
阿童木 Astro Boy 原版英文剧本-SoGood看电影学英语,听歌学英语

 wududuxing 2011-01-25
阿童木 Astro Boy 原版英文剧本

Here we are, floating peacefully in the sky.

Metro City, the jewel in the crown.

Beautiful, isn't it? But how did we get here?

A century ago, the founders of Metro City, seeing our world was changing,

took Mount Sofia and lifted it out of the Earth and into the sky

to be an oasis, a floating paradise.

We don't really know what happens these days

on the strange and mysterious Surface we left behind.

But life in Metro City is better than ever, thanks to our friends, the robots.

Robots do our shopping.

They cook for us. They serve our meals.

They take good care of us.

They even do the really important things

like reminding us to call Mom on her birthday.

Whether it's raising our children, building our buildings,

taking care of our city or making sure we're all fit and healthy,

for these guys, no job is too big

or too small.

Plus, robots do a lot of the things that frankly we just don't want to do anymore.

Oh, no!

Don't worry, folks, that street will get clean.

The best and brightest of them get picked for the more exciting tasks.

This lucky guy is starting the first day at his new job.

And it's all thanks to this man, Dr. Tenma,

head of the Ministry of Science and father of modern robotics.

Thanks to him and the incredible innovations he introduced...

Hey, Toby, isn't that your dad?

-It sure is. -Hush!

Our friends, the robots, help us. Thousands are created every day,

and thousands are disposed of in the great unending cycle

that sustains life in our great city.

Thanks for everything, guys. May you rust in peace.

Okay, students. Ready for a pop quiz?

-What? -Oh, no.


-Oh, man. -I am so busted.

Yes, Toby. Is there a problem?

There's no problem. I'm just finished, and I'd like to leave.


For rocket science, it wasn't exactly rocket science.

I don't suppose there's much point in you staying.

-Good luck, guys. -Jeez.

Just like his father.

Hello, Master Toby. Did you have a good day at...

Think fast, Orrin.

Thank you, Master Toby. Very good throw, by the way.

-Hello, Son. -Hello, sir.

-How was school? -Oh, great.

Moustachio dropped a pop quiz on us, but I'm pretty sure I got 100%.

That's good, Son, very good, but I don't want you to become complacent.

It's important to keep studying. Onward and upward, Toby.

Sure, Dad.

I'm aware I said I'd take you to that symposium on quantum mechanics,

but I'm afraid I have to take a rain check again.

-But you promised. -I'm sorry, Toby, but it's unavoidable.

President Stone has brought forward the unveiling of the Peacekeeper.

The Peacekeeper? You've got to be kidding me!

I never kid. Goodbye, Son.

The Peacekeeper, huh?

Hey, Orrin, change of plan. Take me to the Ministry of Science.

I'm sorry, Master Toby, but your father gave me strict instructions to...

Stop that! What are you doing back there? Hey! Hey!

Next stop, Ministry of Science.

You ready to blow me away today, Tenma?

To make my hair stand up, to knock my socks off?

-Yes, yes, metaphorically speaking. -Well, that's the spirit.

Dr. Elefun is an esteemed colleague of mine, Mr. President.

He may be resistant to having his discovery used for military purposes.

Well, you leave Dr. Elefun to me.

-Dad! -Hold that kid!

What are you doing here? I gave Orrin specific instructions to...

Ow, ow.

I wanted to see the demonstration. You're always talking

-about the Peacekeeper and... -Really, Toby.

-Your boy? -Yes, sir.

Well, let him tag along.

Releasing potential threat.

It'll be good for him, educational.

Yes, sir.

So, you're interested in robots, son? Robot weapons?

Absolutely, though I'm sure you'll agree the latest D-Class Interceptor

underlying deployment-to-target system is quite old-fashioned.

Nobody likes a smarty-pants, kid.

Take this boy to a safe place and keep him there.

What the...

-Dad! -I think it's for the best, Toby.

But you said I could see the Peacekeeper.

You still can, on tonight's news with everybody else.

Ladies and gentlemen,

allow me to present Blue Core energy.

-Wow. -Blue Core energy,

a new self-sustaining power source

much stronger than nuclear energy and infinitely cleaner.

The raw materials came from space.

A fragment of a star millions of light-years away that no longer even exists.

This is now all that's left of it.

Properly harnessed, this small sphere could transform

not only Metro City, but life for those on the Surface, as well.

Imagine cleaning up Earth's water.

Imagine bringing back the forests.

Imagine overcoming the effects of centuries of pollution.

I know he's a bit of a dreamer, but he's a brilliant scientist.

He's a dangerous idiot who happens to have a high IQ.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

When we extracted the positive blue energy from the fragment,

we were left with this highly unstable by-product, negative red energy.

I like that one.

Women voters are partial to the color red, you know.

Until we discover how to safely dispose of it... What...

What are you doing? Stop!

-Keep the cores apart or you'll kill us all! -Do as he says.

This is outrageous! What are you intending to do with it?

I'm gonna give the people of this city

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