
Why we do not innovative

 afire,davie 2011-04-03

                                                  Why we do not innovative 

     With a renewed focus on business growth, innovation and once again become a priority. Survey shows that 95% of executives said their business innovation and growth strategy for extremely important or very important, but only 15% of the executives working in the real implementation of innovation - Why is there such a big gap? How do innovation?

     How innovation in emerging markets, multinational companies in the Chinese market innovation dilemma. Can be said that innovation is a different perspective on the same thing (see the same thing, think differently), so if you are innovative in his class, asked, "How many draw on the blackboard lattice," the problem, do not
are bound by their own habits of thinking.
Innovation is not just R & D
While innovation is a hot word, but may exist between business people in different understanding. According to your understanding, what is innovation? Which can be divided into several types of innovation?

Most people misunderstand the concept of innovation, they think innovation is R & D (research and development), the innovative aspects of products and services limited. We often see a department of a company is often very innovative R & D capacity, but the company did not innovation.

     We should be able to manage innovation as a topic. From this perspective, innovation can be divided into two categories, one way of thinking or culture of innovation. This innovation involves everyone in the organization do everything every day, whether it is thinking or behavior. We call this type of innovation called the "big eyes", we usually call "innovative company" means possession of such innovative thinking or culture of the company.

     Another innovation I call it "small eyes", which is what we usually say that the new products, new services innovation. Although it is known as the "small eyes", but it is also very broad meaning, including the four areas: the first is "What" (what), what kind of innovative products and services, and brand building, marketing, personnel, finance , system, process innovation and other specific things; the second is "Who" (Who), our innovative products and services to customers who, domestic customers or overseas customers, the customer how to obtain the value of innovative products; the third is "How" (how to), for innovative products, business models, product development and marketing management process; the fourth is "Where" (Where), choose what sites to establish what the network, or whether to adopt the franchise to sell our innovative products and services.

     If you take these into consideration, in fact, innovation is the behavior of 360 degrees, we need to fully take into account, we say that innovation is a discipline, needs to manage.

  Since innovation can be managed, then the business strategy of how to proceed with the implementation of innovation?

    This is a very important issue. For a company, to implement innovative, we must first clarify the meaning of innovation, as we've talked. To know that innovation is not just R & D thing. Because some companies say innovation, we began to talk about we have 20% or 50% of sales revenue into R & D, but that does not fully represent the innovative behavior.

    Second, there must be some assessment of indicators to measure the innovative behavior, that is, "Based on the results of innovation." Managers to establish a similar examination as the index system of checks in the process of innovation are the difficulties and problems, what has been achieved, helping companies figure out their own creative situation. Through this assessment, managers will be able to figure out their strengths and weaknesses, and avoid weaknesses in the innovation process.

     Assessment of innovation ability evaluation system include: leadership, whether there is a clear innovation strategy, is guided by the market, whether to establish the best new product development and marketing process, innovation is a summary of best practices and give employees training and so on. Rate for the assessment of these issues, we assessed the company will be recognized in the innovation and those who have done better to compare companies, found advantages and disadvantages, to find areas for improvement.

     Third, the company's leaders must have a huge investment in innovation and commitment. In short, the top leaders to ensure there are sufficient funds to implement innovation, to establish incentives for innovators to create an innovative behavior to encourage and support a good atmosphere.

   In the innovation process needs to be leadership, process management and marketing in these three areas combine well. Business leaders to understand the situation, but also may be concerned about the future happen. Because the success of many companies now, I feel myself a lot of practices are correct. But the environment will change things now you are successful, the future does not necessarily able to ensure your continued success. Leaders to reconsider what should be changed.

     In the process of change, the need to have a creative process to be regulated. Whether it is "big eyes" Innovation or "small eyes" ideas, you let people know how to innovate, which require organizations to teach him how to do it. So we need to create multiple processes, including the previously mentioned new product development process, customer service processes, measured assessment of the process innovation and innovative thinking processes and so on.

    Finally, to improve marketing. First of all find out who the customer is, that to achieve "market-driven innovation." To be successful a company of innovation, should be market driven to understand what customers need products and services, and then to do a specific innovation, what is the value created for customers; Another thing is how to let customers know the value you create for him, or by what means, delivering value to customers.

All of the above together to form what we call the company's innovative strategy.
Learning and innovation to the cottage company
Indian companies are active in innovation activities, especially for low-income people the product and service innovation. How do we explore other innovative products and services neglected?

     We emphasize the innovation and to "market oriented", first you have to go to the market on the ground experience and observations, understand the customer in order to solve the problem, so you can really come up with innovative products and services. And many companies are more or less behind closed doors, granted to "think" this or that customers demand.

     Second, there must be low-cost thinking. Many people think that cost is to save money, this is not entirely correct. Cost also includes whether the customer has enough skills to use your product, customers require much time, how much training will be received with your development of new products, as well as the purchase of your new products and give up or sacrifice the cost of other products, and the geographic availability.

   Do these two aspects, you will have good ideas, and through the correct process followed to transform them into innovative products, these products may not be technically more advanced, but it is easy to use, can help customers solve problem.

   How to create good new product development and marketing process? What company do better in this regard?

   Philip, Mindray (medical equipment) and other companies are very good insight into the real needs of customers.

      Good product development process should be observed - insight - creativity, and finally solution. Confused ideas on the first step many companies do, so meaningless. We have all seen some companies set up suggestion boxes, that is actually the first step is to place the practice of creative, requiring employees to put the proposal directly on the box. This is just decoration, few companies benefit from it.

      Huawei has a requirement to do research and development for all staff, must spend 50% of the time where the customer through the customer experience the environment in which to observe the problem. When you are a customer there, you can better see the nature of the problem.

     Under this four-step process to go down, you will find the customer there are two requirements: one is the functional requirements, and the other is the emotional appeal - what it means to him this product, so customers What a feeling. Affordable mobile phone companies such as cottage, although expensive than the phone functions to be weak, but it can also provide you with the pleasure of easy communication, both from the emotional to meet consumer demand. By comparison, the cottage company pay more attention to the emotional needs of our customers. Emotional demands sometimes even more than the demand function is more important, especially in developing countries such as China. Many Western companies in China and Africa market competition, they demand too much emphasis on function, ignoring the customer at the emotional appeal. This is a cottage to remain an opportunity.

   From the perspective of innovation management, how to look at cottage culture, it is a innovation?

      I like cottage companies, which is very innovative activity, such as "cottage" Father, specializes in manufacturing mobile phone company MediaTek chips. Our products are mainstream, had a great "mass market" (mass Market) needs, but they can only sell a small part of the crowd. Why? Probably because they can not in the business models for low enough costs (including product prices, the establishment of distribution channels) to innovative products, to serve the public, but to ignore this market. But most people still need the rest of the products and services, but they could not afford, may also be in the local buy.

     Before, many Western companies do not understand the "mass market" concept, in fact, explain it very well: you must value the products produced, these values should be shared by all, whether men and women. Communication such as mobile phones are used, if the price is too expensive, then the most likely can not enjoy the "communication" value.

     Cottage company actually see the mistakes of big companies (or see their weaknesses), is willing to "mass market" in the customer value creation. We can not simply say cottage company copied or imitated, they are "creative imitation." In fact I have a lot of cottage companies have found their way of doing things the mainstream of Western companies have very different

      Many big companies complain about the cottage's practice. But if there is no cottage companies, many consumers can not enjoy a number of products and services. Is because the big companies can not cover all of the market, so companies only to some cottage opportunities for innovation. Western managers do not like to hear me say so, because they feel too much trouble to change their not want to change. Unless these companies change their own, otherwise there will be cottage company has been there.
How to reduce the risk of innovation
How the behavior of the current enterprise innovation? Many leaders, especially multinational companies think twice the risks of innovative behavior, how to help them to resolve their concerns about this issue?

    Speaking of innovation, we all think is important. We are Chinese professional managers survey showed that 95% of people think that innovation is very important for their development of the company, wanted to be innovative, but only 15% of companies begin to implement in the real innovation.

    Why we do not innovate? There are three main reasons: The first is fear. Especially multinational companies, they fear their own risk-taking innovation in products and services, be copied or imitated cottage company. Intellectual property can not be well protected, they simply will not do.

    The second is uncertainty. China's technology, market environment and regulatory regime is changing, many companies do not know how to manage the many uncertain factors, so just do not innovation. And indeed the success rate of innovation is not high. From the narrow perspective of product innovation, the innovation of Chinese companies I had done research on the behavior, only 40% of the product innovation is successful.

    The third is suspected. Managers because they do not understand the concept and process of innovation, do not know how to innovate, and thus cast doubt on their ability. Once doubt their abilities, you will not have the courage to innovate.

   Many managers know that innovation is important, but the courage to do it, reason is fear. Fear of innovation and high-ranking managers screwed up, it will affect their own career development.

   So, how to reduce the risk of innovation? The company's top management needs to truly understand the innovation, to create a good atmosphere within the company: to help managers learn how to innovate, to allay their concerns about innovation and their own doubts, the establishment of innovative management processes, but also learn to manage failure. These are well, you're naturally going to start innovation.

   As I said before, innovation is a discipline, it is by learning to cultivate. GE CEO Immelt, the company management to attend innovative training courses, two days ago I received a call General Electric U.S. headquarters, they wanted me to understand how the emerging markets such as China, innovation.

   China is facing rising labor costs and labor supply growth slowed down the trend, some researchers believe that, based on the experience of developed countries, this situation will encourage enterprises to engage in more innovation behavior. How do you see this view?

    I think there is such a trend, Chinese enterprises will be more active in innovation behavior. Labor costs are only part of the cost of many companies, many Chinese enterprises have their own low-cost way of thinking, if labor costs rise, they will certainly find other ways to reduce costs, which in itself is a creative act. For example, Samsung has a "value improvement program", its main goal is to reduce costs, research and development, procurement, production are included.

If one sentence summary, innovation is a different perspective on the same thing (see the same thing, think differently). Therefore, our most important job is to learn how to think

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