

 兵弋 2010-12-29


1.  The sense of sound is one of our most important means           ___

of knowing what is going around us. Sounds serve to             ___

pleasure us in music. Sound has a waste product, too,             ___

in the form of noise. Noise is growing and they may             ___

get much more worse before it gets any better. Scientists,          ___

for several years, have been studied how noise affects             ___

people and animals. They are astonished by that they have         ___

learned. Peace and quiet is becoming hard to find.                ___

Noise pollution is no joke. It is a sign for danger that              ___

should be looked carefully. It’s necessary for us to reduce noise.     ___



The sense of sound is one of our most important means         

of knowing what is goingaround us. Sounds serve to          on

pleasure us in music. Sound has a waste product, too,         please

in the form of noise. Noise is growing and they may           it

get much more worse before it gets any better. Scientists,      more

for several years, have been studied how noise affects         studying

people and animals. They are astonished by that they have       what

learned. Peace and quiet is becoming hard to find.              are

Noise pollution is no joke. It is a sign for danger that            of

should be looked carefully. It’s necessary for us to reduce noise.   at



1.       无错。

2.       go on, 事情进展如何。

3.       please sb, 使人愉悦。

4.       noise 不可数。

5.       worse 本身是比较级。

6.       “科学家研究”, 主动而不是被动。

7.       what they have learned, 宾语从句而不是定于从句。

8.       peace and quiet 两个名词作主语,谓语用复数。

9.       sign of danger, 危险的信号。]

10.    look at, “看着…”。



2.  Two old lady stopped at a restaurant to have lunch.           1_____

They ordered their lunch, and asked two bottles of            2____

a well-known soft drink while they were waiting. The         3_____

bottles were made up of green glass, and they each           4_____

poured themselves glass. They were talking and drinking.      5_____

When of them finished the first glass and poured other,        6_____

She noticed something on the bottom of the bottle, but         7_____

couldn’t make out where it was. She tried to get it out         8_____

and finally success. It was a dead mouse. They both          9_____

fainted and had to be taken to hospital, and got thousand of    10____

dollars after they sued the soft drink company.



Two old lady stopped at a restaurant to have lunch.         1ladies

They ordered their lunch, and asked two bottles of        2for

a well-known soft drink while they were waiting. The       3

bottles were made up of green glass, and they each         4 up

poured themselves glass. They were talking and drinking.    5 a

When one of them finished the first glass and poured other,  6 another

She noticed something on the bottom of the bottle, but       7 in

couldn’t make out where it was. She tried to get it out       8 what

and finally success. It was a dead mouse. They both        9 succeeded

fainted and had to be taken to hospital, and got thousand of 10 thousands

dollars after they sued the soft drink company.


1.       两位女士。

2.       ask for sth, “

3.       无错。

4.       be made of , “…构成

5.       每人给自己倒一杯。

6.       喝了一杯,又喝一杯。“又一杯”不是特指的范围内的一个。

7.       in the bottom of, 底部。

8.       “判断不出是什么东西”。

9.       这里succeed 动词作谓语。

10.   thousands of, 成千上万的。



3.  An artist left to a beautiful part of the country              1 ____

For a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Each day            2____

He went out with his brushes and painted till evening,        3_____

And then, when it got in dark he went back to the            4_____

farm and had a good dinner before going to his bed.          5_____

At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay for the          6______

Farmer, so the farmer said, “I just want one of your          7_____

Picture. In a week, it will all be finished. But your           8_____

picture will still here.” The painter was very pleased         9_____

and thanked the farmer for say so kind things               10_____

about his paintings.



An artist left to a beautiful part of the country             for

For a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Each day          Every

He went out with his brushes and painted till evening,      

And then, when it got in dark he went back to the           in

farm and had a good dinner before going to his bed.          his

At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay for the           for

Farmer, so the farmer said, “I just want one of your           but

picture. In a week, it will all be finished. But your picture      pictures

will still here.” The painter was very pleased              be

and thanked the farmer for say so kind things                saying

about his paintings.


1.       leave for some place, 动身去某地。

2.       每一天,用everyday

3.       无错。

4.       get dark, “天变黑了

5.       go to bed , “上床睡觉

6.       pay for sth, 付钱买; pay sb,想某人付钱。

7.       “他”要付钱,“可是”农场主不要钱。

8.        你的各种画中的一幅,one of 后接可数名词应用复数。

9.       “但是你的画日仍在这里”, be in some place, 在某地。

10.    介词后应用动名词形式。



4.  Wilt is taller and stronger than other man, he is            1____

sometimes called a giant. He is so taller that he           2_____

had a special , extralong bed to sleep and a special         3_____

car with enough of space for his long legs. Basket          4____

ball is a game for the tall and the strong. And Wilt          5_____

was more than that. There were other players big as         6_____

Wilt, but no one also were so skilful at shooting            7_____

baskets and jump up high to get rebounds. During           8_____

his playing days, Wilt was paid $ 200,000                 9_____

a year. That was how the President of the United            10_____

States earned for being President.



Wilt is taller and stronger than other man, he is              men

sometimes called a giant. He is so taller that he              tall

had a special , extralong bed to sleep and a special            in

car with enough of space for his long legs. Basket             of

ball is a game for the tall and the strong. And Wilt             But

was more than that. There were other players big as            as

Wilt, but no one also were so skilful at shooting               was

baskets and jump up high to get rebounds. During            jumping

his playing days, Wilt was paid for $ 200,000                  for

a year. That was how the President of the United             what

States earned for being President.


1.       其他人,应用复数。

2.       so that,形容词用原形。

3.       sleep in bed, 虽然bed提前,in 不省略。

4.       enough本身可作形容词修饰名词。

5.       上下文推断,篮球是高大且健壮的人的项目,“但是”他不光是高大且健壮。

6.       asas, 一样。

7.       no one谓语用单数。

8.       jump 前省略了at, 因此应用动名词形式。

9.       pay sb, 向某人付钱。

10.   这里可用how much what




5.  Many children act in TV show. They work             1____

several hours everyday, so they cannot go              2____

to a regular school. In Hollywood, in that              3____

many TV shows are made, about forty               

teachers give lessons for the teacher in the              4____

shows. They teach in which their pupils are             5____

working. This teacher’s job is of important.             6____

She is responsible for make sure                      7____

that the child works only the permitting hours            8____

each weak. She makes sure that the child learns

the requiring subjects and that the child gets             9_____

enough rest and to play.                             10____



Many children act in TV show. They work            shows

several hours everyday, so they cannot go             every day

to a regular school. In Hollywood, in that              which

many TV shows are made, about forty             

teachers give lessons for the children in the               

shows. They teach in which their pupils are          where/wherever

 working. This teacher’s job is of important.              importance

She is responsible for make sure                          making

that the child works only the permitting hours               permitted

each weak. She makes sure that the child learns             

the requiring subjects and that the child gets                 required

enough rest and to play.                                 to



1.       show是可数名词。

2.       每天,every day; 每天的, everyday

3.       用作连接词时,用in whichin that 表示“因为”。

4.       无错。

5.       地点状语用where.

6.       of 后应用名词。

7.       介词for 后应用动名词。

8.       “被允需的”,用被动语态。

9.       required subjects,必修课程。

10.    enough rest and play, 足够的休息和玩耍。



6.  Foreign language teachers are interesting                  1____

in how do children learn to speak their                    2____

native language for a important reason. If                  3____

we knew how children learn their native                   4____

language, perhaps we would have easy way                5____

to teach adults, as good as children, a second               6____

language. This is an interested idea. Some                  7_____

foreign language teachers believe in the adults               8____

learn a second language with the same way                  9____

like children learn their native language.                    10____




Foreign language teachers are interesting                interested

in how do children learn to speak their                    do

native language for a important reason. If                  an

we knew how children learn their native                  

language, perhaps we would have easy way                 an

to teach adults, as good as children, a second                well

language. This is an interested idea. Some                 interesting

foreign language teachers believe in the adults               in

learn a second language with the same way                 in

like children learn their native language.                    as



1.       be interested in, 感兴趣。

2.       宾语从句中应用陈述语序。

3.       important 是元音发音开始,应用an

4.       无错。

5.       way 是可数名词。

6.       这里修饰动词teach,应用副词well.

7.       interesting, “令人感兴趣的”;interested, “感兴趣的

8.       believe sth, 相信某事;believe in sth, 虔诚的信仰

9.        in some way, 以某种方式。

10.    like 介词;as是连词。



7.  Elephants are the biggest animals live on                1_____

land. When born, a baby elephant weights               2_____

about 9 kilograms. It is about 91 centimeter              3_____

high. When it reaches at the age of twelve                4_____

years, it does no grow any more. Elephants               5_____

have very long noses what we call “trunks”.               6_____

The elephant can use it’s trunk to smell as                7_____

well as t pick up things. The trunk’s tip    

can be used as a hand. Elephants are                     8_____

kindly animals. When one of them is                    9_____

hurted , the other elephants will help it.                 10____



Elephants are the biggest animals live on                 living

land. When born, a baby elephant weights                weighs

about 9 kilograms. It is about 91 centimeter              centimeters

high. When it reaches at the age of twelve                 at

years, it does no grow any more. Elephants                not

have very long noses what we call “trunks”.               that/which

The elephant can use it’s trunk to smell as                 its

well as pick up things. The trunk’s tip                   

can be used as a hand. Elephants are                     like

kindly animals. When one of them is                    kind

hurted , the other elephants will help it.                  hurt


1.       现在分词作定语。

2.       weight是名词;weigh是动词。

3.       centimeter是可数名词。

4.       reach是及物动词。

5.       助动词do doesnot连用表否定。

6.       定于从句先行词为物时,用that which

7.       所有格“它的”,its

8.       like 介词;as是连词。

9.       kindly是副词,不能修饰名词。

10.   hurt的过去分词是hurt


8.  According to recently report from the                    1_____

United Nation, the world’s population                    2_____

continue t grow. Now there are over 5                    3_____

billions people. But during the past 10                    4_____

years and so, a large and rapid drop in                     5_____

the world’s birth rate has been taken                    6_____

place. Families generally are smaller now               

than they were few years ago. It is happening             7_____

in both developing or developed countries.                8____­­_

China is so a country that it has already cut its             9_____

rate of population grow by about one half                 10____

since 1970.



According to recently report from the                      recent

United Nation, the world’s population                     Nations

Continue to grow. Now there are over 5                   continues

billions people. But during the past 10                     billion

years and so, a large and rapid drop in                     or so

the world’s birth rate has been taken                       been

place. Families generally are smaller now                   

than they were few years ago. It is happening                a

in both developing or developed countries.                   and

China is so a country that it has already cut its               such

rate of population grow by about one half                   growth

since 1970.


1.       修饰名词应用形容词recent, 而不用副词recently

2.       联合国为United Nations

3.       population 为不可数名词, 位于用单数。

4.       当具体数字形容时,billion用单数。

5.       or so, 大约。

6.       take place 是不及物动词,不能用被动语态。

7.       a few 饰名词,表“很少几个”;few饰名词,表“几乎没有”。

8.       bothand, …与…都。

9.       so直接连接形容词,再加冠词和名词;such接冠词在形容词和名词。

10.   这里应用名词而不是动词。




9.  New Orleans, Louisiana, is a large south                                                 1_____

city on the banks of Mississippi River. One                2_____

of the most interesting thing about the city                 3_____

is how flat it is. The city is very flat that                   4______

people build a special hill in the city park.                  5_____

The children growing in the city might have                6_____

some ideas of what a hill look. New Orleans                7_____

has rich rain each year than almost any other                 8_____

city in the United States. The heavy rainfall                  9_____

nd the fact which much of the city is below s                 10____

ea level, make the city very wet.



New Orleans, Louisiana, is a large south              southern

city on the banks of Mississippi River. One            the

of the most interesting thing about the city             things

is how flat it is. The city is very flat that               so

people build a special hill in the city park.              built

The children growing in the city might have             up

some ideas of what a hill looks. New Orleans            like

has much rain each year than almost any other           more

city in the United States. The heavy rainfall            

and the fact which much of the city is below              that

sea level, make the city very wet.


1.       south, 南方或南方地;southern, 南方的。

2.       专有名词前应加定冠词。

3.       thing是可数名词,放在one of 后应用复数。

4.       sothat, …以至于…。

5.       “建造”的动作发生在过去,应使用一般过去时。

6.       grow up, 长大。

7.       look like, 看上去…。

8.       more than,比…多。

9.       无错。

10.   the fact后总是用that 引导定语从句。



10.  Television brings world into home in sight and sound.                            1____

Now there are a few families in the big cities                  2____

that does not have TV sets. Entertaining us with the singing,      3____

dancing and acting, a television helps us to live happy.           4___

Experiments leading to modern television took place over         5___

more than a hundred years ago. John Baird, A British inventor, found6___

a way to post pictures by wireless. This happened               7___

in year 1925 and it was the beginning                         8___

of television. It took other thirty years                        9___

with television to be an industry.                            10_­__



Television brings world into home in sight and sound.         the

Now there are a few families in the big cities                  a

that does not have TV sets. Entertaining us with the singing,       do

dancing and acting, a television helps us to live happy.         happily

Experiments leading to modern television took place over       

more a hundred years ago. John Baird, A British inventor found   more

a way to post pictures by wireless. This happened              send

in year 1925 and it was the beginning                      the

of television. It took other thirty years                      another

with television to be an industry.                             for



1.       world 前总是用定冠词。

2.       表示“几乎没有”时用few , 而不是a few

3.       cities在后面定语从句中作主语,因而谓语动词用复数。

4.       修饰动词live, 应使用副词。

5.       无错。

6.       over more than, 都表示“比…多”,本句重复使用,且more 没有和than 搭配使用。

7.       post, 投递;send, 发送。

8.       具体指明了哪一年,应用定冠词。

9.       other, 一般指特定范围中后提及的部分;another, 所有同类中除提到的任意其他部分。

10.   it take some time for sb/sth to do sth 花费某人/谋事多少时间去完成谋事。


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