

 飞Pho 2011-03-08

  Find out what addresses are accessed by a piece of code

  Originally posted by Dark Byte

  Sometimes when you've found a address and the code to change that address is also used to change other addresses (like that of the enemy) the following function will be usefull:

  When you've found the code that accesses the address you've found you can save that and use it to find the address you are looking for, so you don't have to go through the slow scanning routine again. (unless of course scanning for it is a lot faster than this, like finding a piece of text and then recalculating the rest)

  Go to the advanced window, rightclick the code and choose "Find out what addresses this code writes to" (or reads from depending on what kind of code it is, and can sometimes be a write instead of a read but that doesn't matter) and play the game. after a while the list will be filled up with all the addresses that that code used. (enemy's energy including if it is also used to handle the enemy)

  Only downside is that this (currently) only works for instructions that have a [...] part. So instructions like "rep movsb" won't work, but that is a instruction thats useless to cheating anyhow)


  原帖由Dark Byte(CE作者)发表



  打开"Advanced"窗口,右击那一条指令并选择“Find out what addresses this code writes to(CCB:看看这条指令写入什么地址)"(或者“读取什么地址”,看是哪一类型的指令而定,并且有时可用“写入”代替“读取”但这并不重要)并继续游戏。过一会儿之后列表中会填上所有这条指令曾经使用过的地址。(包括敌人的能源值,如果这条指令也用来处理敌人的数值的话)

  唯一的缺点是(目前来说)这个方法只对那些包含有[...]部分的指令有效(CCB:指令中的操作数有包含方括号的,方括号里面的就是内存地址)。所以象那些“rep movsb”之类的指令,这个方法无效。不过这样的指令对于游戏的修改没什么用处。


  这可是CE作者写的哦,呵呵。这个功能和Find out what access this address(看看哪条指令读写这个地址)是一对双胞胎,不过这一个相对少用一些,但很有用,有时根据一个地址找到了读写这个地址的指令之后,再反过来从这条找到的指令找找看这个指令读写了哪些地址,有时也很有用。比如说从找到你的HP的地址,再找到读写你HP的指令,然后从这条指令又找到了敌人的HP,这在单机游戏上来说也很有用,特别是敌人的HP有时不象我们自己的HP那样可以很容易地看到当前的数值的时候,用这种方式就比较方便了。

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