";
double st2 = rng2.Value;
I've set the cell A1's format into Date while B1's format is Scientific. So when I enter the data "1234567890" and "12345678",
they will show in the Excel worksheet like that:

Then I run the program, change the format of A1 and B1 to Text. Then show them in the MessageBox.
The result is:

Please check to see if it will solve the problem. Any further questions or if I misunderstood you, please
feel free to contact. Thank you!

Best Regards,
Amy Li

Thanks for your solution and mark as answer.

Actully i solved this problem. And I forget to raise this post otherwise i will post my solution. I follow the bellow code

((Range) this.myWorkSheet.Columns[colIndex, Type.Missing]).NumberFormat = "General";
((Range) this.myWorkSheet.Columns[colIndex, Type.Missing]).AutoFit();
this.cellData = ((Range) this.myWorkSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex]).Text.ToString().Trim();

Your code also do the same think, When compare to this, you code will works fast i think.

Can you plz rate my coding skill. If you feel this is unwanted content plz remove this statement.

And i need one more help, Plz check the bellow forum and plz respond

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