

 获亿 2010-09-29

Blood test results, made possible by the taking of Blood tests, are one of the most important tools that your doctor uses in evaluating your health status. 血液测试结果,测试成为可能采取的血液,是状态之一,您的健康最重要的工具,你的医生使用评估研究。 It is important to realize that your Blood test result may be outside of what is called the 'normal range' for many reasons. 重要的是要认识到,你的血液测试的结果可能是外部原因是所谓的'正常'了许多。 Blood tests, including various Blood chemistry and hematology 'Blood tests' offered by most test labs, represent an economical way by which quality information about a patient's physical condition, at the time of the Blood testing, can be made available to the physician. 血液检查,包括各种血液化学和血液学,血液化验,实验室提供的大多数测试,代表经济的方式,其中质量信息了解病人的身体状况检测,在血液中的时间,可以提供给医生。 These Blood test results, after review and interpretation by a qualified Blood professional, play an important part in an overall diagnosis. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types. 这些血液测试结果,经过审查和专业口译由合格的血液,发挥整体诊断的重要组成部分英寸血液测试结果类型的重要罕见的血液在血液病中的血液检查与测试和血液。 Blood test results are compared and measured in 'normal ranges' for a given population group. 血液测试结果进行比较和测量给定人群中的正常范围'。 Low cost Blood tests, discount Blood testing and even free Blood tests are available and listed in your local community. Blood Test Results, Blood test. 低成本验血,验血和折扣甚至免费血液检查和测试 ,可列在您当地的社区。 验血结果,血液。

Iron Rich Foods - BloodBook Feature Special Article铁丰富的食物- BloodBook特征专文

Visit the Bloodmobile - Schedule a Bloodmobile Donation 访问Bloodmobile -附表一Bloodmobile捐款

There are more Blood facts indexed by category. 有更多的血液类事实索引。 Please CLICK HERE . 点击这里

A large number of laboratory Blood tests are widely available. 大量的血液测试实验室被广泛使用。 Many Blood tests are specialized to focus on a particular disease or group of diseases. 许多血液检查是专门专注于某种疾病或疾病组。 Many different Blood tests are used commonly in many specialties and in general practice. Discount Blood testing Bloodmobile. Blood Test Results, Blood test. 许多不同的血液测试通常被用于许多领域,在一般的做法。 折扣验血Bloodmobile。 验血结果,验血。


Because most Blood test reference ranges (often referred to as 'normal' ranges of Blood test results) are typically defined as the range of values of the median 95% of the healthy population, it is unlikely that a given Blood sample, even from a healthy patient, will show "normal" values for every Blood test taken. 由于大部分血液测试的参考范围(通常称为'正常'的结果范围验血)是典型的人口定义为健康的范围值的中位数的95%,这是不可能的一个给定的血液样本,甚至从一健康的病人,会显示“正常”采取的每个测试值血。 Therefore, caution should be exercised to prevent overreaction to mild abnormalities without the interpretation of those tests by your examining physician. 因此,应谨慎行事,以防止你的检查医生过度反应测试,无异常温和的解释。 Again, a Blood test, though important, is only a part of the final diagnosis of a health problem. 同样,一种血液测试,虽然很重要,只是一个问题的一部分,一个健康的最终诊断。 Often, you can get your Blood tested at the Bloodmobile . 通常,你可以得到你的血液的测试在Bloodmobile

Physicians rely on "Blood-work," or clinical laboratory diagnostic Blood testing to diagnose medical conditions. 医生靠“血的工作,”临床检验诊断或血液测试来诊断病情。 From this Blood testing the medical professional then prescribes therapies and remedies, based on those Blood tests. Blood test results reveal Blood disorders in Blood tests and also with a Blood test with Rare Blood types. 从这个血液测试,然后规定的医疗专业治疗和补救措施,根据这些血液测试。血液测试结果显示血型罕见的血液疾病测试血液中的血液测试,并与。 Good Blood tests make possible state-of-the-art lab procedures that can be provided directly to the public in private and these Blood tests can be provided affordably. 良好的血液测试可能使国家的最先进的实验室超值的程序,可直接提供给私人和公共这些血液测试可以提供。

Some of the most common Blood test are: Blood Test Results, Blood test, rare Blood types, Blood disorders. 测试一些最常见的血液是: 血液检查结果,验血,稀有血型,血液疾病。

Allergy Blood Testing 血液检测过敏
Blood Tests for Autoimmune Diseases 自身免疫性疾病的血液测试
Blood Diseases Testing 血液病检测
Cancer Detection Blood Testing 癌症检测血液检测
Blood Cholesterol Test 血胆固醇测试
Diabetes Blood Tests 糖尿病血液检验
DNA, Paternity and Genetic Testing DNA的亲子鉴定和基因检测
Blood Tests for Drug Screening 用于药物筛选血液检验
Environmental Toxin Blood Testing 血液测试环境毒素
Fitness, Nutrition and Anti-Aging 健身,营养,抗衰老
Gastrointestinal Diseases Revealed by Blood Tests 胃肠道疾病揭示血液检验
Blood Testing for Heart Health 血液检验对心脏健康
Hormones and Metabolism 激素和代谢
Infectious Disease Blood Tests 传染病血液检验
Kidney Disease Blood Test 肾脏病血液检验
Liver Diseases Blood Testing 肝病血液检测
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) Blood Tests 性传播疾病(性病)的血液检验
Thyroid Disease Blood Tests 甲状腺疾病的血液测试

In the next paragraphs we will talk about categories of these Blood tests. 在接下来的段落中,我们将讨论这些血液测试类。 Most Blood tests fall within one of two categories: screening or diagnostic. 大部分血液检查属于两个类别之一:筛查或诊断。

Screening Blood tests are used to try to detect a disease when there is little or no evidence that a person has a suspected disease. 筛查验血来尝试检测疾病时,有很少或没有证据表明,一个人有嫌疑的疾病。 For example, measuring cholesterol levels helps to identify one of the risks of heart disease. 例如,测量胆固醇水平有助于确定疾病之一,心脏的风险。 These screening tests are performed on people who may show no symptoms of heart disease, as a tool for the physician to detect a potentially harmful and evolving condition. 这些筛选测试是人们谁可能会显示没有心脏病症状,作为一种工具,让医生来检测潜在的有害的,不断发展的条件。 In order for screening tests to be the most useful they must be readily available, accurate, inexpensive, pose little risk, and cause little discomfort to the patient. Coupons for DNA and Cancer Blood tests. 为了筛选试验是最有用的,他们必须随时可用,准确,价格低廉,不会造成太大的风险,并导致稍有不适的病人。 测试券血液的DNA和癌症。

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Diagnostic Blood tests are utilized when a specific disease is suspected to verify the presence and the severity of that disease, including allergies, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, cancer, etc. 诊断血液测试时,利用特定的疾病被怀疑验证等的存在和严重程度的疾病,包括过敏,感染艾滋病毒,艾滋病,肝炎,癌症,

What is a Blood test? Blood tests are an essential diagnostic tool. 什么是血液测试? 血液测试是必不可少的诊断工具。 Blood is made up of different kinds of cells and contains other compounds, including various salts and certain proteins. Blood tests reveal details about these Blood cells and, Blood compounds, salts and proteins 血液是由不同细胞类型,并包含其他化合物,包括各种盐类和某些蛋白。血液检测显示,这些血液细胞的细节,以及血液化合物,盐和蛋白质

The liquid portion of the tested Blood is plasma. 经测试血液的液体部分的是血浆。 When our Blood clots outside the body, the Blood cells and some of the proteins in Blood turn into a solid. The remaining liquid is called serum, which can be used in chemical tests and in other Blood tests to find out how the immune system fights diseases. Doctors take Blood samples and grow the organisms, found in Blood tests, that cause illness, to evaluate each, microscopically. 当我们的血液在体外血栓,血细胞,把血液中的某些蛋白质成固体。剩余的液体称为血清,可用于测试,化学测试和其他血液,以了解免疫系统如何打架疾病。医生采取血液样本和成长的有机体,在血液化验发现,导致病情评估,每个显微镜。

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Mercury Blood Test , Blood Test Result , Discount Blood Testing , Discount Blood Tests , Mercury Blood Testing , Selling Sperm for Cash , 水星血液检验血液检验结果血液检测折扣折扣血液检验血液检验水星精子的销售现金
CJD Test , CJD Tests , CJD Testing , Prion Test , Prion Testing , Protein Profiling , Blood Test Kits , ABO Blood Types , Thimerosal . 克雅氏病的试验试验克雅氏病克雅氏病的测试测试朊病毒朊病毒检测蛋白谱血液测试工具包ABO血型硫柳汞

How is a Blood test carried performed? Blood samples taken for Blood testing can be taken either from a vein or from an artery. 验血是如何进行执行? 血液测试血液样本中可以采取动脉无论是从静脉或从。 A few drops of Blood are needed, most of the time. 一滴滴鲜血少数是需要的,大部分时间的。 It is often enough to take a small drop from the tip of your finger and then squeeze the Blood out for Blood testing. 它通常可以让我对你的手指小滴,然后从尖端挤压出血液检测血。 Most Blood tests are taken from a vein (veins carry Blood FROM the heart,) most often from those veins near the elbow. 大部分血液测试静脉取自(静脉进行血液心脏)从肘部最常见的血管附近。 First a tourniquet is tied around the upper arm to make the vein easy to find and take the Blood for the Blood test. 首先是止血带绑在上臂,使静脉容易找到,并采取血液测试血液的。

The place where the injection is to take place is then made sterile and then a hollow needle is put into the vein. 注射的地方是采取地方是无菌的,然后再作出一个空心针静脉投入。 The needle will be attached either to a Blood test sample bottle or to a syringe where the plunger is pulled back to create low negative pressure. 中针会附着要么验血采样瓶,或在压力注射器的柱塞被拉了下来,创造低负。 When the needed amount of Blood for testing has been removed from the vein, the needle is removed. 当测试所需的血液量已删除从静脉,穿刺针取出。 The area is then re-cleaned and pressure is placed on the area with a small ball of cotton. 该地区是然后重新清洗和压力区放在同一个棉花小球。 This is pressed against the area for a couple of minutes before applying a bandage. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types. Blood tests are relatively painless. 这是按分钟对夫妇的A区前申请绷带。血液测试结果非常重要,在血液病中的血液检查和血液测试血型罕见。 血液检测也相对容易。

Platelet testing is a Blood test that is often used by doctors. 血小板是血液检查测试 ,通常医生使用。 First lets define platelets. 首先让定义血小板。 Platelets are very small cells in the Blood. 血小板是血液中非常小的细胞。 These clump together at places where injury to Blood vessels occur. 这些船只在发生聚集在一起的地方损伤血。 They are the basis of the Blood clot that normally forms when the skin is broken. 他们是打破基础血块通常形式当皮肤。

A Blood test revealing a low platelet count can make us vulnerable to bleeding, sometimes even without an injury that we see.验血揭示了低血小板计数可以让我们看到容易出血,有时甚至是无一受伤,我们。 Some of the causes of a low Blood platelet count include autoimmune diseases, where the effected individual produces an antibody to his or her own platelets, chemotherapy, leukemia, viral infections and some medicines. High numbers of platelets make an individual more vulnerable to Blood clotting.血小板计数的一些原因包括低自身免疫性疾病,如影响个人产生抗体,他或她自己的血小板,化疗,白血病,病毒感染和一些药品。血小板高的数字使个人更容易凝血。 High Blood platelet counts are always found where a condition involving bone marrow such as leukemia, cancer and other Blood borne conditions that are revealed by Blood test results.高血小板计数总是发现那里的条件涉及骨骨髓结果如白血病,癌症和其他血液测试血液传播的条件,揭示。

Pharmacy shelves are stocked with do-it-yourself home tests for Blood glucose, Blood cholesterol paternity tests and pregnancy tests. OraSure Technologies Inc., makes and sells a 20-minute, at-home test that screens for two HIV strains using a swab device that tests saliva. 药房货架上摆放的测试自己动手在家做试验用的血液,血糖,血胆固醇和怀孕亲子鉴定。OraSure科技公司,制造并销售了20分钟,在家测试两个艾滋病毒菌株屏幕使用棉签唾液测试设备。

No Blood test is completely accurate all of the time. 没有血液测试是完全准确的时间所有。 Sometimes a test result is incorrectly abnormal in a person who does not have the suspected disease (a false-positive result). 有时,一个测试的结果是不正确)异常的人谁没有怀疑疾病(假阳性结果。 Sometimes a test result is incorrectly normal in a person who has the disease (a false-negative result). 有时,测试结果是不正确)一个人的正常谁的疾病(假阴性结果。 Tests are rated in terms of their sensitivity (the probability that their Blood testing results will be positive when a disease is present) and their specificity (the probability that their test results will be negative when a disease is not present). 测试是在额定)计算其灵敏度(他们的血的概率测试结果将是积极的,当一种疾病存在)及其特殊性(的概率是其测试结果将是负面的,当一种疾病不存在。 A very sensitive test is unlikely to miss the disease in people who have it, however, it may falsely indicate disease in healthy people. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types. A very specific test is unlikely to indicate disease in healthy people. 一个非常敏感的测试是健康的人不会错过这种疾病的人谁拥有它,但是,它可能会错误地显示在疾病。 血液测试结果类型的重要罕见的血液在血液病中的血液测试检查和血液。一个很具体的试验表明人是不可能健康的疾病。 Although, it may miss the disease in some who have it. 虽然,它可能会错过它的病有一些谁。 Problems with sensitivity and specificity can be largely overcome by using several different Blood tests. 问题的敏感性和特异性,可在很大程度上克服了使用几种不同的血液测试。

Because your physician can not always be sure whether or not the reported result of a particular test from a particular person is false or true, a person with an abnormal result may often need to be re-tested or undergo a different type of testing. Links to Free Blood tests and Free Blood testing click here. 因为您的医生往往不能肯定是否在特定的人报告结果从一个特定的测试是虚假或真实的,因此人与异常可能经常需要重新测试或进行不同类型的测试。 链接到自由无偿献血者血液检测和测试请点击这里。

Normal test result values are expressed as a reference range, which is based on the average values in a healthy population; 95% of healthy people have values within this range. 正常的测试结果值表示为一个参考范围,这是人口在健康的基础上的平均值,95%的人拥有健康值在此范围内。 These values vary somewhat among laboratories, due to methodology and even geography. 这些值略有不同实验室之间,甚至由于方法和地理。 Blood tests and Blood testing methods and quality vary widely in different parts of the world and in different parts of many countries, due to characteristics in the population , both racial Blood differences and ethnic Blood characteristics, among other factors. 血液检查和血液检测方法和质量差别很大,在世界不同地区和许多国家的不同地区,由于人口特征的 ,包括种族和民族差异血血特点,影响因素,除其他。   Free Cord Blood testing at the Bloodmobile. 免费检测脐血在Bloodmobile。

American Blood laboratories use a different version of the metric system than does most of the rest of the world, which uses the Systeme Internationale (SI). 美国血液实验室使用不同版本的公制比一样),其余大部分硅的世界,它使用Systeme国际歌(。 In some cases translation between the two systems is easy, but the difference between the two is most pronounced in the measurement of chemical concentration. 在某些情况下两个系统之间的转换很容易,但两人之间的差额是最明显的化学物质的浓度测量。 The American system generally uses mass per unit volume, while SI uses moles per unit volume. 美国的司法系统一般采用每单位体积的质量,而使用硅摩尔体积单位。 Since mass per mole varies with the molecular weight of the substance being analyzed, conversion between American and SI units requires many different conversion factors. 由于每摩尔物质的质量变化与所分析的分子量,单位之间的转换美国和SI需要很多不同的转换因素。

Keep in mind that there are three Blood test "normal ranges." 请记住,有三个验血“正常范围内。”

Normal Range Results 结果正常范围
The results of virtually all Blood tests ordered in North America are compared to "normal ranges" as provided on a "Lab Results Report."  If your tests indicate that you are within the normal range, you are most often considered normal. A "normal" Blood test result does not necessarily mean that you are healthy. The problem with these lies in how "normal ranges" are determined at that particular Blood testing laboratory. 北美下令测试结果几乎所有血液进行比较“正常范围”为你提供一个最经常被认为是正常的“实验室检测结果报告。”那你的测试表明,如果你是在正常范围内。“正常“血液测试结果并不一定意味着你是健康的。问题,如何把这些谎言在”正常范围“是实验室确定在那个特定的血液测试。

Population Best/Optimum Ranges 人口最佳/最佳范围
In our opinion, every Blood test result must be compared to Blood test result scores other than the accepted lab "norms." Your potential statistical best possible Blood test ranges must be considered. 我们认为,每一个血液检查的结果必须是血液测试结果相比,实验室的其他得分超过公认“的规范。”你的潜在统计最好的血液测试范围必须加以考虑。 These Blood test range "best" results should interpreted considering your physiology and unique biochemistry such as your height your weight, age, gender, health history since childhood. 这些血液测试范围“最好”的结果应该考虑的解释,健康史从小你的生理机能和独特的生物化学如你的身高体重,性别,年龄。 Further, the inter-relationship with your other blood test scores must be considered. 此外,跨学习成绩的关系与其它血液测试必须加以考虑。 One imbalance often causes another. 一个不平衡往往导致另一个。 Blood test range scores outside your unique Blood test range results can be affected by sleep, diet, exercise, medicines, and vitamin supplements. 验血结果范围的分数范围之外的独特验血可影响睡眠,饮食,运动,药物和补充维生素。

Your Personal Norms 您的个人规范
Your Blood test score, chronicled over time, will vary by few points, one way or the other. 您的验血评分,时间记录了过来,将通过几个不同点,单程或其他。 These Blood test results, considering sleep, diet, exercise, medicines, and vitamin supplements, etc. will most certainly vary. Each person on any given day has their own set of Blood test results. 这些血液测试结果,考虑到睡眠,饮食,运动,药物和维生素补充剂等, 将肯定会有所不同。每个人在任何一天都有他们自己的一套测试结果血。

Consider your gas mileage in your car. 考虑一下你的你的车油耗研究。 If reviewed over time, each time you fill up and record your gas mileage, it varies. 如果时间审查了,每次填写并记录您的油耗,有异。 The car is the same, the driver is the same, the gas is the same, but the mileage, from fill-up to fill-up varies. 汽车是一样的,驱动程序是一样的,气是一样的,但里程,从填写,填满式各不相同。 We recommend periodical Personal Blood Testing . 我们建议定期验血个人

Your personal norms must be considered over time. 您的个人准则,必须考虑一段时间。 Each individual has his or her own unique personal Blood test normal range, best for you. 每个人都有他或她自己独特的个人血液检查正常范围内,你最好的。 Remember, if you do not get Blood tests, and if you do not keep track of them, and if you do not have them available to your doctor, You will not know and can not use your normal Blood test range. Free Blood testing at the Bloodmobile. 请记住,如果你没有得到血液测试,如果你没有让他们跟踪,如果你没有提供给你的医生,你不会知道也无法使用正常的血液测试范围。 无偿献血者在测试在Bloodmobile。

链接 - BloodBook.com View "What Does My Blood Test Mean Pages?" 查看“什么我的血液测试平均数页?” 链接 - BloodBook.com


The following Blood Test Reference Range Chart is presented in the "American Metric" format (exceptions as noted.) View Measurements section HERE . 下面的血液测试参考范围图,提出在“美国公制”格式(例外情况说明。)查看测量部分 这里


Test 测试

Reference Range (conventional units*) 参考范围(单位*常规)

17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Men) 17羟基(男子) 0.06-3.0 m g/L 0.06-3.0 微克 /升
17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Women) Follicular phase 17羟基(女)卵泡期 0.2-1.0 m g/L 0.2-1.0 微克 /升
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) 25羟基维他命D(25(OH)D的) 8-80 ng/mL 8-80毫微克/毫升
Acetoacetate 乙酰 <3 mg/dL <3毫克/升
Acidity (pH) 酸度(pH值) 7.35 - 7.45 7.35 - 7.45
Alcohol 酒精 0 mg/dL (more than 0.1 mg/dL normally indicates intoxication) (ethanol) 0毫克/升(超过0.1毫克/升通常表明中毒)(乙醇)
Ammonia 15 - 50 μg of nitrogen/dL 15 - 50微克的氮/升
Amylase 淀粉酶 53 - 123 units/L 53 - 123单位/升
Ascorbic Acid 抗坏血酸 0.4 - 1.5 mg/dL 0.4 - 1.5毫克/升
Bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐 18 - 23 mEq/L (carbon dioxide content) 18 - 23毫克当量/升(二氧化碳含量)
Bilirubin 胆红素 Direct : up to 0.4 mg/dL 直接 高达0.4毫克/升
Total : up to 1.0 mg/dL 总计 高达1.0毫克/升
Blood Volume 血容量 8.5 - 9.1% of total body weight 8.5 - 9.1%的身体总重量
Calcium 8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL (normally slightly higher in children) 8.5 - 10.5毫克/升(正常儿童高略)
Carbon Dioxide Pressure 二氧化碳压力 35 - 45 mm Hg 35 - 45毫米汞柱
Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳 Less than 5% of total hemoglobin 少于5%的总血红蛋白
CD4 Cell Count CD4细胞计数 500 - 1500 cells/μL 500 - 1500细胞/微升
Ceruloplasmin 铜蓝蛋白 15 - 60 mg/dL 15 - 60毫克/升
Chloride 氯化物 98 - 106 mEq/L 98 - 106毫克当量/升
Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC) 全血细胞计数(CBC) Tests include: hemoglobin , hematocrit , mean corpuscular hemoglobin , mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration , mean corpuscular volume , platelet count , white Blood cell count 测试包括: 血红蛋白红细胞压积红细胞平均血红蛋白红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度红细胞平均体积血小板计数白细胞计数
Please click each to view an individual test value. 请点击查看每一个单独的测试值。
Copper Total : 70 - 150 μg/dL 总计:70 - 150微克/升
Creatine Kinase (CK or CPK) 肌酸激酶(CK或Cpk) Male : 38 - 174 units/L :38 - 174单位/升
Female : 96 - 140 units/L :96 - 140单位/升
Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes 肌酸激酶同工酶 5% MB or less 5%MB或更少
Creatinine 肌酐 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dL 0.6 - 1.2毫克/升
Electrolytes 电解质 Test includes: calcium , chloride , magnesium , potassium , sodium 测试包括:
Please click each to view an individual test value. 请点击查看每一个单独的测试值。
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR or Sed-Rate) 红细胞沉降率(ESR或桑达率) Male : 1 - 13 mm/hr :1 - 13毫米/小时
Female : 1 - 20 mm/hr :1 - 20毫米/小时
Glucose 葡萄糖 Tested after fasting: 70 - 110 mg/dL 禁食后测试:70 - 110毫克/分升
Hematocrit 红细胞压积 Male : 45 - 62% :45 - 62%
Female : 37 - 48% :37 - 48%
Hemoglobin 血红蛋白 Male : 13 - 18 gm/dL :13 - 18克/升
Female : 12 - 16 gm/dL :12 - 16克/升
Iron 60 - 160 μg/dL (normally higher in males) 60 - 160微克/升(正常男性高)
Iron-binding Capacity 铁结合力 250 - 460 μg/dL 250 - 460微克/升
Lactate (lactic acid) 乳酸(乳酸) Venous : 4.5 - 19.8 mg/dL 静脉:4.5 - 19.8毫克/升
Arterial : 4.5 - 14.4 mg/dL 动脉:4.5 - 14.4毫克/升
Lactic Dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 50 - 150 units/L 50 - 150单位/升
Lead 40 μg/dL or less (normally much lower in children) 40微克/分升以下(正常儿童低得多)
Lipase 脂肪酶 10 - 150 units/L 10 - 150单位/升
Zinc  B-Zn 锌乙锌 70 - 102 μmol/L 70 - 102μmol/ L的
Lipids: 血脂:
Cholesterol 胆固醇 Less than 225 mg/dL (for age 40-49 yr; increases with age) 少于225毫克/升(40-49岁的年龄,年龄随)
Triglycerides 甘油三酯 10 - 29 years 10 - 29年 53 - 104 mg/dL 53 - 104毫克/分升
30 - 39 years 30 - 39岁 55 - 115 mg/dL 55 - 115毫克/分升
40 - 49 years 40 - 49岁 66 - 139 mg/dL 66 - 139毫克/分升
50 - 59 years 50 - 59岁 75 - 163 mg/dL 75 - 163毫克/分升
60 - 69 years 60 - 69岁 78 - 158 mg/dL 78 - 158毫克/分升
>  70 years > 70年 83 - 141 mg/dL 83 - 141毫克/分升
Liver Function Tests 肝功能试验 Tests include bilirubin (total) , phosphatase (alkaline) , protein (total and albumin) , transaminases (alanine and aspartate) , prothrombin (PTT) 测试包括胆红素(总)磷酸酶(碱性)蛋白质(总数和白蛋白)转氨酶(丙氨酸和天冬氨酸)凝血酶原(对讲机)
Please click each to view an individual test value. 请点击查看每一个单独的测试值。
Magnesium 1.5 - 2.0 mEq/L 1.5 - 2.0毫克当量/升
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH) 27 - 32 pg/cell 27 - 32皮克/细胞
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 32 - 36% hemoglobin/cell 32 - 36%血红蛋白/细胞
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 平均红细胞体积 (的MCV) 76 - 100 cu μm 76 - 100微米铜
Osmolality 渗透压 280 - 296 mOsm/kg water 280 - 296 mOsm / kg水
Oxygen Pressure 氧压 83 - 100 mm Hg 83 - 100毫米汞柱
Oxygen Saturation (arterial) 氧饱和度(动脉) 96 - 100% 96 - 100%
Phosphatase, Prostatic 磷酸酶,前列腺 0 - 3 units/dL (Bodansky units) (acid) 0 - 3个单位/升(Bodansky单位)(酸)
Phosphatase 磷酸 50 - 160 units/L (normally higher in infants and adolescents) (alkaline) 50 - 160单位/升(通常在婴儿和青少年高)(碱性)
Phosphorus 3.0 - 4.5 mg/dL (inorganic) 3.0 - 4.5毫克/升(无机)
Platelet Count 血小板计数 150,000 - 350,000/mL 150,000 - 350,000 /毫升
Potassium 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L 3.5 - 5.0毫克当量/升
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) 前列腺特异性抗原(PSA) 0 - 4 ng/mL (likely higher with age) 0 - 4纳克/毫升(可能年龄较高)
Proteins: 蛋白质:
Total 总计 6.0 - 8.4 gm/dL 6.0 - 8.4克/升
Albumin 白蛋白 3.5 - 5.0 gm/dL 3.5 - 5.0克/升
Globulin 球蛋白 2.3 - 3.5 gm/dL 2.3 - 3.5克/升
Prothrombin (PTT) 凝血酶原 (对讲机) 25 - 41 sec 25 - 41秒
Pyruvic Acid 丙酮酸 0.3 - 0.9 mg/dL 0.3 - 0.9毫克/升
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 红细胞计数(RBC)的 4.2 - 6.9 million/μL/cu mm 4.2 - 6.9万/微升/立方毫米
Sodium 135 - 145 mEq/L 135 - 145毫克当量/升
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 促甲状腺激素(TSH) 0.5 - 6.0 μ units/mL 0.5 - 6.0μ单位/毫升
Transaminase : 转氨酶
Alanine (ALT) 丙氨酸(ALT)的 1 - 21 units/L 1 - 21个单位/升
Aspartate (AST) 天门冬氨酸酶(AST) 7 - 27 units/L 7 - 27个单位/升
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 尿素氮(BUN) 7 - 18 mg/dL 7 - 18毫克/升
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 尿素氮/肌酐比值 5 - 35 5 - 35
Uric Acid 尿酸 Male 2.1 to 8.5 mg/dL (likely higher with age) 2.1至8.5毫克/升(可能年龄较高)
Female 2.0 to 7.0 mg/dL (likely higher with age) 2.0至7.0毫克/升(可能年龄较高)
Vitamin A 维生素A 30 - 65 μg/dL 30 - 65微克/分升
WBC (leukocyte count and white Blood cell count) 白细胞(白血球计数,白细胞计数) 4.3-10.8 × 10 3 /mm 3 4.3-10.8 × 10 3 /毫米 3
White Blood Cell Count (WBC) 血细胞计数(WBC) 4,300 - 10,800 cells/μL/cu mm 4,300 - 10,800细胞/微升/立方毫米
*Please visit our measurement and abbreviation pages. *请访问我们的测量缩写的网页。


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