
GRE词汇—— 熟词僻意归类整理

 tooby 2010-11-06

GRE 熟词辟意归类整理

1. address v. 处理,对付,着手解决( to tackle);致辞( to deliver formal speech to)

2. august adj. 威严的,高贵的( approval & support )

3. cow v. 威胁( to threat )

4. license n. 放肆,自由( freedom )

5. husband v. 妥善而又节约地管理( to manage prudently & economically )

6. nice adj. 精密的( marked by great or excessive precision & delicacy )

7. list n./v. 倾斜( tilt; to tilt one side ) :be upright

8. pan n. 严厉批评( to criticize severely )

9. pen n. 围栏,监禁( a large group of aquatic animals ), ( a small place of confinement );母天鹅(a female swan)

10. rent n. 裂缝( a opening made by rending );(意见)分歧(a split in a party; schism )

11. school n. 鱼群( a large group of aquatic animals )

12. sock v. 重击,痛打( to strike forcefully )

13. die n. 金属模子,印模( block of hard metal with a design, etc. cut into it )

14. down n. 羽毛( a covering of soft fluffy feathers );汗毛( fine soft hair )

15. purse v. 缩拢或撅起( to pucker, contract );n.“钱包”( wallet )

16. swear v. 诅咒( to use profane or obscene language )

17. screen v. 筛选,系统地测试以决定是否合适( to separate or sift out)

18. seal n. 印章,封条,海豹( 1. Fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm; used for sealing documents & parcels & letters = sealing wax); (2. a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents = stamp)

19. flag v. 减弱,衰退( to lose strength );枯萎( to droop )

flagging adj. 下垂的( dropping ),衰弱的( weakening )

20. founder v. 沉没([ of a ship or boat ] to sink );(计划)失败( to collapse, fail );(尤指马)摔倒,绊( fall or stumble )

21. base adj. 被逼的( devoid of high values or ethics )

22. control n. 实验对照组( sth. used as a standard against which the results can be measured )

23. green adj. 新鲜的,未成熟的;无经验的( young or inexperienced )

24. hold n.(船)货仓( the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo)


25. humor v. 纵容,迁就( to comply with the mood or whim; indulge )

26. guy n. (铁塔等)支索,牵索( a rope, chain or rod attached to steady or guide it )

27. inch v. 慢慢前进,慢慢移动( to more by small degrees )

28. mean adj. 卑贱的;吝啬的( selfish in a petty way; stingy )

29. meet adj. 合适的( suitable, appropriate )

30. milk v. 榨取( to coerce profit or advantage to an extreme degrees )

31. movement n. (交响乐)乐章( a principal division or section of a sonata or symphony )

32. legend n. 地图里的说明文字或图例( an explanatory list of the symbols on a map )

33. might n. [文]权力;力气,力量( especially hit power; strength; force )

34. pack n. 狼群;一群动物( a number of wild animals living & hunting together )

35. peak v. 憔悴,消瘦( to become thin or sick; emaciate )

36. purchase n. 支点(阻止东西下滑)( a mechanical hold )

37. relate v. 讲述( to tell )

38. rider n. 附文,附件( an addition to a document often attached on a separate piece of paper )

39. shoot n. 嫩芽,新芽( new growth from a plant )

40. smart n. 痛苦( sharp mental & physical pain )

41. spell n. 连续的一段时间( a continuous period of time )

42. sport v. 炫耀,卖弄( to display or wear ostentatiously )

43. square v. 一致,符合( to be or make sth. consistent with sth.; agree with );结清( to pay the bill )

44. stall v. 隐伏跟踪(猎物)( to pursue quarry stealthily )“茎”“杆”

45. stamp n./v. 跺脚( to put one’s foot down heavily );在……上盖印( to print, mark with a design, an official seal, etc. )

46. stock adj. 普通的、惯用的( commonly used; standard );n. 存货 “股票”、“家畜”、“储备”

47. stomach v. 容忍( to bear without overt reaction or resentment )

48. stern n. 船尾( the rear end of a boat ) “严厉的”

49. soil n./v. 弄脏,污损( to become dirty ) “土壤”

50. subject n. 受支配的人( one that is placed under authority or control )

51. table v. 搁置,不加考虑( to remove from consideration indefinitely )

52. tender v. 提出(希望对方接受的意见等)( to present for acceptance; offer )

53. toy v. 不认真考虑,玩弄( to deal with sth. lightly )

54. tend v. 照料,看顾( to act as an attendant; serve )“倾向”

55. weather v. 经受住,平安渡过危难( to endure the effects of weather or other forces )

56. damn v. 严厉批评,谴责( to criticize severely )

        adj. 该死的(expressing disapproval, anger, impatience, etc. )

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