
The pros and cons of advancing technology...

 十月三千里 2010-10-25

Friend or Foe?

Welcome to the 21st Century! Here you will find that you no longer have to dial a ten digit number to call someone. It takes 2 minutes rather than 2 weeks to send a letter and you can turn your lights off without getting up from your chair. That's right folks; here in the 21st Century we have vastly advanced that crazy concept called technology. No more video cassettes or tape recorders. No more wasting your money on music or movies. With just a click of a button you can have anything your little heart desires. You have to ask yourself though, as technology advances, do we slow down? Have we become victims of laziness and potential danger because of computers and cell phones? Are machines running or possibly ruining our lives? Just like everything else there are pros and cons to technology.

       You haven't seen your friends in a longtime and they invite you out to dinner and a movie. You tell then you can't because you are busy that night. What are you doing? You're chatting and playing o the internet with some guy from Denmark. You're sitting at a traffic light and people are honking at you and you have no idea why. All of a sudden you get in to this huge accident. What happened? You were talking on your cell phone. Your mother asks you to clean up the house, so you turn on the robotic vacuum and floor scrubber. All of a sudden you become this lazy person who doesn't do anything for himself and you grow up as a selfish and useless human being. As you can see, there is a downside to technology. It seems to be taking up so much of our time that we don't want to do anything else. Students don't focus on their school work because they are so wrapped up in their music, movies and video games. Technology can also potentially be very dangerous. You stop paying attention to your surroundings and can cause accidents and other problems. It spoils us and makes us lazy and inattentive to the world. Machines are running our lives. How far will it go?

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