

 昵称3359418 2010-11-28
EXT. - Julies car --- Barry, Helen and Julie are walking towards the car.
Barry -
Are you sure he was dead?
Julie -
Don't ask me that again, he was dead okay? I saw him with these... with these crabs.
Julie passes the keys to Barry.
Julie -
You do it.
Barry opens the trunk and sees that it is empty and very clean looking. Julie is upset.
Julie -
No don't, don't even, he was there god dammit and he was wearing your jacket Barry.
Barry -
Where'd he go? Did the crabs carry him away?
Julie -
I swear to god.
Helen -
I believe you Julie.
Julie -
He took the body, he came and he took the body.
Barry -
Why would he do that?
Julie -
I don't know Barry okay? Why would he try to run you over? Why'd he make coleslaw in Helens head? He's fucking with us.
Barry -
Come on Julie let's go back to the house?
Julie -
Where's your jacket Barry? Don't you see? He's got us now, okay this is exactly what he wants, we can't go to the police, not now, he's made sure of that. He's just out there and he's watching us and waiting.
She turns and looks around and starts screaming...
Julie -
What are you waiting for huh? What are you waiting for????
EXT. - Helens house --- The three are walking towards the house and Ray is walking towards them.
Julie -
What are you doing here?
Ray -
I've been looking everywhere for you guys.
Barry -
You're gonna die.
Barry walks up and punches Ray in the face with his fist which is still in a cast.
Julie -
Hey, hey stop it.
Ray -
What are you going?
Julie -
Stop it.
Ray -
I didn't do anything.
Barry -
You're fucking lying. He's lying.
Julie -
Leave him alone Barry, get a grip.
Barry -
No wake up Julie, he's behind this. How many fucked up fishermen are out there?
Ray -
Look, he's after me too. I got a letter.
Barry -
Oh you got a letter? I got run over. Helen gets her hair chopped off. Julie gets a body in a trunk and you get a letter?? That's balanced?
Ray -
What body? What are you talking about?
Barry -
Drop the act. You killed Max, you took my jacket.
Ray -
Max is dead?
Barry -
What is it with you Ray? You were dogging us from the start weren't you? Always wanting to be our friend, always wanting to be one of us but you were too fucking jealous to handle it
Ray -
Fuck you!
Julie -
Stop it! Look, we have to stick togeather alright? We have to help each other.
Barry -
Okay so if it's not fisherboy here then who is it and how do we find him?
Julie -
We think his name is Billy Blue.
Ray -
How do you know that?
Helen -
Missy, said there was a friend named Billy Blue.
Julie -
Who probably went to school with David Egan so according to sis that would make him class of '92.
Helen -
Elsa was class of '92. Maybe there's something in her yearbook.
INT. - Helens bedroom --- They are all looking through the yearbook at David Egans picture.
Ray -
So that's him huh? Hard to believe that's the guy.
Barry -
Yeah his face isn't splattered all over the road dumbass. Maybe Blue's not his real name.
Julie -
That's right, he could have easily lied to Missy, we did.
Helen -
Maybe we should bring the yearbook to Missy, if she had it in front of her...
Julie -
...She could point him out.
Ray -
I'm not going anywhere. High school mugshots, what???
Julie -
I'll go, you've got that parade today.
Helen -
Forget it.
Julie -
No you need to be there in case he shows up.
Helen -
I don't want him to show up.
Julie -
Helen this could be our chance, we could catch him. I'll go to Missys, Barry you go to the parade with Helen and don't let her out of your sight, if he shows up...
Barry -
I'll pound his ass.
Ray -
Listen to yourselves, you sound like a bunch of vigulanties.
Julie -
It's july 4th Ray. Okay? This is his day. Whatever he's planned in going to happend today unless we stop him.
Ray -
Come on Julie, don't you see? It's that moment where we have to make a decision, let's make the right one this time.
Julie -
I'm not interested in what's right anymore Ray I wanna do what's smart.
Ray - Then let's get the hell out of here, we can leave town, disapear.
Julie -
I've already disapeared, okay? Now I want my life back. Look we have to face this, what's it gonna be Ray?
EXT. - The parade --- Helen is riding the float and Barry is sitting on the side. Both of them are looking all over the place for the man in the slicker. Helen sees a man in a black slicker and yells to Barry.
Helen -
Barry. Barry! Over there.!
Barry looks over and sees the man in the slicker walking away. Barry chases him screaming at people to move and get out of the way untill he finally tackles the man to the ground and removes the hat. It's an old man who looks like Barry has given him a heartattack.
Barry -
Shit! Where the hell is he?
EXT. - Missys house - Julie is just pulling into the driveway. she gets out and knocks on the door.
Julie -
Missy???? Hello????
She starts to walk around the house to look for Missy when she sees Missy coming at her with a knife.
Julie -
Please! Missy? Missy do you remember me from the other day? You know the car trouble?
Missy -
What are you doing here?
EXT. - The parade --- Helen is on her float looking around trying to find Barry, she looks up and sees a man standing on a building looking at her, he is wearing a slicker and he pulls his big hook, it's the killer. Helen is scared.
EXT. - Missys house --- Missy and Julie are talking out by an old shed. Missy is cutting up some rotten looking fish.
Julie - Please we need to talk. I need to find your brothers friend Billy Blue, I need to talk to him and I was thinking that maybe you could look through this yearbook?
Missy -
Now what's this all about?
Julie -
Well it's too crazy to explain but it has to do with your brother and last july 4th.
Missy -
What about it?
Julie -
What happened to your brother wasn't an acident, there's more to it than that.
Missy -
I know.
Julie -
You know what?
Missy -
Well he killed himself.
Julie -
He what?
Missy -
Yeah he went up there to die that night that's where Susie died. See the whole town blammed him for her death so he blammed himself.
Julie -
But how do you know it was a suicide?
Missy -
He left a note.
Missy walks over to the decaying tool shed and gets out the note.
Missy -
I had to keep this hidden from the insurance company cause they wouldn't pay me the money if it was suicide. That don't much matter anymore cause the money's been spent. That's it.
She passes the note to Julie which says "I WILL NEVER FORGET LAST SUMMER".
Julie -
This isn't a suicide note. This is a death threat.
Missy -
What are you... What are you talking about?
Julie -
Your brother didn't kill himself Missy, I saw him, I was there and whoever sent this was there too.
Missy -
What do you mean you saw him? Where? Where did you see him?
Julie -
He was crossing the road, we hit him, it was an accident.
Missy -
No! My brother drowned.
Julie -
I saw him, he has Susie tattooed on his arm.
Missy -
Tattoo? He doesn't have a tattoo on his arm.
Julie -
I saw it on his right forearm.
Missy is getting upset at what Julie is saying.
Missy -
You didn't seeanything, get out of here. Get out of my house.
Missy puts the letter away and disapears.
Julie -
Oh my god, it wasn't your brother.
Kevin Williamson

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By "Eshu Space".
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INT. - Croaker Queen stage --- The crew is setting the stage up getting ready for the event. Barry and Helen are backstage, she is upset at having just seen the killer. Barry is trying to comfort her.
Barry -
Stay calm. I'll be up in the balcony.
Helen -
He had a hook Barry. I saw it, it was a big huge hook.
Barry -
Everything's gonna be alright. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.
Cut to --- A little while later --- The contest has started. Everyone is on stage.
MC -
Very nicley done ladies. And now let's meet last years winner, Miss Helen Shivers.
Helen walks out to a cheering crowd, she looks up in the balcony focusing on Barry. A girl is very horribly singing a very horrible song. Helen laughs and looks up at Barry who is also laughing. She looks back at the girl then back up at Barry to see the killer coming up behind him and pulls him back. Helen goes crazy, she starts screaming and running towards the balcony but the crowd is in
an uproar and she can't get through. A cop stops her. And the killer is slashing Barry to death with his hook.
Helen -
Cop -
Excuse me. What's the problem??
Helen -
Help him he's gonna kill him.
Cop -
Who's killing who?
Helen -
Up in the balcony.
Cop -
Okay everybody stay calm.
Helen -
Get off of me!
There is a lot of commotion going on and everyone is talking over each other.
Helen follows the cop up into the balcony.
Cop -
Mame stay behind me okay?
They look around but find no one or no trace that anyone had ever been there.
Cop -
There's nobody up here. I gotta tell ya, this is really not my idea of a funny joke.
Helen -
He was here.
Cop -
Who? Who was here?
Helen -
The fisherman, he killed Barry.
Cop -
Barry who? Who are we talking about? There's nobody up here, come on let's go back downstairs, come one, come on, there's nobody up here.
As they are walking dowstairs they don't see the blood dripping from the edge of the balcony.
After the Croaker queen contest Helen is still sitting there looking at the floor. Almost everyone has left, the cop comes up to her.
Cop -
Mame, I'm gonna take you home, your parents are really worried about you.
Helen -
You have to believe me.
Cop -
Why don't you let me take you home okay?
She gets up to leave with him and the MC grabs at her crown.
MC -
Excuse me, we'll be needing this.
INT. - Julies house --- Julie is on her computer looking for articles on Susie Willis.
EXT. - Police car --- Cop is driving Helen home.
Cop -
So then he killed him with a fish hook?
Helen -
Cop -
Did this fisherman guy use the same hook to cut all your hair off?
Helen -
No, he used scissors asshole. Look, okay I know I sound delusional but it's true.
Cop -
Yeah I've heard this story before except the way I heard it it wasn't a
fisherman, it was an escaped mental patient and he had a hook for a hand. We're gonna have to take the alley.
Helen -
Look, you little shitstick mayberry ass regect, there's been a murder and you're gonna fry in hell if you ignore it.
Cop -
Alright, I'll tell you what I'll do, okay I'll contact Barry's parents and put out a search for him alright? He was probably just playing a prank on you.
The cop sees a man standing under the hood of his car.
Cop -
Oh jesus, listen I'm just gonna be a minute alright, I'm gonna see if this guy needs help.
He gets out of the car and walks over to the man. Helen can tell who it is.
Helen -
That's him.
Cop -
What's the trouble?
Helen starts yelling to the cop.
Helen -
That's him, behind you, BEHIND YOU!
The cops turns back to the man who then sticks his hook in the cops stomach, bloods runs from the cops mouth. Helen screams, she tries to get out but she is in the back which is locked from the outside, the killer starts coming towards the car, she kicks the glass out of the window and crawls out and starts running, he is following her.
INT. - Julies House --- Julie is still looking at articles about Susie Willis on the internet. She is reading outloud.
Julie -
Susie Willis killed, trapped in car, driver unharmed, survived by her father, Benjamin, a local fisherman.
With that, Julie runs out the door.
EXT. - On the streets --- the killer is still chasing Helen, she see the store that her family owns, Elsa is inside closing up for the night. Helen runs towards the store screaming for Elsa.
Helen -
Elsa is slow in getting to the door, she finishes putting plastic over some items and then goes to get the keys.
Helen -
Elsa -
I'm coming
Helen -
Elsa finally opens the door, Helen runs in and slams the door behind her.
Elsa -
You could have walked around the Arch Tree entrance it's open.
Helen -
I'm being attacked.
Elsa -
You're what?
They look outside and see no one.
Helen -
Lock the other door, I'll call the police.
Elsa -
What is going on?
Helen -
Just do what I say god dammit.
Helen runs upstairs to use the phone, Elsa goes to the back entrance to lock the door. The door is swinging shut just before she walks in, she begins to lock it when she sees a reflection in the door, she turns around to see the man in a slicker standing looking at her with his face covered, she can't move or speak. His reflection passes through her glasses and she screams as the large hook slashes her throat. Helen hears the scream and hangs up the phone slowly moving down the stairs.
Helen -
Elsa? Elsa? Elsa where are you?
No response, she gets paranoid and tunrs around looking closley at a mannequin that is covered in plastic, it is very silent then all of the sudden he jumps out from under the plastic and tackles her to the ground, she escapes and runs up the stairs, she passes by the bathroom and sees Elsa dead laying on the floor, she screams and keeps running and hops onto an old hand operated elevator, the killer is following her, she gets on the elevator and starts pulling the rope, he can't get on it but he swings his hook at her legs, she finally gets up to the attic and the killer has used the stairs and is also up there, she runs over to the edge of a window, he comes for her, she jumps out landing in a dumpster full of wood and other garbage. In a daze she looks up to the window and sees the killer is gone. She takes off running down the street, through alleys to try and find someone who can help her, fireworks go off and she sees that the parade is still going on, she runs towards them and hears a noise, she turns around and there is nothing, she turns back towards the parade, the killer is standing behind her, he grabs her and throws her into a stack of
tires and he slashes her to death.
EXT. - On the streets --- Julie is looking for her friends and sees the boat Ray works on, she runs towards the boat.
Julie -
Ray? Ray ? Ray?
Rays head pops up from below the boat.
Julie, what are you doing here?
Julie -
We didn't kill David Egan, it was someone else on the road that night.
Ray -
What are you talking about?
Julie -
I think it was Susies father, Ben Willis, he's a fisherman.
Ray -
But they found Davids body in the water.
Julie -
Yeah I know but I think Ben Willis killed David Egan.
Ray -
Wait a second. You think this Willis guy killed David then we killed him?
Julie -
Yeah but what if he didn't die Ray? What if he's still alive?
Ray -
This is crazy. Come aboard. Come inside.
Julie -
No we've gotta find Helen and Barry.
Ray -
We will, we will.
He holds out his hand and she reaches for it and sees the name of his boat is "Billy Blue". She pulls her hand back.
Julie -
You. Oh my god it's you.
Ray -
What are you talking about?
Julie -
Billy Blue. You went to Missys, your, your the friend, your the fisherman.
She runs faster than she has ever ran in her life, Ray yells behind her.
Ray -
I can explain...Julie wait, Julie.
He is running in back of her, she runs into a locked door.
Julie -
Ray -
Julie -
Stop it.
He keeps chasing her when all of the sudden an man sticks his arm out sending Ray to the ground. Julie screams.
Julie -
Oh, oh please help me please.
Man -
East child.
Julie -
Please I need to call the police.
Ray starts to get up.
Man -
On the boat, inside, hurry.
She runs onto the boat, the man leaves Ray on the ground and walks onto the boat too, he removes the anchor. Julie looks around and sees pictures of herslef and her three friends all over the place. The man walks in.
Kevin Williamson

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By "Eshu Space".
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Man -
You in some kind of trouble child?
Julie -
Yes, yeah I'm in a lot of trouble.
The man flips a silver medallion that says "I Love You".
Man -
That's a shame, being it's forth of july and all. Kids like you should be out having fun, drinking, partying, running people over, getting away with murder, things like that.
A shocked look comes over Julies face, what is going on?
Julie -
You? Ben Willis?
Man -
Good, I see you've been doing your homework too.
She runs out the door looking for somewhere to go. He follows her back and forth playing cat and mouse. Ray has gotten up, he is looking at the boat that has started drifting from shore. Julie finds a gun used to signal for help in case of emergancy, he is steering the boat now and jives it sending the signal gun over the edge. They have a state-down then he comes after her. She crawls down a cubbyhole below deck that is covered by a mesh grate, she pulls down on it from below as he is trying to pull it open with his hook. Ray is now climbing over the side of the boat and comes face to face with Ben.
Ben -
Welcome aboard Ray.
He moves his hook through the air tauntint Ray with it then starts swinging it at him. Julie is below deck still looking for a way to get out, she clibs up a ladder and sees Ben and Ray fighting, she screams to Ray, he turns his head and Ben hits him with his hook which sends him flying off the voat into the water, he is dragging along underwater holding onto a net. Julie runs down below again, Ben is following her, she shuts the door and blocks it with a oil drum.
Ben -
Open the door Julie. You got no place to hide
She is looking for somewhere to go, she opens up a shut door, it is hard to open so she uses her shirt, she gets it open and ice spills out, she crawls in and starts pushing more ice down so Ben can't get in. She breaks apart a crate filled with ice, the body of Helen comes falling down with the ice, Julie screams and moves over and feels something, she moves her hand and Barrys frozen face and underneath of it, she screams again. Ray has made his way back onto the boat. Ben opens a trap door and he is looking down at Julie who screams in terror. Ray is watching what Ben does, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
Ray then swings down a big hook attached to a rope which hits Ben in the face throwing him to the ground. Ray runs over and looks down at Julie. Julie screams expecting it to be Ben.
Ray -
Come on Julie.
Julie -
He sticks his hand out and pulls her out of the ice pit. Ben jumps up, Julie screams, Ben knocks Ray to the ground.
Ben -
Happy fourth of july Julie.
Julie -
Please, it was an accident.
Ben -
I know all about accidents and let me give you some advice, when you leave a man for dead, make sure he's really dead.
He then sticks his hand up in the air which is holding the hook, he is ready to slash Julie with it when all of the sudden his hand gets caught in a rope, Ray sees this and hits something which pulls Ben up into the air and hand gets chopped off in the pully, he falls halfway down again and the rope catches which then sends him flying off into the cold ocean.
EXT. - Wharf --- Julie and Ray and a bunch of police and doctors are around. Ray and Julie are hugging. The ordeal is over.
Julie -
We never killed anyone, this whole year was fake.
Ray -
I know. The guilt was killing me, I had to know who he was, that's why I went to see Missy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I wanted you back, I couldn't lose you again. I love you Julie. No one gets me the way you do.
Julie -
I understand your pain.
The sheriff walks over.
Shreiff -
Do you have any idea why this man would want you dead?
Julie and Ray -
They have dragged the ocean and are pulling up what they have found.
Operator -
Here it comes.
All that is in the net is Bens hand with the hook still in it.
Sheriff -
Ah don't worry, the body will turn up, they usually do.
EXT. - Julies College --- People are walking around outside.
INT. - Womens locker room --- Julie is on the phone with Ray.
Julie -
Yeah well I made the deans list. Thank you very much. I know I miss you too but I'm going to see you in a couple weeks, god I can not wait, I love New York. No of course I love you more....Yes I do, I love you and you know that but you know what? I've got to take a shower or I'm gonna be late.
Julies roommate Deb is outside the showers.
Deb -
Hey Julie you got some mail.
Julie -
Oh thanks Deb.
Back to the phone
Julie -
...A towel. Ray don't you start with me, you mister can ravage me in two weeks. Yes I love you too. Okay bye.
She hangs up the phone and goes out to get her mail, a look of terror crosses her face, a plain envelope with her name written on it in bold letters. She looks around then opens the letter that says "KBR POOL PARTY" She smiles and goes back to the showers, walking through the steam she sees written on the shower door "I STILL KNOW". She looks around and sees nothing, she turns back to the shower door and something black jumps out at her.
Kevin Williamson

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By "Eshu Space".
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