

 昵称190769 2011-01-18
His outhouse mode of expressions paints him as dimwitted buffoon.


(outhouse 本是戶外廁所;mode 是方式;outhouse expression = four-letter word 四字母的下流髒話;dimwitted 笨蛋,沒教養的;buffoon 粗俗者)

Being a nosy person, she wants to know everything about everything.


(nosy = nosey 愛打聽別人的事)

As he is overly sensitive, he is always freaking out at everything.


(to freak out 是激怒,躁動不安)

She appears to be possessive, insecure, and unable to empathize with anyone she cannot control.


(empathy 是名詞,表同情;empathetic 是形容詞)

He curses at her and calls her names, which opened up a floodgate of emotions.


(curse 詛咒;floodgate 本是防洪閘門,這裡是大量的意思;to call someone names 謾罵某人)

He makes a big scene if we do not address him by his title Dr. Wang.


(to make a big scene 小題大作 = to make a big deal out of it.)

Dr. Wang has to tell everyone within earshot that he earned a Ph. D.


(Ph. D. = Doctor of Philosophy)

(earshot是聽力所及範圍; within earshot = in the range of his voice)

She is always bad-mouthing her husband to me; I cannot bear the thought of it.


(bear 動詞時態是:bore, born (或 borne)承受或忍受;bad-mouth,v. 說壞話,惡意攻擊;

bad-mouther 說壞話者;bear the thought of it 是指 bad-mouthing)

As a sports fanatic, Bob stays glued to the T.V. Whenever a game is playing.


(fanatic n. 狂熱者,入迷者;glue v.粘牢,粘住)

He was flabbergasted and upset when he found out she had a new boyfriend.


(flabbergast v. 令人大吃一驚)

Mr. Wang said things he didn't mean; things that were hurtful and cruel.



Despite his college degree, a clod is still a clod.


(clod = stupid person)

He may look strong, but inside it is all applesauce.


(applesauce 本是蘋果醬,這裡是軟弱或瞎扯)

Mr. A doesn't have the guts to take a firm stand; he sticks his head in the sand and refuses to deal this problem.


(to take a stand 表明態度或立場;to stick one's head in the sand 把頭埋在沙土下,即不正視現實。

He often screams and curses at his son at the top of his lungs.


(at the top of one's lungs 用盡量大的聲音。)

Mr. Chen always sticks to his guns and never apologizes for anything.


(to stick to one's guns 堅持自己立場)

Bob is so stubborn that he will not let go of his wife's past.

Bob 非常固執,對他太太的過去,不肯放過。

(past 當名詞;let go of his wife's past = let his wife's past go)

Despite his promise, he keeps dragging his feet endlessly.


(despite是介詞 = in spite of ; drag 是拖或拉,動詞時態是:dragged, dragging;to drag one's feet 多半指有意的拖延 = not doing what a person promises to do)

Ed gets so bogged down with high tech that he forgets why he is in existence.

Ed 陷入高科技太深了,而忘了他為何生活在世上。

(bog是拖住或困境,動詞時態是 bogged, bogging;he is in existence = he exists = he lives in this world)

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