

 kairry 2010-10-20

垃圾收集器以自己的线程运行,从程序里移除未使用的内存,每次运行时也压缩托管堆。通过压缩堆,将托管堆里面的活动对象进行移动,可以使得空闲空间集中在一个连续的内存块里。图2.1 展示了堆的在垃圾收集前和垃圾收集后的2个快照。在每次GC进行操作后,所有的自由内存都集中在一个连续的块里面。

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Figure 2.1 垃圾收集器不仅移除未使用的内存,而且也移动内存里的其它对象,并对是已经使用的内存进行压缩,从而使得自由空间最大化。

As you've just learned, memory management is completely the responsibility of the Garbage Collector. All other system resources are your responsibility. You can guarantee that you free other system resources by defining a finalizer in your type. Finalizers are called by the system before an object that is garbage is removed from memory. You can and mus tuse these methods to release any unmanaged resources that an object owns. The finalizer for an object is called at some time after it becomes garbage and before the system reclaims its memory. This nondeterministic finalization means that you cannot control the relationship between when you stop using an object and when its finalizer executes. That is a big change from C++, and it has important ramifications for your designs. Experienced C++ programmers wrote classes that allocated a critical resource in its constructor and released it in its destructor:


// Good C++, bad C#:
class CriticalSection
// Constructor acquires the system resource.
CriticalSection( )
EnterCriticalSection( );
// Destructor releases system resource.
~CriticalSection( )
ExitCriticalSection( );

// usage:
void Func()
// The lifetime of s controls access to
// the system resource.
CriticalSection s;
// Do work.
// compiler generates call to destructor.
// code exits critical section.

This common C++ idiom ensures that resource deallocation is exception-proof. This doesn't work in C#, however at least, not in the same way. Deterministic finalization is not part of the .NET environment or the C# language. Trying to force the C++ idiom of deterministic finalization into the C# language won't work well. In C#, the finalizer eventually executes, but it doesn't execute in a timely fashion. In the previous example, the code eventually exits the critical section, but, in C#, it doesn't exit the critical section when the function exits. That happens at some unknown time later. You don't know when. You can't know when.


Relying on finalizers also introduces performance penalties. Objects that require finalization put a performance drag on the Garbage Collector. When the GC finds that an object is garbage but also requires finalization, it cannot remove that item from memory just yet. First, it calls the finalizer. Finalizers are not executed by the same thread that collects garbage. Instead, the GC places each object that is ready for finalization in a queue and spawns yet another thread to execute all the finalizers. It continues with its business, removing other garbage from memory. On the next GC cycle, those objects that have been finalized are removed from memory. Figure 2.2 shows three different GC operations and the difference in memory usage. Notice that the objects that require finalizers stay in memory for extra cycles.

依赖于终结器也引来了性能上的损失。要求有终结过程的对象在性能上对垃圾收集器产生了拖累。当GC发现一个对象成了垃圾又要求进行终结时,还不能从内存中移除它。首先,它调用了终结器。执行终结器的线程和收集垃圾的线程不是同一个。相反,GC将每个准备要终结的对象放在一个队列里面,生成另一个线程来执行所有的终结器。GC继续自己的工作:从内存中移除其它垃圾。在下一轮的垃圾收集周期内,这些已经被终结的对象才被从内存里移除。图 2.2 展示了3个不同的GC操作,以及它们在内存上的不同。注意,要求终结器的对象会在内存中多停留一个额外的周期。

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This might lead you to believe that an object that requires finalization lives in memory for one GC cycle more than necessary. But I simplified things. It's more complicated than that because of another GC design decision. The .NET Garbage Collector defines generations to optimize its work. Generations help the GC identify the likeliest garbage candidates more quickly. Any object created since the last garbage collection operation is a generation 0 object. Any object that has survived one GC operation is a generation 1 object. Any object that has survived two or more GC operations is a generation 2 object. The purpose of generations is to separate local variables and objects that stay around for the life of the application. Generation 0 objects are mostly local variables. Member variables and global variables quickly enter generation 1 and eventually enter generation 2.


The GC optimizes its work by limiting how often it examines first- and second-generation objects. Every GC cycle examines generation 0 objects. Roughly 1 GC out of 10 examines the generation 0 and 1 objects. Roughly 1 GC cycle out of 100 examines all objects. Think about finalization and its cost again: An object that requires finalization might stay in memory for nine GC cycles more than it would if it did not require finalization. If it still has not been finalized, it moves to generation 2. In generation 2, an object lives for an extra 100 GC cycles until the next generation 2 collection.


To close, remember that a managed environment, where the Garbage Collector takes the responsibility for memory management, is a big plus: Memory leaks and a host of other pointer-related problems are no longer your problem. Nonmemory resources force you to create finalizers to ensure proper cleanup of those nonmemory resources. Finalizers can have a serious impact on the performance of your program, but you must write them to avoid resource leaks. Implementing and using the IDisposable interface avoids the performance drain on the Garbage Collector that finalizers introduce. The next section moves on to the specific items that will help you create programs that use this environment more effectively.

base: 用于在派生类中实现对基类公有或者受保护成员的访问,但是只局限在构造函数、实例方法和实例属性访问器中。 MSDN中小结的具体功能包括:
    (1)调用基类上已被其他方法重写的方法。      (2)指定创建派生类实例时应调用的基类构造函数。
base常用于,在派生类对象初始化时和基类进行通信。  base可以访问基类的公有成员和受保护成员,私有成员是不可访问的。在多层继承中,base可以指向的父类的方法有两种情况:一是有重载存在的情况下,base将指向直接继承的父类成员的方法;而没有重载存在的情况下,base可以指向任何上级父类的公有或者受保护方法。 
this: 用于引用类的当前实例,也包括继承而来的方法,通常可以隐藏this。 MSDN中的小结功能主要包括:
    (1)限定被相似的名称隐藏的成员      (2)将对象作为参数传递到其他方法      (3)声明索引器  this指代类对象本身,用于访问本类的所有常量、字段、属性和方法成员,而且不管访问元素是任何访问级别。因为,this仅仅局限于对象内部,对象外部是无法看到的,这就是this的基本思想。另外,静态成员不是对象的一部分,因此不能在静态方法中引用this。 

1、尽量少用或者不用base和this。除了决议子类的名称冲突和在一个构造函数中调用其他的构造函数之外,base和this的使用容易引起不必要的结果。  2、在静态成员中使用base和this都是不允许的。原因是,base和this访问的都是类的实例,也就是对象,而静态成员只能由类来访问,不能由对象来访问。  3、base是为了实现多态而设计的。  4、使用this或base关键字只能指定一个构造函数,也就是说不可同时将this和base作用在一个构造函数上。  5、简单的来说,base用于在派生类中访问重写的基类成员;而this用于访问本类的成员,当然也包括继承而来公有和保护成员。  6、除了base,访问基类成员的另外一种方式是:显示的类型转换来实现。只是该方法不能为静态方法。 

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