

 中庸牧羊人 2011-02-16





我贴出“话说OED之一”——《牛津英语词典源于汉语的词多是土特产,只有俩动词》这篇小文之后,网友winwhoo在2011-02-15 11:11:33 留言说:




这位网友说的很对。我在上一篇文章中忘了解释,其实所谓某词汇“首次进入”(first entry)英语,是指由牛津词典编辑人员所查到的该词汇首次被某英文报章或作家引用,如果此后持续有报章或作家使用这个词,牛津词典组织专家评审后才会考虑收入,这个过程可能需要几十年的时间。所以,假如有一天“不折腾”(buzheteng)真的会进入牛津英语词典的话,可能要到2050年以后了。


回到“干杯”这个词,这个词首次进入英语是1940年英国女旅行家Violet Cressy-Marcks 所著Journey into China (vii. i. 257),书中引用了“干杯”这个词,原话是这么说的:


We ‘Kaanpei-ed’ frequently, raising the small wine cups, and drinking the warm wine. They use the word Kaanpei, raising the glass to the guest, rather like our saying ‘Good health’.(那时我们常常“干杯”,端起小小的酒杯饮温酒。他们使用“干杯”这个词,端着酒杯向来宾致意,就和我们说“祝你健康”差不多)。


所以,“干杯”这个词首次进入英语的拼法是“Kaanpei”,还可以作动词过去式“Kaanpei-ed”。1963年,美国记者埃德加•斯诺(Edgar Snow)在Side of River 一书(vii. 59)中也引用了这个词,原话是:


   ‘Kan-pei!’ (Bottoms up!) we all said(我们大家都说:“干杯!”)


可见,到了上个世纪60年代,“干杯”已经被拼写为”Kan-pei”了。1976年7月7日澳大利亚布里斯班报纸Courier-Mail 写道:


One of the cordial customs in China is to ganbei a Mao-tai—to down in one dash a glass of the country's famous colourless wheat-based liquor(中国的礼节习惯之一是干杯茅台,即一口气喝下一杯这个著名的以小麦酿制的白酒)








Pronunciation:  /gan?be?/
Forms:  Also kan-pei, kaanpei.(Show More)
Etymology:  < Chinese gānbēi, < gānempty, dry + bēicup.
Thesaurus »
    A Chinese drinking-toast, a call to drain one's glass. Also as v. intr. and trans., to drink (as) a toast.1940    V. Cressy-Marcks Journey into China vii. i. 257   We ‘Kaanpei-ed’ frequently, raising the small wine cups, and drinking the warm wine. They use the word Kaanpei, raising the glass to the guest, rather like our saying ‘Good health’.
1962    E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) vii. 59   ‘Kan-pei!’ (Bottoms up!) we all said.
1976    Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 7 July 4/2   One of the cordial customs in China is to ganbei a Mao-tai—to down in one dash a glass of the country's famous colourless wheat-based liquor.
1977    O. Schell China (1978) i. 131   He arrives at our table with several other merrymakers, all holding wineglasses, and proposes a kan-pei (bottoms up).
1987    Time 13 Apr. 85/1   Many ganbei, or toasts, drunk with‥mao-tai whisky, cloyingly sweet orange soda or cool, refreshing Chinese beer were raised.
ganbei, int. and n. and v.
Additions series, 1997; online version November 2010. <
http://www.:80/Entry/240956>; accessed 26 January 2011.

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