
UC Berkeley course/event webcasts -加州大学berkel...

 穗穗1 2011-02-13

UC Berkeley course/event webcasts -加州大学berkeley分校课

时间:2010-03-16 09:46来源: 录入:luhui 点击: 313次


包含学科 社会科学综合,自然科学综合
文献类型 多媒体,OA资源
内容属性 全文 资源状态 免费
资源语种 英文 收录时间
供应商 供应商电话
责任馆员 联系方式
使用帮助 相关软件下载    数据库使用指南

加州大学伯克莱分校从2006年春开始,将该校26门本科课程近250小时的教学录音录像资料在互联网上免费向全世界开放。这些课程涉及人文艺术及科学技术、医学等专业。多数视频资料均按课表日程实况录制,1至2天内即供网上观看。 因此,用户可以看到最新的教学内容。由于版权限制,录像仅供在线观看,MP3录音可供下载。

What are UC Berkeley course/event webcasts?
Every semester, UC Berkeley webcasts select courses and events for on-demand viewing via the Internet. webcast.berkeley course lectures are provided as a study resource for students and are not sanctioned as a substitute for going to the course lectures.

Who is responsible for this service?
Educational Technology Services takes care of audio and video capture services. Information Systems and Technology manages the webcast database and hosting infrastructure. The webcast capture and archive technology is based on the Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System (BIBS), developed by Larry Rowe and the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center.

What happened to BIBS (Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System)?
The BIBS webcasting service originally developed by the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center (BMRC) is now webcast.berkeley, a production service run by ETS and IS&T. BMRC still runs BIBS, distinguished from the ETS/IS&T’s webcast.berkeley service, and focus their research on continued experimentation with internet broadcasting and distributed collaboration for select courses.

How are courses chosen to be video or audio podcast?
webcast.berkeley/courses is an “opt-in” program available to lecturers scheduled to teach in classrooms with installed video and/or podcast capture technology. 2 – 4 weeks prior to the start of each semester, lecturers who are scheduled to teach in a video podcast or audio podcast capture capable classrooms are invited to participate in webcast.berkeley for the coming semester by signing up to have their course video and/or audio podcast in bSpace.

Current video and audio podcast capable rooms:
Pimentel Hall – 523 seats
Wheeler Auditorium – 732 seats
VLSB 2050 – 429 seats
Dwinelle 127 – 30 seats – available for video conferences and webcast classes
Dwinelle 155 – 481 seats

Current audio podcast/screencast capable rooms:
Screeencasting automatically delivers the output from a computer or document camera along with audio to webcast.berkeley, iTunesU and YouTube. There is no cost to the department for this service. This option is available only in selected classrooms.

Barker 101 – 114 seats
Barrows 126 – 88 seats
Cory 241 – 54 seats
Cory 277 – 141 seats
Cory 289 – 53 seats
Donner Lab 155 -80 seats
Dwinelle 145 – 226 seats
Etcheverry 3106 – 68 seats
Etcheverry 3107 – 48 seats
Etcheverry 3108 – 75 seats
Etcheverry 3109- 48 seats
Etcheverry 3111 – 48 seats
Etcheverry 3113 – 48 seats
Evans 10 – 240 seats
Evans 60 – 90 seats
Kroeber 155 – 72 seats
Latimer 120 – 178 seats
LeConte 1 – 215 seats
LeConte 2 - 100 seats
LeConte 3 – 107 seats
LeConte 4 – 196 seats
McCone 141 – 100 seats
Moffit 101 – 84 seats
Moffit 102 – 84 seats
Moffit 103 - 51 seats
Moffit 106 – 52 seats
Morgan 101 – 142 seats
Mulford 159 – 143 seats
Mulford 240 – 50 seats
Northgate 105 – 105 seats
Tan 180 – 80 seats
VLSB 2040 – 162 seats
VLSB 2060 – 161 seats
Wheeler 213- 70 seats

Additional Room Installations:

webcast.berkeley is looking to make its capture capabilities available more broadly accross the campus and the following rooms are slated to be podcast ready in the very near future:

Dwinelle 219 – 56 seats
Dwinelle 160 – 59 seats
Cory 241 – 54 seats
Cory 289 – 53 seats
Latimer 120 – 178 seats
Stanley 105 – 299 seats
Stanley 106 – 106 seats

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