

 你真的离了吗 2010-11-29
Fifty years ago this month, John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States. He held the office for just over 1,000 days before his assassination, but they were significant days, and the man and his family became iconic around the world, especially capturing the imagination of Americans at home. This year, a four-year, $10 million effort to digitize the JFK Library and Museum’s archives is nearing completion, and LIFE Magazine has just released a series unpublished photos of the president. Collected here are a sampling of these photos, most from the JFK Library, some from LIFE and other press agencies, looking back 50 years ago. (26 photos total)


President John F. Kennedy addresses the nation from the Oval Office during the Berlin Crisis on July 25th, 1961. (Cecil Stoughton, White House/ John F. Kennedy Library)

在柏林危机时期,肯尼迪总统在椭圆办公室发表全国电视讲话,1961年7月25日。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

2While part of every candidate's retinue, security was simply not the pressing, public concern in 1960 that it would suddenly and necessarily become within a few short years. Here, seemingly alone in a crowd in Logan County, West Virginia, JFK speechifies from a kitchen chair as, mere feet away, a young boy absently plays with a jarringly realistic-looking toy gun. (Hank Walker/TIME & LIFE Pictures) #

对总统竞选的随行人员来说,保镖显然并不是压力最大的,1960年之后的短短几年中,公众的关心突然成为最令人头疼的事。照片拍摄于西弗吉利亚,logan县,肯尼迪孤身一人站在一把餐椅上,向人群发表演讲,不远处,一个小男孩出神地玩着一把仿真玩具枪。(Hank Walker摄,TIME & LIFE图片)

3On a drive through Illinois during the 1960 campaign, photographer Paul Schutzer turns his camera on his colleagues in the press. (Paul Schutzer/TIME & LIFE Pictures) #

1960年竞选,穿越伊利诺伊的途中,摄影师Paul Schutzer 调转相机,把镜头对准了摄影记者。(Paul Schutzer摄,TIME & LIFE图片)

4Vice President Lyndon Johnson, President John F. Kennedy and Special Assistant to the President Dave Powers during Opening Day of the 1961 baseball season at Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C. (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum) #


5Watching the lift-off of the first American in space on May 5th, 1961. From left to right, Vice President Johnson, Arthur Schlesinger, Adm. Arliegh Burke, President Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy. (Cecil Stoughton, White House/ John F. Kennedy Library) #

1961年5月5日,观看水星-红石3号,美国历史上首次载人航天的发射。照片从左到右依次为副总统林登、Arthur Schlesinger、Adm. Arliegh Burke、肯尼迪总统、杰奎琳。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

6President Kennedy sailing aboard the U. S. Coast Guard yacht "Manitou" on August 26th, 1962 in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. (Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年8月26日,罗德岛, Narragansett湾,肯尼迪在美国海上警卫队快艇“Manitou”上执舵。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

7President Kennedy's address to the people of Berlin, Germany on June 26th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年6月26日,德国,肯尼迪总统在向柏林民众发表演讲。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

8In Miami, Florida, after President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy address the 2506 Cuban Invasion Brigade at the Orange Bowl Stadium, Mrs. Kennedy informally speaks with some of the members on December 29th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年12月29日,佛罗里达,迈阿密,Orange Bowl 体育场,肯尼迪夫妇对2506古巴进驻旅演讲结束后,肯尼迪夫人正在同2506旅的军人交谈。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

9President Kennedy with his children, Caroline and John Jr. in the Oval Office of the White House on October 10th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年10月10日,肯尼迪总统和孩子们,卡洛林和小约翰在椭圆办公室。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

10President Kennedy's arrival in Hyannisport, Massachusetts on May 11th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

肯尼迪总统到达马萨诸塞州的Hyannisport,1963年5月11日。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

11A large group of photographers, including White House Photographers Cecil Stoughton and Abbie Rowe, crowd around the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to document President Kennedy's signature in the Treaty Room on October 7th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

一群摄影记者围着《核试验禁止条约》记录肯尼迪总统的签名,1963年10月7日,条约厅。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

12President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy confer outside the West Wing of the White House on October 3rd, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

肯尼迪总统和时任司法部长的弟弟罗伯特在白宫西厢外谈话,1962年10月3日。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

13President John F. Kennedy peers into space capsule at the presentation ceremony of NASA Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) to Astronaut and Colonel John Glenn, Jr. at Hangar 'S' at Cape Canaveral, Florida on February 23rd, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年2月23日,佛罗里达Canaveral角,在 NASA 杰出贡献奖章(DSM)的颁奖典礼上,肯尼迪总统在饶有兴致地观看太空舱 。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

14Florida Senator George Smathers and President John F. Kennedy at NASA's Cape Canaveral, Pad B, Complex 37, where they were briefed on the Saturn rocket by Dr. Werner Von Braun (not pictured) on November 16th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年11月16日,佛罗里达州参议员George Smathers陪同肯尼迪总统在NASA's Cape Canaveral,听取土星火箭的工作报告。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

15President John F. Kennedy signs the Equal Pay Act on June 10th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年6月10日,肯尼迪总统正在签署《平等付酬法案》。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

16Mrs. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr., late 1962 in the White House Nursery. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年底,肯尼迪夫人和小约翰·肯尼迪在白宫育儿房。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

17President Kennedy speaks at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas on September 12th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年9月12日,肯尼迪总统在休斯敦Rice大学体育场演讲。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

18First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and her sister Princess Lee Radziwill ride an elephant while on tour in India in March of 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1962年3月游览印度期间,第一夫人杰奎琳和妹妹Lee Radziwill 王妃骑在大象上。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

19President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office of the White on July 11th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年7月11日,肯尼迪总统在椭圆办公室里。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

20President Kennedy appears in a motorcade in Cork, Ireland on June 28th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年6月28日,爱尔兰Cork,肯尼迪总统在车队里。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

21November 22nd, 1963 - President Kennedy reaches out to the crowd gathered at the Hotel Texas Parking Lot Rally in Fort Worth, Texas. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年11月22日,德州Fort Worth,肯尼迪总统同德州饭店停车场上的集会人群握手。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

22Moments after he was shot, the limousine carrying mortally wounded President John F. Kennedy races toward the hospital in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. Secret service agent Clinton Hill rides on the back of the car, Mrs. John Connally, wife of the Texas governor, bends over her wounded husband, and Mrs. Kennedy leans over the president. (AP Photo/Justin Newman) #

1963年11月22日,德州Dallas,就在肯尼迪总统遭枪击之后,轿车将奄奄一息的总统火速送往医院的途中。特工Clinton Hill 骑在车尾,德州州长夫人John Connally俯身掩护她受伤的丈夫,肯尼迪夫人俯身保护总统。(Justin Newman摄,AP 图片)

23President Kennedy's casket is loaded onto Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. Onlookers include Lawrence "Larry" O'Brien, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Dave Powers. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

肯尼迪总统的棺椁被抬进空军一号,1963年11月22日,德州Dallas。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

24On November 22nd, 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson takes the oath of office on Air Force One following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. From left to right: Mac Kilduff (holding dictating machine), Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Jack Valenti, Congressman Albert Thomas, Marie Fehmer (behind Thomas), First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (eyeglasses only visible above LBJ's shoulder), Congressman Homer Thornberry (in shadow, partially obscured by LBJ), Roy Kellerman (partially obscured by Thornberry), Lem Johns (partially obscured by Mrs. Kennedy), former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Pamela Tunure (behind Brooks), Congressman Jack Brooks, Bill Moyers (mostly obscured by Brooks) Date 22 November 1963(1963-11-22) (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年11月22日,在肯尼迪遇刺之后,副总统林登在空军一号上宣誓继任美国总统。(Cecil Stoughton摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

25The body of President John F. Kennedy lies in state in a casket in the East Room, at the White House as the Honor Guard stands guard on November 23rd, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #

1963年11月23日,肯尼迪的棺椁停放在白宫东厅,旁边有卫兵守卫。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

26Family members and others march in the Funeral Procession of President John F. Kennedy in Washington D.C. on November 25th, 1963. Image includes: Robert F. Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Edward M. Kennedy, R. Sargent Shriver, Stephen E. Smith. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #
1963年11月25日,华盛顿,肯尼迪总统葬礼上。照片里的人有:Robert F. Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Edward M. Kennedy, R. Sargent Shriver, Stephen E. Smith。(Robert Knudsen摄,白宫/肯尼迪图书馆)

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