
使用portsnap更新ports tree

 tcwl123 2010-12-08

使用portsnap更新ports tree

基础知识 2009-08-17 13:31:50 阅读262 评论0  字号: 订阅


portsnap是专门用于安装与更新ports tree的工具,这个工具用法很简单,通常是使用以下命令:

portsnap  fetch 

portsnap  extract

portsnap  update

portsnap fetch 连接到默认portsnap更新服务器,通过安全验证后把经压缩的ports tree快照文件下载到/var/db/portsnap目录中。这个过程只是下载文件,并没有对ports tree进行更新。

portsnap extract  把下载的快照文件全数解压释放到/usr/ports中,如果/usr/ports文件已经存在,将被全部覆盖掉,并删除多余文件。例如,你在某个port目录中建立一个apple.txt文件,这个文件将被删掉。放在/usr/ports这个目录中的文件或目录却不会删掉,原因可能因为这不会影响ports快照的释放!如果/usr/ports不存在,那么这将可以看作是安装ports tree。安装后,可以直接使用。

portsnap update 将已下载的快照与/usr/ports中的文件进行对比检查,如果发现/var/db/portsnap中的文件比/usr/ports中的文件新,就将新的部分更新到/usr/ports中。


通常第一次运行portsnap 的命令是:

portsnap fetch extract 


portsnap fetch update

这里的 fetch 会检查上一次下载的快照文件,看看网络服务器上的最新快照是否比本地快照有所更新,如果是一样的,就会提示:
Latest snapshot on server matches what we already have.
No updates needed.

至于update参数跟fetch参数差不多,它首先检查上一次下载的快照文件是否比ports tree中的文件新,如果一样,那么就会提示:Ports tree is already up to date. ,那就不须要更新。 如果本地快照比ports tree的文件要新,那么update仅仅只会把本地快照中须要更新的东西复制到ports tree中,而不是全数覆盖。





# WORKDIR=/var/db/portsnap  

# PORTSDIR=/usr/ports




# REFUSE arabic chinese french german hebrew hungarian japanese
# REFUSE korean polish portuguese russian ukrainian vietnamese

# List of INDEX files to build and the DESCRIBE file to use for each


这个配置文件一般情况下,仅仅只要修改SERVERNAME这个参数,把它修改为中国大陆 或 中国台湾的服务器,这样会加快它的下载速度。




PORTSNAP(8)       FreeBSD System Manager's Manual       PORTSNAP(8)



     portsnap -- fetch and extract compressed snapshots of the ports tree

     portsnap --取得 和 提取经压缩的ports tree快照



     portsnap [-I] [-d workdir] [-f conffile] [-k KEY] [-l descfile]

          [-p portsdir] [-s server] command ... [path]



   portsnap [-I] [-d  工作路径] [-f  配置文件] [-k KEY] [-l descfile]

          [-p ports目录路径] [-s server] command ... [路径]




     The portsnap tool is used to fetch and update compressed snapshots of the

     FreeBSD ports tree, and extract and update an uncompressed ports tree.

     portsnap工具是用于取得和更新经压缩的ports tree快照,提取和更新一个未压缩的ports tree



     The following options are supported:



     -d workdir   Store working files (e.g. downloaded updates) in workdir.

         (default: /var/db/portsnap, or as given in the configuration





     -f conffile  Read the configuration from conffile.  (default: /etc/portsnap.conf)



     -I      For the update command, update INDEX files, but not the rest of the ports tree.

         这是更新命令,更新INDEX文件,但不更新其它的ports tree


     -k KEY     Expect a public key with given SHA256 hash.  (default: read  value from configuration file.)




     -l descfile  Merge the specified local describes file into the INDEX files being built.  The descfile should be generated by running make describe in each of the local port directories.

           将指定的本地配置文件合并到正在创建中的INDEX文件。这个描述文件可以在每个本地port目录使用make describe命令生成




     -p portsdir  When extracting or updating an uncompressed snapshot, oper-

         ate on the directory portsdir.  (default: /usr/ports/, or as

         given in the configuration file.)



     -s server      Fetch files from the specified server or server pool.

         (default: portsnap.FreeBSD.org , or as given in the configu-

         ration file.)




     path    For extract command only, operate only on parts of the ports

         tree starting with path.  (e.g. portsnap extract

         sysutils/port would extract sysutils/portsman, sysu-

         tils/portsnap, sysutils/portupgrade, etc.)

       只适用于extract命令,只对ports tree开始时的路径进行操作(例如:portsnap extract sysutils/port 将提取




     The command can be any one of the following:


     fetch   Fetch a compressed snapshot of the ports tree, or update the

         existing snapshot.  This command should only be used inter-

         actively; for non-interactive use, you should use the cron


       下载一个经压缩的ports tree快照,或更新现有的快照。这个命令仅仅用于交互式。



     cron    Sleep a random amount of time between 1 and 3600 seconds,

         then operate as if the fetch command was specified.  As the

         name suggests, this command is designed for running from

         cron(8); the random delay serves to minimize the probability

         that a large number of machines will simultaneously attempt

         to fetch updates.






     extract    Extract a ports tree, replacing existing files and directories. NOTE: This will remove anything occupying the location where files or directories are being extracted; in particular, any changes made locally to the ports tree (for

         example, adding new patches) will be silently obliterated.

           提取一个ports tree,替换掉现有的文件和目录。注意:在文件或目录释放的地方若被占用着,那么将会把所有点着东西都删掉。尤其是,任何改变都会使本地到ports tree(例如,添加新补丁)将会安静地删除。


         Only run this command to initialize your portsnap-maintained

         ports tree for the first time, if you wish to start over

         with a clean, completely unmodified tree, or if you wish to

         extract a specific part of the tree (using the path option).



     update     Update a ports tree extracted using the extract command.

         You must run this command to apply changes to your ports

         tree after downloading updates via the fetch or cron com-

         mands.  Again, note that in the parts of the ports tree

         which are being updated, any local changes or additions will

         be removed.

       更新一个ports tree提取使用extract命令。在使用fetch或cron命令下载更新之后,你必须运行这个命令以给你的ports tree应用这些修改



     +o    If your clock is set to local time, adding the line



           0 3 * * * root /usr/sbin/portsnap cron


     to /etc/crontab is a good way to make sure you always have an up-to-

     date snapshot of the ports tree available which can quickly be

     extracted into /usr/ports.  If your clock is set to UTC, please pick

     a random time other than 3AM, to avoid overly imposing an uneven load

     on the server(s) hosting the snapshots.

    对于/etc/crontab来讲,是一个让你保持ports tree最新的好方法,且可以快速地提到/usr/ports。如果你的时钟是设置为UTC的,请选择一个除3AM之外的时间,避免过于使快照服务主机负载过重。


     +o    Running portsnap update from cron(8) is a bad idea -- if you are ever

     installing or updating a port at the time the cron job runs, you will

     probably end up in a mess when portsnap updates or removes files

     which are being used by the port build.  However, running portsnap -I

     update is probably safe, and can be used together with portversion(1)

     to identify installed software which is out of date.

     如果你经常在运行cron计划同时安装或更新port的话,从cron运行portsnap更新是一个坏主意,当你使用portsnap更新或移除正在用于构建port的文件时,最终可能搞得一团糟。然而,使用portsnap -I也许安全,配合portversion(1)一起用,检查已安装的软件过时软件。


     +o    If you wish to use portsnap to keep a large number of machines up to

     date, you may wish to set up a caching HTTP proxy.  Since portsnap

     uses fetch(1) to download updates, setting the HTTP_PROXY environment

     variable will direct it to fetch updates from the given proxy.  This

     is much more efficient than mirroring the files on the portsnap

     server, since the vast majority of files are not needed by any par-

     ticular client.




     As an unavoidable part of its operation, a machine running portsnap will

     make its public IP address and the list of files it fetches available to

     the server from which it fetches updates.   Using these it may be possible

     to recognize a machine over an extended period of time, determine when it

     is updated, and identify which portions of the FreeBSD ports tree, if

     any, are being ignored using "REFUSE" directives in portsnap.conf.  In

     addition, the FreeBSD release level is transmitted to the server.


    利用这些,它可能使用较长时间确认一部机器,确定它已经更新了,并且确认是FreeBSD ports tree的哪一部分。


     Statistical data generated from information collected in this manner may

     be published, but only in aggregate and after anonymizing the individual




     /etc/portsnap.conf  Default location of the portsnap configuration file.



     /var/db/portsnap    Default location where compressed snapshots are stored.



     /usr/ports    Default location where the ports tree is extracted.



SEE ALSO(也要看看)

     fetch(1), sha256(1), fetch(3), portsnap.conf(5)



     Colin Percival <cperciva@FreeBSD.org>


FreeBSD             September 15, 2008           FreeBSD



我已经尽力了使用portsnap更新ports tree - vsbsd - 。希望各位看到不对的地方给给予补充与修正。portsnap比起cvsup/csup感觉使用起来爽很多,而且它具体密匙验证功能,对ports tree的安全更有保障。

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