
六年级英语第八册期末测试卷 姓名_________

 营盘河子 2011-04-28

小学六年级英语第八册期末测试卷    姓名_________ 

一、语音 (10) 

  1Ahow   Bknow   Csnow     Dwindow

  2Askirt      Bgirl     C .tired      Dbird

  3Aknife   Bskate    Cbookcase  Dmilk

  4Ashort   Bword    Cwork     Dworld

  5  A. live    B. his       C. five       D. fish


1hambur__ er        2no__sy     3wr__og      4baseb__ll  

5te__m            6s__ace      7r__ng        8ch__ld    

9laug__           10.st__dy


1come (过去式)_______            2fly (过去式)_________       

3make(过去式)_________          4can(过去式)_________      



  1.I  _ football every day .                

A. play    B. played     C.playing

  2. I__to supermarker  last Friday .          

A. go    B. went      C.going  

  3.What __ your brother going to do ?        

A.am    B.is   C.are 

  4.Im going to __some books            

A. by   B. buy   C. bought 

  5. You are __ young to go abroad.           

A. two   B. to  C. too 

  6.Did you _ to  beach .                   

A.  went   B. gone   C. go


A.  Who are you ?   B. Whos that speaking?

  8.打电话时说 “我是李明”, 应说(  ) 

A. Im Li Ming   B. This is Li Ming 

  9.Im sorry you are going to England. 句中 sorry”的含义是:

A. 对不起 B.难过


A. 按照从小到大的顺序  B.按照从大到小的顺序   C.无所谓


desks \ chairs \saw elephants \watches TV  \reads books\  buy a dictionary \climb mountains \have a picnic  \a hot dog   \ speak Chinese  

1.He  often _________ (看电视)and ___________ (看书)

2. There are many_________  (桌子)and __________(椅子) in the classroom.

3.I ________(看大象)  yesterday morning. 

4.I can _________(爬山)on the weekend . 

5.We are going to__________ (买一本字典)tomorrow. 

6.We are going to  ________________(说汉语).

7I  want  ___________(热狗). 

8. They are going to___________(野餐).


1.do\what\ you \ eat \want\to ?


2.going\to\it’s \Xinjiang \snow \in.

________________________________ .

3.it\about\whats  ?



 ________________________________ .

5.going\to\what\you\are\study ?



Hello! My name is Lin lin.Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you.  There  is  a  bed, a  window,  a  shelf,  a  desk,  a  chair  and  a  computer.  The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed.  There is a computer on the desk.  My  bedroom  is  small  ,but  its  nice.  I love it. Do you like my bedroom?  


(     )1Lin  lin  is  twenty.

(     )2The  desk  is  near  the  bed.

(     )3The  window  is  behind  the  desk. 

(     )4The  bedroom  is  big.

(     )5Linlin  likes  her bedroom  very much. 

 Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, Why are you late today? I was in the teachers office.’’ Why did you go to the teachers office? Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could answer it, but me.

 Its good to answer the teachers questions. But the question was Who put the ink(墨水)on my chair?’”

(  ) 6. Tom lives near his school. 

(  ) 7. He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

(  ) 8. Today Tom went to school late.

(  )9. Tom put some ink on the teachers chair.


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