
【美国习惯用语】Money Is No Object 钱不...

 ricky0422 2010-11-18


www.英语学习网站原创,VAN ALLEN编译。欢迎转载到自己的QQ空间或博客)


Most people enjoy working for several reasons. Their job might be fun, or they like their employer and the other people at work. Most people I know, however, work for the money. I do not know anyone who is loaded, or extremely rich. Most of my friends work to earn enough money to live. They have to make ends meet. They have to earn enough money to pay for the things they need. Some even live from hand to mouth. They only have enough money for the most important things.



They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon. It can be difficult to earn enough money for a family to survive. Sometimes, poor people even get caught short. They do not have enough money to pay for what they need.



Or they have to spend or lay out more money than they want for something. When this happens, poor people have to tighten their belts and live on less money than usual. I hate when I have to live on less money. It takes me longer to get back on my feet, or return to good financial health.



However, other people are on the gravy train. They get paid more money than their job is worth. These people make a bundle. They really rake in the cash. In fact, they make so much money that they can live high off the hog. They own the best of everything and live in great ease. Sometimes they pay an arm and a leg for something.



Because money is no object to wealthy people, they will pay high prices for whatever they want. Sometimes, they even pay through the nose. They pay too much for things.



I am not rich. I did not make a killing in the stock market when my stocks increased in value. Yet, I am not poor either. When I go out with friends, I do not want to shell out or pay a lot of money. Often, my friends and I will chip in or pay jointly for a fun night out. When we go to restaurants the meal is Dutch treat. Each person pays his or her own share.

我不富裕,当我的股票涨价的时候,也不会一夜暴富。然而,我也不穷。当我和朋友出去时,不希望shell out,即付一大笔钱。我和朋友们经常会chip in,即共同支付愉快的夜生活费用。当我们去餐厅时,餐费采取AA制,即每个人只付他或她自己那份的费用。


Once, the owner of a restaurant gave us a dinner on the house. We did not have to pay for our meals. However, I admit that we had to grease someone's palm. We had to pay money to the employee who led us to our table. The money was for a special request. Yes, it was a buy off. The employee put us at the top of the list for a table instead of making us wait like everyone else. We had a great time that night and the meal did not set me back at all. I did not have to pay anything.

餐厅的老板曾经让我们免费(on the house)用餐,我们不必付餐费。然而,我承认我们必须贿赂(grease someone's palm)老板,即付钱给这位带我们在餐桌就座的老板,这笔钱用于某种特殊要求。是的,这就是收买。这位老板把我们列在等候餐桌名单的最上面,而不是让我们像所有其他人一样等候。那晚,我们过得非常愉快,那顿饭我根本没有花钱,我不必为任何东西付钱。


Because of that experience, I will always remember that nice things still happen in a world that is driven by money. But, that is just my two cents worth. It is just my opinion.


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