
地形教程 - 从图像到高度图_狂人学院|电脑教程|WEB技术|技术文章

 深浅不一 2010-11-23

Terrain Tutorial

Height Maps From Images

Now that we know how to load an image lets see how to create and draw a height map. This section presents a set of functions from the terrain library that deal with height maps. First lets see how we can build a height map from an image.

There are several ways to interpret an image as an height map. If the image is greyscale the process is more or less straightforward, a pixels intensity corresponed to a height.

If the image is RGB then we can convert it to greyscale using the function tgaRGBtoGreyscale from the tgalib (see the tgalib section). Then we can use the Greyscale as before.

The other possible type is RGBA, in which case we can create a height map from the alpha channel, and use the RGB for the terrain colors.

Before presenting the functions lets take a look at the possible status returned:
TERRAIN_ERROR_LOADING_IMAGE - this value is returned when there is a problem loading the image.读取图像的时候发生错误。
TERRAIN_ERROR_MEMORY_PROBLEM - Oops, no memory to hold the terrain data 分配内存的时候发生错误了
TERRAIN_ERROR_NOT_SAVED - There was a problem saving the file 储存文件的时候发生错误了
TERRAIN_ERROR_NOT_INITIALISED - occurs when a function to act upon the terrain is called but there is no terrain! 没有地形之前操作了相关的地形函数。
TERRAIN_OK - This what we want, no errors! 这个是我们所要的,没有错误。
We need some variables to hold the terrain data:
terrainGridWidth - the number of heights available on the x axis. x轴上高度数据的个数
terrainGridLength - the number of heights available on the y axis. y轴上高度数据的个数
terrainHeights - A one-dimensional array containing the heights 一维数组保存高度值
terrainColors - A one-dimensional array containing the RGB colors for each height 一维数组保存RGB颜色
terrainNormals - A one-dimensional array containing the normals for each height 一维数组保存法线数据
Note that the terrainColors and terrainNormals arrays contain 3 times the number of components of terrainHeights. This is because we don\'t store the location in the XZ plane of each height in the array.
注意terrainColors和terrainNormals数组保存了3倍的数据个数相比于terrainHeight. 那时因为terrainHeight里面不需要储存XZ平面的数据。

The function to create the height map based on an image has the following signature:
int terrainLoadFromImage(char *filename, int normals);

filename - the name of the image file 图像文件名
normals - a non-zero value specifies that normals are to be calculated, zero means that we don\'t want normals
The value returned by this function indicates if the operation was successful or not. This function computes the heights as the pixels intensity scaled down to the interval [0,1]. The code that follows shows the steps required to create the height map. The image loading is performed by the tgalib presented in the previous sections.
int terrainLoadFromImage(char *filename, int normals) {

tgaInfo *info;
int mode,aux;
float pointHeight;

// if a terrain already exists, destroy it.
if (terrainHeights != NULL)

// load the image, using the tgalib
info = tgaLoad(filename);

// check to see if the image was properly loaded
// remember: only greyscale, RGB or RGBA noncompressed images
if (info->status != TGA_OK)

// if the image is RGB, convert it to greyscale.
// mode will store the image\'s number of components
mode = info->pixelDepth / 8;
if (mode == 3) {

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