
考研英语词汇复习(20) 表示“除……以外”的短语

 wwww888 2011-05-10






apart from

in addition to

aside from

on top of




       1) Leukemia persons can obtain identical marrow found on other’s body besides their relatives.


       2) Apart from his astronomical work, Galileo made striking advance in optical science and was one of the founders of the experimental science.


       3) In addition to the usual displays, U. S. museums also offer a great variety of entertainment activities.


       4) Aside from property measures, the government has given greater assistance to the poor, particularly those in the earthquake zones.


5) He consented to help us and on top of that he lent us many reference books




except for

with the exception of

     other than      


  这组短语也都可以表示“除……以外”,except指从整体中“减除”,通常位于句尾,位于句首时,则应用except forexcept for用句尾则表示除外之物是与主语不同之物。


       1You answered all the questions right except the last one

            Except for the last one, you answered all the questions right.


       2) Usually, all these factors may be neglected except under extreme cases.


3) Your composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes.


       4) The street was rather dark except for a few dim lights.


5With the exception of aluminum, shiny metals, such as tin or copper, turn into black powders when ground fine.


6) The presence of elements other than iron will greatly affect the physical properties of steel.






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