

 Blex 2011-03-28
package forum;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class ToHtml
 String strHTML=null;
 public ToHtml()
 public static Connection getConnection(){
  Connection conn = null;
  try {
  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  try {
   conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/lerx","root","mysql");
  } catch (SQLException e) {
  return conn ;
  * 根据指定的文件名和路径,建立文件
  * @param String filePath
  * @param String fileName
 private static void mkFile(String filePath,String fileName){
  File f=new File(filePath,fileName); //创建文件(空的)
  * 根据路径,用流读入模板文件
  * @param String path
  * @return StringBuffer template
 private static StringBuffer readTemplate(String path)
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    File file = new File(path);
    BufferedReader reader = null;
    try {
   reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    try {
   String a="";
   while ((a = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
  return sb;
  * 将文件写出成静态HTML
  * @param String fileName 静态文件名
  * @param StringBuffer content 文件内容
  * @param String filePath 写出路径
  * @return boolean isOK
 private static boolean writeStaticFile(String fileName,String content,String filePath){
  boolean isOK =false;
  mkFile(filePath,fileName); //先建立文件,然后在写出文件
  BufferedWriter bw = null;
  try {
   bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filePath+"/"+fileName));
   isOK = true;
  }catch (IOException e) {
  try {
  } catch (IOException e) {
  return isOK;
  * 文章内容生成静态文件
 //,String prevPage,String nextPage,
 public static boolean createhtml(int id,int pi_ClassID,String StaticHTML,String FilePath,String templatePath)
   String title="",content="";
   int rootNavId=0,styleId=0;
   /*  取得上一页 下一页的链接 */
   Statement stat = null;
   try {
    stat = getConnection().createStatement();
   } catch (SQLException e1) {
   String nextPage = "";
   String prevPage = "";
   String ps_SQLCmd="select id,title,HtmlCreated,HtmlURLFile,HtmlURLPath from article where id<"+String.valueOf(id) + " and RootNav="+pi_ClassID+" and  ArticleType=1 order by id desc limit 0,1";
   ResultSet rs;
   try {
    rs = stat.executeQuery(ps_SQLCmd);
     nextPage = rs.getString("HtmlURLFile");
   } catch (SQLException e1) {
   ps_SQLCmd="select id,title,HtmlCreated,HtmlURLFile,HtmlURLPath from article where id>"+String.valueOf(id) +" and RootNav="+pi_ClassID+ " and ArticleType=1 order by id asc limit 0,1";
   try {
    rs = stat.executeQuery(ps_SQLCmd);
     prevPage = rs.getString("HtmlURLFile");
   } catch (SQLException e1) {
   String RealPath="";
   String[] PathName=FilePath.split("/"); //建立目录
   for (int i=0;i<PathName.length;i++)
    if (!PathName[i].trim().equals(""))
     java.io.File pFilePath =new  java.io.File(RealPath.toString());
   /*  读取文章内容  */
   Connection conn = getConnection();
    try {
     stat = conn.createStatement();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    String sql="select * from article where id="+id;
    java.sql.ResultSet res = null;
     res = stat.executeQuery(sql);
      rootNavId = res.getInt("RootNav");
      title = res.getString("title");
      content = res.getString("body");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
   /* 把文章内容解析成分页数组 */
   String[] tp_content = content.split("\\{\\$\\$page\\$\\$\\}");
   /* 读取模板 */
   StringBuffer template = new StringBuffer("");
    try {
     stat = conn.createStatement();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    String sql="select style from nav where id="+rootNavId;
    java.sql.ResultSet res = null;
     res = stat.executeQuery(sql);
      styleId = res.getInt("style");
      templatePath =templatePath+"/"+styleId+"/"+styleId+".htm"; //静态模板路径及文件名
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    template = readTemplate(templatePath);
   /*替换模板标签,并自动把文章内容分页存储,生成多个静态文件 */
   /*静态模板标记:{$$page$$} {$$prePage$$},{$$nextPage$$},{$$title$$},{$$body$$}*/
   boolean iswriteOK = false;
   String[] temp_basename = StaticHTML.split("\\.");
   String fileBaseName = temp_basename[0];
   String fileName = "";
   String filePath = FilePath;
   String pageContent = null; //静态页面内容
   for (int i = 0; i < tp_content.length; i++)
    pageContent = template.toString(); //静态模板内容
    String preBaseName = prevPage.split("\\.")[0];
    String nexBaseName = nextPage.split("\\.")[0];
    if(i==0&&tp_content.length==1) //只有一页内容
     pageContent=pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$body\\$\\$\\}", tp_content[0]);
     fileName = fileBaseName+"_0.html";
    else if(i==0&&tp_content.length>1){//第一个文件
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$prevPage\\$\\$\\}",preBaseName+"_0.html");
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$nextPage\\$\\$\\}",fileBaseName+"_"+1+".html");
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$body\\$\\$\\}", tp_content[i]);
     fileName = fileBaseName+"_0.html";
    }else if(i==(tp_content.length-1)&&tp_content.length>1){//最后一个文件
     String prep = fileBaseName+"_"+(i-1)+".html"; //前一页的文件名
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$prevPage\\$\\$\\}",prep);
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$nextPage\\$\\$\\}",nexBaseName+"_0.html"); //下一页的文件名,及nextPage
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$body\\$\\$\\}", tp_content[i]);
     fileName = fileBaseName+"_"+i+".html";
    }else{ //中间生成的文件
     String prep = fileBaseName+"_"+(i-1)+".html";
     String nexp = fileBaseName+"_"+(i+1)+".html";
     pageContent= pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$prevPage\\$\\$\\}",prep);
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$nextPage\\$\\$\\}",nexp); //下一页的文件名,及nextPage
     pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$body\\$\\$\\}", tp_content[i]);
     fileName = fileBaseName+"_"+i+".html";
    pageContent = pageContent.replaceAll("\\{\\$\\$title\\$\\$\\}",title);
    iswriteOK =  writeStaticFile(fileName,pageContent,filePath);
   }//end of for(...)
   return iswriteOK;
 }//end createHtml()

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