
WHO dispatches experts to Hungary on health risks mission

 3gzylon 2010-10-13

WHO dispatches experts to Hungary on health risks mission

09:27, October 13, 2010      

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A team of expert was dispatched by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday, on a mission to help the Hungarian government to assess the potential health impact caused by the toxic spill.

According to WHO, the team will conduct "short-, medium- and long-term effects" assessment on the potential impact of the spill, giving the Hungarian government substantial references to develop strategies for counteracting those potential threats to the public health.

The team is formed by international experts in evaluating and managing health risks from the environment, with some of the experts specializing in dealing with contaminated water and chemicals.

WHO has expressed its willingness to "provide technical assistance" to the countries that faces the same threat, as the contaminated water is heading downstream the Danube river, endangering several European countries en route.

Millions of gallons of red mud, a bauxite residue, from an alumina facility broke through a containing barrier early last week in western Hungary, dousing the tiny hamlet of Kolontar and the neighboring village Devecser, killing at least eight.

The red mud contains heavy metals that are highly toxic. Hundreds of tons of plaster are being used to bind the toxic mud, and military helicopters have been pouring neutralizing materials into the waterway from the air.

The accident has caused concern in the Danube riverside states, which are alarmed by possible vast contamination.

Source: Xinhua
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