

 云中公子 2011-02-15




实用漂亮的博客挂历【2011年元旦新版一式】 -学海无涯

国家授时中心 标准时间

辛卯 贰零壹壹年【兔年】

实用漂亮的博客挂历【2011年元旦新版一式】 - 学海无涯



           【辑录】免费在线有声小说[听觉享受] - 3942思凤 - 3942思凤BIOG



金色分隔线 - 香儿


  今天是情人节。玫瑰、巧克力、烛光晚餐。今天也是“反情人节”,连连看、单号座、失散兄妹。都知道情人节是Valentine's Day,那么“反情人节”便是Anti-Valentine's Day。

  As couples set out Monday to celebrate Valentine's Day with movies and candle-lit dinners, some people have decided to commemorate the day with a different touch - booking all one-bed hotel rooms, buying off all movie tickets and even slapping other people's boyfriend's faces。


  "We should all go out together on Valentine's Day and slap any couple who come along, and then yell to the guy, 'Don't you tell me it's your sister again!'"


  Their extreme measures may be a light joke, but observers point out that the growing anti-Valentine's Day sentiment also sheds light on the increasing phenomenon of "leftover" men and women。


  According to a report, 54.3 percent of men and 45.7 percent of women of over 160,000 people survey nationwide belong to the "leftover" category. The All-China Women's Federation used to identify men above 30 as "leftover" and women above 27.




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