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 昵称413468 2011-04-11


来源:http://www./word  日期:2008-02-27  阅读 4842 次  作者:24EN_WORD  评论 0条  划词已启用  进入论坛


apparent ~ approximate

   To appeal to an employer, the applicant decided to apply in person, rather than wait to be offered an appointment. She didn't appreciate that her sudden appearance might not be appreciated. The employer was in the appliance industry. He didn't approve of her approach and said that if he was going to appoint anybody, there must be a written application. He said he needed to decied whether an interview would be applicable and if so, he could then make an approximate time to see her. He added that she could not expect to appropriate his time or approximate his staff in the way she did . The staff immediately broke into loud applause. They thought this would be a way to gain his approval, because the employer had a huge appetite for new experiences. They didn't expect that he also had na apparent dislike of not being in control. To all appearances it seemed that no appeal would be possible now, to have the employer approach this situation in her favor. However, he then said that because she had appropriate experience, he would give her a job on approval for 2 weeks.


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