

 verychen 2010-12-22

Extreme Programming FAQ

(2006-04-03 19:43:12)
  1. Extreme Programming FAQ
    校对 钱五哥 [AKA]
    译者 喻海涛 郭宏杰 罗予晋[AKA]
  2. Introduction
  3. What is Extreme Programming? Does it involve bungee cords?
    什么是极限编程(Extreme Programming)?它需要蹦级保险绳么?
      Extreme Programming (or XP) is a set of values, principles and practices for rapidly developing high-quality software that provides the highest value for the customer in the fastest way possible. XP is extreme in the sense that it takes 12 well-known software development "best practices" to their logical extremes -- turning them all up to "10" (or "11" for Spinal Tap fans). See Kent Beck's introduction to Extreme Programming Explained for more details.
    极限编程(Extreme Programming,或简称XP)是一套能快速开发高质量软件所需的价值观、原则和活动的集合,使软件能以尽可能快的速度开发出来并向客户提供最高的效益。说XP是极限在于它将12个众所周知的软件开发的“最佳活动”都发挥到极限“10分”(或到“11分”对超级发烧友)。更详细的细节可参看Kent Beck的关于极限编程的介绍。
  4. What does this have to do with Windows XP?
    它和Windows XP有什么关系?
    Absolutely nothing. In February 2001, Microsoft announced that the next release of their consumer Windows operating system would be called "Windows XP". The use of "XP" as shorthand for Extreme Programming predates Microsoft's use of "XP" by 2-3 years.
    绝对无关。在2001年2月,微软宣布他们下一个要发布的Windows操作系统叫做“Windows XP”,用"XP"做为极限编程的缩写在2~3年前就预测了微软的"XP"用法。
  5. Is XP a methodology?
    No and yes. No, it's not a methodology in the sense of a lot of paperwork and additional hoops for developers to jump through. But yes, in the sense that it is a repeatable process for developing software, it is in fact a methodology, although a lightweight one.
    可以说不是,也可以说是。说它不是一种方法学是因为开发者可以跳过许多纸面上的东西和附加的条条框框;说它是,是因为它对于开发软件来说是一种可重复的过程,它实际上也是一种方法学,但是属于“轻量级”的。 Alistair Cockburn, who studies methodologies for a living, characterizes XP as a lightweight, low-ceremony, high-discipline methodology.
    Alistair Cockburn,一个研究方法学的学者,描述XP为轻量级的、不讲究繁文缛节的、高纪律性的方法学。
  6. Where did XP come from?
    XP was originated by Kent Beck, based on his years of practice as an O-O software developer, and in particular, his work with Ward Cunningham using the Smalltalk programming language. Because Smalltalk was the first popular O-O language, Ward and Kent have been doing object-oriented programming longer than just about anyone else.
    XP最早是由Kent Beck提出来的,源于他多年的O-O实践,特别是他和Ward Cunningham一起使用Smalltalk语言进行开发的工作经验。因为Smalltalk是第一种流行的O-O语言,Ward和Kent比其他任何人都有更长的面向对象的编程经历。
  7. What are the basic practices of XP?
    The 12 core practices of XP are:

The Planning Game: Business and development cooperate to produce the maximum business value as rapidly as possible. The planning game happens at various scales, but the basic rules are always the same:
Business comes up with a list of desired features for the system. Each feature is written out as a User Story, which gives the feature a name, and describes in broad strokes what is required. User stories are typically written on 4x6 cards.
业务提供了一张系统的期望特征表,把每个特征作为一个用户需求(User Story)记录下来,其中包括特征名和需求的各种提法。用户需求典型地是写在4x6的卡片上。
Development estimates how much effort each story will take, and how much effort the team can produce in a given time interval (the iteration).
Business then decides which stories to implement in what order, as well as when and how often to produce a production releases of the system.
Small Releases: Start with the smallest useful feature set. Release early and often, adding a few features each time.
System Metaphor: Each project has an organizing metaphor, which provides an easy to remember naming convention.
Simple Design: Always use the simplest possible design that gets the job done. The requirements will change tomorrow, so only do what's needed to meet today's requirements.
Continuous Testing: Before programmers add a feature, they write a test for it. When the suite runs, the job is done. Tests in XP come in two basic flavors.
Unit Tests are written by the developers to test functionality as they write it. Each unit test typically tests only a single class, or a small cluster of classes.
单元测试(Unit Tests)(代码)是开发者编写用来对他们所做的程序进行功能测试的。每个单元测试典型地只测试单个的类或很少几个类的组合。
Acceptance Tests (also known as Functional Tests) are specified by the customer to test that the overall system is functioning as specified. Acceptance tests typically test the entire system, or some large chunk of it. When all the acceptance tests pass for a given user story, that story is considered complete.
Refactoring: Refactor out any duplicate code generated in a coding session. You can do this with confidence that you didn't break anything because you have the tests.
Pair Programming: All production code is written by two programmers sitting at one machine. Essentially, all code is reviewed as it is written.
Collective Code Ownership: No single person "owns" a module. Any developer is expect to be able to work on any part of the codebase at any time.
Continuous Integration: All changes are integrated into the codebase at least daily. The tests have to run 100% both before and after integration.
40-Hour Work Week: Programmers go home on time. In crunch mode, up to one week of overtime is allowed. But multiple consecutive weeks of overtime are treated as a sign that something is very wrong with the process.
On-site Customer: Development team has continuous access to a real live customer, that is, someone who will actually be using the system. For commercial software with lots of customers, a customer proxy (usually the product manager) is used instead.
Coding Standards: Everyone codes to the same standards. Ideally, you shouldn't be able to tell by looking at it who on the team has touched a specific piece of code.

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